意味 | 例文 (9件) |

該当件数 : 9件
organization classified according to type (investigative commission for national projects)発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
a governmental organization of the former Soviet Union dealing with economic planning, called Gosplan発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
インドは2007年7月「気候変動に関する国家委員会(National Council on Climate Change)」を設置し、「気候変動計画(National Plan of Action)」に向けた議論を開始した。例文帳に追加
India established the National Council on Climate Change in July 2007 to commence discussions to compile the National Plan of Action. - 経済産業省
第六条 行政機関の長(行政機関が、公正取引委員会、国家公安委員会又は公害等調整委員会である場合にあっては、それぞれ公正取引委員会、国家公安委員会又は公害等調整委員会。以下同じ。)は、基本方針に基づき、当該行政機関の所掌に係る政策について、三年以上五年以下の期間ごとに、政策評価に関する基本計画(以下「基本計画」という)を定めなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 6 (1) The Head of An Administrative Organ (when the organ is National Public Safety Commission, Fair Trade Commission or Environmental Dispute Coordination Commission, it is such commission; the same shall apply hereinafter) shall draw up based upon the Basic Guidelines a basic plan for Policy Evaluation (hereinafter referred to as the "basic plan") for a term of longer than three years but not longer than five years for policies under the jurisdiction of the said Administrative Organ.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
These developments caught the public's attention in 2004, in tandem with the "Proposal on Realization of the World's Most Advanced IT Nation" by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)'s Special Mission Committee on the e-Japan Focused Plan.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
第三条 この法律の施行後第七条第一項の規定により国家公安委員会、金融庁長官又は警察庁長官が最初に定める実施計画についての同項の規定の適用については、同項中「一年ごとに」とあるのは、「一年未満で、国家公安委員会、金融庁長官又は警察庁長官の定める期間を計画期間として」とする。例文帳に追加
Article 3 Regarding application of the provisions of Article 7, paragraph 1 to the Operational Plan established by the National Public Safety Commission, the Director of the Financial Services Agency or the Director of the National Police Agency for the first time after the Act comes into force as, the term "for each year" in the paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "for a planning period of not exceeding one year and specified by the National Public Safety Commission, the Director of the Financial Services Agency or the Director of the National Police Agency".発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
In accordance with this law, the “Committee for the Protection of Industrial Technology” composed of relevant government departments and experts from the private sector (1) designates the national critical technologies; (2) develops the basic plan for the outflow prevention and protection of industrial technology; and (3) develops the guidelines for the protection of industrial technology. - 経済産業省
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
Weblio例文辞書での「国家計画委員会」に類似した例文 |
the foreign‐policy caucus
a conference called the {Committee of investigation of the Japanese Language}
the composition of a committee
the Budget Committee
the officers charged with bringing out a ship
a meeting of the advisory group called {the U.S.-Japan Advisory Committee}
該当件数 : 9件
Concerned about the situation of oversupply, excessive competition and declining profits due to the sharp increase in investment, the National Development and Reform Commission warned in February 2005 that “over 40 corporations are planning to enter the market, and if this situation continues, then production capacity will increase from around 300 million units at present to over 500 million units annually, accounting for more than 80% of global demand. Meanwhile, manufacturers’ operation rate will decrease from approximately 80% at the moment to 50% due to weakening sales, and the supply-demand balance will worsen and investment risk will rise.” - 経済産業省
54 「タイにおける今後の開発と水管理計画」について講演を行ったタイ国家経済社会開発庁(NESDB)のアーコム長官は、今年3 月8 日に名古屋で開催されたタイ投資委員会(BOI)・JETRO 他主催の「タイ投資セミナー~洪水後のタイ経済と日本企業を取り巻く投資環境~」において、①製造業の生産チェーンと物流システム、②インフレによる家計支出の縮小、農家の収入減少、投資家の信頼低下、③建設・機械及び機械装置分野の投資縮小、④生産拠点の被災によるタイの輸出額の縮小、貿易相手国の景気減退、⑤外国人旅行客数の5点をあげている。例文帳に追加
54 Mr. Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, Secretary General of NESDE in his speech titled "Thailand's Future Development and Water Management Plans," given at the "Seminar on Investment in Thailand: Post-Flood Investment Environment Related to Thai Economy and Japanese Companies" co-hosted by the Board of Investment (BOI) of Thailand and JETRO held in Nagoya on March 8, 2012, mentioned five significant damages caused by the 2011 flood:(A) production chains of manufacturing sector and logistics systems, (B) contraction of household expenditure due to high inflation, slowdown in revenues of agriculturalists, decline in investors' confidence, (C) contraction of investments in construction and machinery and equipment sector, (D) contracted value of Thailand's exports due to the damage of production bases and the economic slowdown of trading partners, and (E) decline in the number of foreign tourists - 経済産業省
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