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英訳・英語 heated acupuncture needle; hot acupuncture needle
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a burnt needle-shaped leaf発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
The plan announced Tuesday calls for $54 billion in tax cuts. - Tatoeba例文
The plan announced Tuesday calls for $54 billion in tax cuts.発音を聞く - Tanaka Corpus
The compensation electrode is arranged in structures 13, 14 of the probe part for supporting the probe, and the probe and the compensation electrode contact with the flame at the same time. - 特許庁
You see the gun-cotton has gone off, but not even the hottest part of the wire is now hot enough to fire the gunpowder.発音を聞く - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』
Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous MaterialsNFPA (National Fire Protection Association、米国防火協会)が編集した防火指針であり、引火点、発火点、及び爆発限界などの物理化学的危険性に関するデータを収載しており、13版を数える。CAS番号で検索ができる。例文帳に追加
Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials Fire Prevention Guidelines drawn up by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) of the U.S. The 13th edition is now available, listing data on physical hazards (firing point, ignition point, explosion limit, etc.), each of which can be searched by CAS number. - 経済産業省
In Tokametsuke, an Andon (a paper-covered lamp stand) was lit in a dark room, and a reasonable number of holes were pricked on its parts made of Washi (Japanese paper), and from a distance, the numbers of those holes were counted.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 23件
The probe is connected to the compensation electrode via an ion in a flame band as a medium, and the electric circuit 50 is closed. - 特許庁
The manufacturing method comprises housing a plurality of crystallizable glass small pieces, which deposit acicular crystals, within a refractory container; fusing them with each other by a heat treatment; and depositing acicular crystals so as to manufacture a crystallized glass article 10. - 特許庁
The lightning rod device is provided with a lightning rod which has a discharge section capable of spark discharge at the tip area and has a base section 4 capable of fixing to the wall of a building at the bottom area, and a high voltage generating means (10, 13) which supplies a voltage capable of spark discharge to the discharge section. - 特許庁
Kinugawa Hachifuse' (Bowl-Trap Fishing on the Kinu River), 'Soshu Choshi' (Choshi in Fusa Province) (see the picture at right), 'Miyatogawa Naganawa' (Long-line Fishing on the Miyato River), 'Machi - ami' (Net Fishing), 'Soshu Tonegawa' (Tone River in Fusa Province), 'Koshu Hiburi' (Fishing by Torchlight in Kai Province), 'Uraga in Sagami Province,' 'Goto Kujira - tsuki' (Whaling off the Goto Islands) (as depicted in 'Whaling culture'), 'Noborito in Shimousa Province' and 'Kabarinagashi' (Fly-Hook Angling).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Specifically, during the fuel injection term for ignition, the lower fuel injection rate is realized by lifting a needle valve with a smaller lifting amount than that during the main fuel injection term. - 特許庁
The ion current detector 1 includes a probe part 10, a compensation electrode 40, and an electric circuit 50 including an electric power source 51 and a current measuring part 52, and is constituted to bring a probe 11 of the prove part into contact with a flame F. - 特許庁
A few small coins, a thimble, and some thread and big needles, a piece of pigtail tobacco bitten away at the end, his gully with the crooked handle, a pocket compass, and a tinder box were all that they contained, and I began to despair.発音を聞く - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』
A catalyst with which a filter main body is coated contains granular alumina and an acicular crystalline compound consisting of an alkali metal and aluminum and a catalyst metal such as Pt for promoting firing and combustion is deposited on the granular alumina and the crystalline compound. - 特許庁
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