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英訳・英語 average service rate
該当件数 : 15件
The monitor items are represented by a service time, a service operation rate, a mean restoration time, an online response time, and the number of simultaneous connection users or the like. - 特許庁
Looking at the industries by average growth rate in 1998-2002, “advertising,” “research, development and testing services,” installation, maintenance and repair of equipment,” “accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services,” “training services” and “architectural, engineering and other technical services,” each had higher growth rates than the 9.8 percent growth rate for “business, professional andtechnical services” as a whole. - 経済産業省
Because an average wait time is not necessarily equal to a probability of servicing work within a target time, the present invention is useful in meeting service target goals. - 特許庁
When the demand of services is satisfied, the average number of times of HARQ retransmission is minimized, thereby improving a utilization rate of radio resources. - 特許庁
As mentioned above, 1.0% average real value added growth rate of Japanese service sector from 2001 to 2004 is far below the U.S. (3.5%), U.K. (3.4%), and France (1.6%). - 経済産業省
Under such agreement, a large portion of the average tariff rate (16%, based on annual average effective tariff rate as of 2001) which was previously imposed on export products to Mexico are to be eliminated within 10 years. In areas such as investment and services, and governmental procurement, Japan enjoys a competitive environment similar to that enjoyed by Western countries with Mexico. - 経済産業省
On the other hand, the average growth rate of exports in 1998-2002 was 9.4 percent, also a high level. In trade value, exports are still higher than imports in “business, professional and technical services.” - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 15件
各産業部門の労働生産性の動向を雇用者一人当たりの付加価値額(GDP)でみると、1991~2008 年の年平均伸び率は、製造業が9.9%、サービス業が5.9%、農業では5.4%となっている(第1-2-3-20 表)。例文帳に追加
As for labor productivity trends in each industrial sector, looking at the average annual growth rate for amount of value added (GDP) per employee, from 1991 to 2008 the rates were 9.9% for the manufacturing industry, 5.9% for the service industry and 5.4% for the agricultural sector (see Table 1-2-3-20). - 経済産業省
Since the start of the century, backed by a reduction in distribution costs, information and communications costs and tariff rates, growth rate of international trade in goods and services rose to annual average of 11.5%6 and growth rate of direct investments outstanding rose to annual average of 12.8%7 (see Figure 1-1-2)8. - 経済産業省
The results of the estimation (Fig. 2.1.17) show that the average rate of increase in sales resulting from those non-R&D intellectual assets common in all companies was 0.3 percent for manufacturers, 1.8 percent for non-manufacturers, 0.7 percent for machinery assembly manufacturers and 2.8 percent for retail/service companies. The average rate of increase in sales resulting from non-R&D intellectual assets inherent in each company was 0.5 percent for manufacturers, negative 0.8 percent for non-manufacturers, 1.5 percent for machinery assembly manufacturers and 0.8 percent for retail/service companies. - 経済産業省
To provide an allocation capacity control server and a program which control address allocation capacity of a DHCP server so that, in relation to an extranetwork containing a plurality of segments, a service interruption risk rate of address allocation is reduced on average all over the same address space and held not more than a fixed rate. - 特許庁
A line reservation controller 130 accumulates and manages the number of communication terminals that make a reservation and calculates the line of needed lines by an Erlung B calculator on the basis of the number of communication terminals that make a reservation, a service providing time period, an average line occupying time period and call loss probability. - 特許庁
In fact, the labor productivity growth rates of manufacturing, retail, transportation, restaurant and hotel, and other service industries (annual averages from 1995–2005) of Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom indicate that—in the United States and United Kingdom—these service businesses that were considered labor-intensive and as those that could not easily improve their productivity achieved certain improvement; whereas, in Japan the growth rate has not even reached 1% and the disparity from the productivity growth rate of the manufacturing industry remains substantial (see Figure 2-4-8). - 経済産業省
When the size of non-R&D intellectual assets is converted into monetary value, the estimated value of non-R&D intellectual assets was equivalent to 0.4 percent of the average sales for both manufacturers and non-manufacturers, 0.9 percent for machinery assembly manufacturers and 2.8 percent for retail/service companies. The contribution rate of non-R&D intellectual assets to increase in sales was 67 percent for manufacturers, 69 percent for machinery assembly manufacturers and 130 percent for retail/service companies. This indicates that non-R&D intellectual assets are an important factor as the sources of growth in Japan as well. - 経済産業省
我が国サービス産業の実質付加価値の2001 年から2004 年まで4 年間の年平均上昇率を、労働投入量(被雇用者数、総労働時間に加えて労働の質を考慮)増加の寄与と労働生産性上昇の寄与に分解すると、労働生産性を上昇させることによって、実質付加価値の上昇を実現している業種は、金融仲介業、通信業、不動産業の3 業種のみであることがわかる(第3-3-6図)。例文帳に追加
By breaking down the annual average growth rate in real value added of Japanese service sector over the four years from 2001 to 2004,19 into contribution of the increase in labor input (considering labor quality in addition to the number of employers and the total working hours) and that of labor productivity, it is clear that only three industries achieved the real value added growth by raising labor productivity: financial intermediation, communications, and real estate (Figure 3-3-6). - 経済産業省
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