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英訳・英語 full amount
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その紙にはっきりと書いてあるように 戦争が終わり次第満額返済される例文帳に追加
It says it clearly right there on that note you'll be repaid in full when the war is over. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
To precisely detect/discriminate the illegal use of a prepaid card which is forged by copying variable information of the regular prepaid card of a full amount. - 特許庁
Together with Watanabe, Naoteru negotiated with many creditor banks to extend the loan to the full amount of the collateral value, but was unsuccessful.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When the cycle becomes too large because the speed of an increase in participants is fast, a summit portion of a pyramid receives a full amount in each case, and an advance in low levels is eliminated to perform division by two at withdrawal. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 12件
Since the enterprise buys up the fraction points concerning the respective stores, the purchaser having the point does not lose opportunity, which means a new a profit, even if the buying up amount is not the full amount. - 特許庁
意匠争訟における弁理士の参加により生じた費用は,弁理士の必要経費だけでなく,連邦弁護士手数料付則第11条(Bundesgebuhrenordnungfur Rechtsanwalte)に規定された手数料満額までの手数料が弁済される。例文帳に追加
Of the costs arising from the participation of a patent attorney in industrial designs litigation, fees up to the amount of a full fee according to Section 11 of the Federal Ordinance on the Fees of Attorneys-at-Law, as well as the necessary expenses of the patent attorney, shall be refunded.発音を聞く - 特許庁
Of the costs arising from the collaboration of a patent attorney in the case, fees up to the amount of a full fee according to Section 11 of the Federal Regulations on Fees for Attorneys-at-Law shall be refunded, as shall the necessary expenses of the patent attorney.発音を聞く - 特許庁
When the remaining amount is full, the distance measuring part 145 obtains measured distance information L1 form the card edge to the variable information end part through the magnetic head 143, reads fixed information through the data read/write part 142 and the magnetic head 143 and compares it with initial distance information L0 in fixed information. - 特許庁
(b) Subparagraph (a) of this paragraph shall also apply to a person who is outside the territory of Canada and who would be entitled to a full pension if he or she were in the territory of Canada, but whose period of residence in Canada is less than the minimum period required by the Old Age Security Act for the payment of a pension outside the territory of Canada. - 厚生労働省
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