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His children were Michio KOGA, Dajo-daijin (grand minister of state), Michitsugu KOGA, Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state), Michieda KOGA, Sakone no chujo (middle captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) and Michinobu KOGA, Sangi (councilor).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 1211, he was appointed as Sachujo (Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards), and in 1220, he was promoted to Sangi (Councilor).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
3月3日 鳥取藩内参謀の河田左久馬が山国隊隊長を兼務。例文帳に追加
March 26: Sakuma KAWATA, of the general administrative staff of Tottori Domain, takes over the leadership of the Yamagunitai in addition to his other duties.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He was in a key position to determine the policies of Shimazu's army as a general officer responsible for war strategies.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In May 1221, when the Retired Emperor Gotoba raised an army to attack the shogunate, Shigetada joined it along with his relatives including Sakon MIZUNO (the founder of the Mizuno clan).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
On February 22 of the following year, 1864, Hisamitsu who had been lacking rank at that time, was appointed to Sanyo as well as Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade) Sakone gon no shosho (Provisional Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) at the same time.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After holding the posts of jiju (a chamberlain), Ushosho (Minor Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards), and Sachujo (Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards), he assumed the position of Sangi (councillor) in 1204, and successively held the posts of Gon Chunagon (a provisional vice-councilor of state), Gon Dainagon (a provisional chief councilor of state), and chief councilor of state thereafter.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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In 1040 he doubled as Sakyo no daibu (Master of the Eastern Capital Offices) and he has served as Kurodo no to until he was promoted to Sangi (councilor) in 1042, but during this period his relationship with Yorimichi deteriorated considerably (it is said that such a situation was also deeply related to the fact that he remained in the position of Sangi and he was never promoted to a higher rank).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There is an opinion that 'Minister of the Left' of 'People in service' appearing in 'Chodan' Mokuroku ("Kumeta-dera Monjo"(written materials of Kumeta-dera Temple)) dated September 17 (old calendar), 1357 was Saneyo ("Dai Nihon Shiryo" (the Historical Materials of Japan) and so on)).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Furthermore, he added Shojiro GOTO, Shinpei ETO and Takato OKI to Sangi (the Councilor) in order to make up the loss of political power (although it was not totally unreasonable because GOTO became chairman of Council of the Left, only ETO and OKI were exceptionally not incumbent councilors among kyo of ministries at that time, and a policy of holding two posts of kyo and sangi concurrently was hammered out after OKUBO returned to Japan), which raised distrust of OKUBO and KIDO as well, who had only limited information while being away from home.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
"Mikawa Monogatari (Mikawa Stories)" written by Hikozaemon OKUBO referred to the classification of the fudai into three groups of the Anjo fudai, the Yamanaka fudai and the Okazaki fudai, wherein as with the "Ryuei hikan," the longest-serving Anjo fudai was said to have served Nobumitsu MATSUDAIRA, Chikatada MATSUDAIRA, Nobutada MATSUDAIRA, Kiyoyasu MATSUDAIRA and Hirotada MATSUDAIRA.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He became Ecchu no kuni kokushi (Provincial Governor of Ecchu Province) in 1099, Uhyoe no Suke (Assistant Captain of the Right Division of Middle Palace Guards) in 1100, Jugoi (Junior Fifth Rank) in 1102, Shogoi (Senior Fifth Rank) in 1103, Sashosho (Minor Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) and Mimasaka no kami (Governor of Mimasaka Province) in 1104, Jushii (Junior Fourth Rank) in 1105, Jushiijo (Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade) in 1107, Shoshii (Senior Fourth Rank) in 1108, Sachujo (Middle Captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) and Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain) in 1111, Bizen gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Bizen Province) in 1112, and Sangi (Councilor) in 1115.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Ushosho (minor captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards) in 1105 (12 years old), Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) in 1106, combined with Suo no suke (vice governor of Suo Province), ranked Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) in 849, Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) and Juishiinojo (Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade) in 1109, Shoshiinoge (Lower Senior Fourth Rank) combined with Mimasaku Gon no suke (vice governor of Mimasaku Province) in 1111, chujo (middle captain of the Right division of Inner Palace Guards) in 1115, combined with Bicchu no suke (vice governor of Bicchu Province) in 1116,Sangi (councilor) in 1119 (26 years old), combined with Mimasaku Gon no kami (governor of Mimasaku Province) in 1120, Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) in 1121, Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) in 1122, Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) in 1129, combined with Uemon no kami (captain of the Right Division of Outer Palace Guards) in 1130, Kebiishi no betto (superintendent of the Imperial Police) and Chunagon in 1131, Saemon no kami (captain of the Left Division of Outer Palace Guards) in 1132, Junii (Junior Second Rank) in 1134, Shonii (Senior Second Rank) and Dainagon (chief councilor of state) in 1136, Sadaisho (major captain of the Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) in 1140, combined with Kogogu-daibu (master of the Empress's household) in 1141, Minister of the Palace in 1149 (58 years old), Minister of the Right in 1150, and entering priesthood on July 17, 1154.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He joined the palace staff in 1076, became Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) and Tango no kami (Governor of Tango Province) in 1078, Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) in 1081, Bicchu no kami (Governer of Bicchu Province) and Uchujo (Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards) before 1081, Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank) in 1084, took the title Chugu Gon no suke (Provisional Assistant Master of the Consort's Household) and Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain) in 1091, Sangi (councillor) in 1092, Sachujo (Middle Captain of the Left Division of the Inner Palace Guards) and Harima gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Harima Province) in 1093, rose to Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) in 1096, Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) in 1097, became Bicchu gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Bicchu Province) in 1098, Gon Chunagon (Provisional vice-counselor of state) in 1102, Shonii (Senior Second Rank) in 1103, and Gon Dainagon (Provisional chief counselor of state) in 1115.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Kitokuro ICHIKI, who was his intimate friend and chairman of the Privy Council, and other following figures participated in the memorial service: from the political circles and the official circles; Ministry of Education, House of Peers, Gakushikai (academia), German Consular Offices (Osaka and Kobe), Rentaro MIZUNO, Yosaburo TAKEGOSHI, Kanji ISHIHARA among others, from the educational circle; President of Waseda University Tomio NAKANO, President of Doshisha University Toraji MAKINO,President of Kwansai Gakuin University Kiichi KANZAKI, President of Kansai University Sho Takeda, Dean of Faculty of Law, Kyoto Imperial University Sotaro WATANABE, and from the business circle; President of Daido Life Insurance Company Kyuemon HIROOKA, President of Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line) Hisanobu TERAI, President of Osaka Shosen Kaisha (OSK Line) Eitaro OKADA, Board Chairperson of The Asahi Shinbun Company Choken Murayama, President of Mainichi Shinbun Shingoro TAKAISHI, President of the Yomiuri Shinbun Matsutaro SHORIKI, President of the Kyoto Shinbun Harunosuke USHIROGAWA, Sumitomo Zaibatsu (financial combine) Kichizaemon SUMITOMO, and others.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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