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意味・対訳 管理人の改任

Weblio英和対訳辞書での「Replacement of Administrator」の意味

Replacement of Administrator


「Replacement of Administrator」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 16


(3) Even if a third party has appointed an administrator for the property, the preceding paragraph shall apply if the right of that administrator is extinguished or the replacement of that administrator is required, and the third party does not appoint another administrator.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 第三者が管理者を指定したときであっても、その管理者の権限が消滅し、又はこれを改任する必要がある場合において、第三者が更に管理者を指定しないときも、前項と同様とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

When a new toner cartridge is installed in a printer 113, an administrator PC 111 detects replacement of the cartridge with an identifier read from a memory of the cartridge.例文帳に追加

プリンタ113で新たなトナーカートリッジが装着されると、管理者用PC111は、そのカートリッジのメモリから読み込んだ識別子によってカートリッジの交換を検知する。 - 特許庁

To provide a replacement timing indicator for toilet paper or a hand towel in a dispenser capable of allowing the administrator to instantly and externally confirm its remaining amount irrespective of the installed position of the dispenser, the shape of its content display window or the like.例文帳に追加

トイレットペーパー用又はハンドタオル用のディスペンサの設置位置や内容量表示窓の形状等に関係なく、管理者が瞬時にその残量を外部から確認することができ、またディスペンサ本体を改造する必要がないトイレットペーパー又はハンドタオルの交換時期表示装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

To immediately use a personal computer without causing trouble and inconveniences in businesses using the personal computer by quickly unlocking the personal computer by a personal computer administrator without taking much time and labor for a procedure of request for unlocking to a key specialist for key lock (lock), remaking of lock and key, and replacement of lock and key if a key body is lost or stolen.例文帳に追加

従来のような鍵本体が紛失や盗難などに遇った場合におけるキーロック(錠)の鍵の専門家への開錠の依頼手続きや錠、鍵の造り替え、錠、鍵の交換作業などの時間や手間を掛けずに、パソコン管理者自身によって、速やかに開錠することができ、パソコンを用いた業務に支障や不都合を生じさせずに、直ちにパソコンを使用可能とすることができるようにすることにある。 - 特許庁

(3) The provisions of Article 123 (Administrator of Shareholder Registry), Article 124(2) and (3) (Record Date), Article 125(1) to (3) inclusive (Keeping and Making Available for Inspection of Shareholder Registry) and Article 126 (Notice to Shareholders) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Preferred Equity Member Registry pertaining to Preferred Equity Members of a Specific Purpose Company, and the provisions of Article 196(1) and (2) (Omission of Notices to Shareholders) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a notice to a Preferred Equity Member. In this case, the term "Administrator of Shareholder Registry" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Administrator of the Preferred Equity Member Registry," the phrase "Shareholders as of the Record Date" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Preferred Equity Members Stated or Recorded in the Preferred Equity Member Registry as of the Record Date," the term "shares" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Preferred Equity," the terms "shareholder" and "shareholders" in Article 125 (2) and (3) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "member" and "members," respectively, the phrase "Article 299(1) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis in Article 325)" in Article 126(5) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 56(1) of the Asset Securitization Act (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 66(3)) of that Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 会社法第百二十三条(株主名簿管理人)、第百二十四条第二項及び第三項(基準日)、第百二十五条第一項から第三項まで(株主名簿の備置き及び閲覧等)並びに第百二十六条(株主に対する通知等)の規定は特定目的会社の優先出資社員に係る優先出資社員名簿について、同法第百九十六条第一項及び第二項(株主に対する通知の省略)の規定は優先出資社員に対する通知について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「株主名簿管理人」とあるのは「優先出資社員名簿管理人」と、「基準日株主」とあるのは「基準日において優先出資社員名簿に記載され、又は記録されている優先出資社員」と、「株式」とあるのは「優先出資」と、同法第百二十五条第二項及び第三項中「株主」とあるのは「社員」と、同法第百二十六条第五項中「第二百九十九条第一項(第三百二十五条」とあるのは「資産流動化法第五十六条第一項(第六十六条第三項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The provisions of Article 109(1) to (3) inclusive (Notice of a Beneficiaries' Meeting) of the Trust Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Class Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meeting. In this case, the phrase "known beneficiaries and the trustee (in cases where there is a trust supervisor, known beneficiaries, the trustee, and the trust supervisor)" in paragraph (1) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Representative Beneficiary Certificate Holder and the Specified Trust Administrator," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 信託法第百九条第一項から第三項まで(受益者集会の招集の通知)の規定は、種類権利者集会について準用する。この場合において、同条第一項中「知れている受益者及び受託者(信託監督人が現に存する場合にあっては、知れている受益者、受託者及び信託監督人)」とあるのは「代表権利者又は特定信託管理者」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(3) The provisions of Article 124, paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Record Date, Article 125 of that Act (excluding paragraph (3), item (iii)) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Investors' registry, and the provisions of Article 126 and Article 596, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the notice or demand made to the Investors. In this case, the phrase "its head office (or, in cases where there is an Administrator of Shareholder Registry, at its business office)" in Article 125, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the business office of the Administrator of the Investors' Registry, etc. as prescribed in Article 166, paragraph (2), item (viii) of the Investment Corporations Act," the term "the court" in Article 125, paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Prime Minister," the term "any item of paragraph (3)" in Article 125, paragraph (5) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with " paragraph (3), item (i), item (ii), item (iv), and item (v)," the phrase "Article 299(1) (including the case where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 325)" in Article 126, paragraph (5) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 91, paragraph (1) of the Investment Corporations Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 会社法第百二十四条第二項及び第三項の規定は基準日について、同法第百二十五条(第三項第三号を除く。)の規定は投資主名簿について、同法第百二十六条並びに第百九十六条第一項及び第二項の規定は投資主に対してする通知又は催告について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第百二十五条第一項中「その本店(株主名簿管理人がある場合にあっては、その営業所)」とあるのは「投資法人法第百六十六条第二項第八号に規定する投資主名簿等管理人の営業所」と、同条第四項及び第五項中「裁判所」とあるのは「内閣総理大臣」と、同項中「第三項各号」とあるのは「第三項第一号、第二号、第四号又は第五号」と、同法第百二十六条第五項中「第二百九十九条第一項(第三百二十五条において準用する場合を含む。)」とあるのは「投資法人法第九十一条第一項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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「Replacement of Administrator」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 16


(3) The provisions of Article 122 (excluding paragraph (4)) (Delivery of Documents Stating Matters to be Stated in the Shareholder Registry), Article 124(2) and (3) (Record Date), Article 125(1) to (3) inclusive (Keeping and Making Available for Inspection of Shareholder Registry) and Article 126 (Notice to Shareholders) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Specified Equity Member Registry pertaining to Specified Equity Members of a Specific Purpose Company, the provisions of Article 123 (Administrator of Shareholder Registry) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Administrator of a Specified Equity Member Registry of a Specific Purpose Company, and the provisions of Article 196(1) and (2) (Omission of Notices to Shareholders) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a notice to a Specified Equity Member of a Specific Purpose Company. In this case, the terms "item (i) of the preceding article" and "Matters to be Stated in the Shareholder Registry" in Article 122(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 28(1)(i) of the Asset Securitization Act" and "matters listed in the items of Article 28(1) of the Asset Securitization Act," respectively, the phrase "Shareholders as of the Record Date" in Article 124(2) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity Members stated or recorded in the Specified Equity Member Registry as of the Record Date," the term "Administrator of Shareholder Registry" in Article 125(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Administrator of the Specified Equity Member Registry," the terms "shareholder" and "shareholders" in paragraph (3)(i) and (ii) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "member" and "members," respectively, the phrase "If a share" in Article 126(3) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "If Specified Equity," the phrase "of the share" in paragraph (4) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "of the Specified Equity," the phrase "Article 299(1) (including the case where it is applied mutatis mutandis in Article 325)" in Article 126(5) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 55(1) or Article 56(1) of the Asset Securitization Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 会社法第百二十二条(第四項を除く。)(株主名簿記載事項を記載した書面の交付等)、第百二十四条第二項及び第三項(基準日)、第百二十五条第一項から第三項まで(株主名簿の備置き及び閲覧等)並びに第百二十六条(株主に対する通知等)の規定は特定目的会社の特定社員に係る特定社員名簿について、同法第百二十三条(株主名簿管理人)の規定は特定目的会社の特定社員名簿管理人について、同法第百九十六条第一項及び第二項(株主に対する通知の省略)の規定は特定目的会社の特定社員に対する通知について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第百二十二条第一項中「前条第一号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第二十八条第一項第一号」と、「株主名簿記載事項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第二十八条第一項各号に掲げる事項」と、同法第百二十四条第二項中「基準日株主」とあるのは「基準日において特定社員名簿に記載され、又は記録されている特定社員」と、同法第百二十五条第一項中「株主名簿管理人」とあるのは「特定社員名簿管理人」と、同項並びに同条第三項第一号及び第二号中「株主」とあるのは「社員」と、同法第百二十六条第三項中「株式が」とあるのは「特定出資が」と、同条第四項中「株式の」とあるのは「特定出資の」と、同条第五項中「第二百九十九条第一項(第三百二十五条において準用する場合を含む。)」とあるのは「資産流動化法第五十五条第一項又は第五十六条第一項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) The provisions of Article 108 (Decision to Call a Beneficiaries Meeting) and Article 191 (excluding paragraph (5)) (Notice to Beneficiaries, etc.) of the Trust Act and the provisions of Article 718(1) and (3) (Demand for Calling Meeting by Bondholders) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the calling of a Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meeting. In this case, the phrase "the total amount of bonds of a certain Class (excluding bonds that have been redeemed)" in Article 718(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the total Share of Principal," the phrase "the bond-issuing Company or bond manager" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Fiduciary Trust Company, etc., a Representative Beneficiary Certificate Holder, or a Specified Trust Administrator," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

5 信託法第百八条(受益者集会の招集の決定)及び第百九十一条(第五項を除く。)(受益者に対する通知等)並びに会社法第七百十八条第一項及び第三項(社債権者による招集の請求)の規定は、権利者集会の招集について準用する。この場合において、同法第七百十八条第一項中「ある種類の社債の総額(償還済みの金額を除く。)」とあるのは「総元本持分」と、「社債発行会社又は社債管理者」とあるのは「受託信託会社等、代表権利者又は特定信託管理者」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(6) The provisions of Article 868(3) (Jurisdiction over Non-Contentious Cases), Article 871 (Appending of the Reason), Article 874 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (i)) (Restrictions on Appeal), Article 875 (Exclusion from Application of the Provisions of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act), and Article 876 (Supreme Court Rules) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to appointment of a special agent set forth in Article 707 of the Companies Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the provisions of Article 868(3) (Jurisdiction over Non-Contentious Cases), Article 869 (Prima Facie Showing), Article 871 (Appending of the Reason), Article 874 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (iv)) (Restrictions on Appeal), Article 875 (Exclusion from Application of the Provisions of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act), and Article 876 (Supreme Court Rules) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the resignation of a Specified Trust Administrator under Article 711(3) of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph, and the provisions of Article 868(3) (Jurisdiction over Non-Contentious Cases), Article 870 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (iii)) (Hearing of Statements), the main clause of Article 871 (Appending of the Reason), Article 872 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (iv)) (Immediate Appeal), Article 875 (Exclusion from Application of the Provisions of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act), and Article 876 (Supreme Court Rules) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the dismissal of a Specified Trust Administrator under Article 713 of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph. In this case, any necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

6 会社法第八百六十八条第三項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百七十一条(理由の付記)、第八百七十四条(第一号に係る部分に限る。)(不服申立ての制限)、第八百七十五条(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外)及び第八百七十六条(最高裁判所規則)の規定は前項において準用する同法第七百七条の特別代理人の選任について、同法第八百六十八条第三項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百六十九条(疎明)、第八百七十一条(理由の付記)、第八百七十四条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)(不服申立ての制限)、第八百七十五条(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外)及び第八百七十六条(最高裁判所規則)の規定は前項において準用する同法第七百十一条第三項の特定信託管理者の辞任について、同法第八百六十八条第三項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百七十条(第三号に係る部分に限る。)(陳述の聴取)、第八百七十一条本文(理由の付記)、第八百七十二条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)(即時抗告)、第八百七十五条(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外)及び第八百七十六条(最高裁判所規則)の規定は前項において準用する同法第七百十三条の特定信託管理者の解任について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 139-7 The provisions of Article 680 through Article 701 of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to Investment Corporation Bonds, Creditors of an Investment Corporation, Investment Corporation Bonds Registries, and Investment Corporation Bond Certificates where the Investment Corporation issues such Investment Corporation Bonds. In this case, the term "the preceding Article" in Article 680, item (ii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 139-6 of the Investment Corporations Act," the phrase "items (iii) through (viii) of Article 676" in Article 681, item (i) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 139-3, paragraph (1), item (iii) through item (viii) of the Investment Corporations Act," the phrase "its head office (or, in case a manager of Bond Registry is appointed, its business office)" in Article 684, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the business office of an Administrator of the Investors' Registry, etc. as set forth in Article 166, paragraph (2), item (viii) of the Investment Corporations Act," the term "the court" in Article 684, paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Prime Minister," the term "item (vii) of Article 676" in Article 698 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 139-3, paragraph (1), item (vii) of the Investment Corporations Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第百三十九条の七 会社法第六百八十条から第七百一条までの規定は、投資法人が投資法人債を発行する場合における投資法人債、投資法人債権者、投資法人債原簿又は投資法人債券について準用する。この場合において、同法第六百八十条第二号中「前条」とあるのは「投資法人法第百三十九条の六」と、同法第六百八十一条第一号中「第六百七十六条第三号から第八号まで」とあるのは「投資法人法第百三十九条の三第一項第三号から第八号まで」と、同法第六百八十四条第一項中「その本店(社債原簿管理人がある場合にあっては、その営業所)」とあるのは「投資法人法第百六十六条第二項第八号に規定する投資主名簿等管理人の営業所」と、同条第四項及び第五項中「裁判所」とあるのは「内閣総理大臣」と、同法第六百九十八条中「第六百七十六条第七号」とあるのは「投資法人法第百三十九条の三第一項第七号」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) The provisions of Article 255, Article 256 and Article 258 of this Act, and the provisions of Article 44 (Cessation of a Trustee's Acts at the Demand of the Beneficiaries) and Article 85(4) (Special Provisions on Trustee Liability, etc.) of the Trust Act and the provisions of Article 385(2) (Enjoinment of Acts of Directors by Company Auditors), Article 704 (Obligations of Bond Managers), Article 707 (Appointment of Special Agent), Article 709(1) (Special Provisions for Multiple Bond Managers), Article 710(1) (Liability of Bond Manager), the first sentence of Article 711(1) and (3) (Resignation of Bond Managers), and Article 713 (Dismissal of Bond Managers) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Specified Trust Administrator. In this case, the phrase "In cases where a Representative Beneficiary Certificate Holder has been appointed at a Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meeting," in Article 256(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "In cases where the Fiduciary Trust Company, etc. has appointed a Specified Trust Administrator," the phrase "as costs borne in relation to the trust property" in Article 258 shall be deemed to be replaced with "unless it has been provided under the Specific Purpose Trust Contract in advance that they shall be costs to be borne in relation to the trust property," the phrase "the purpose of the Company with Auditors" in Article 385(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the purpose of the Specific Purpose Trust," the term "articles of incorporation" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specific Purpose Trust Contract," the phrase "substantial detriment to such Company with Auditors" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "substantial detriment to the trust property," the term "trust deed" in Article 44(1) of the Trust Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specific Purpose Trust Contract," the term "this Act" in Article 710(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "this Act, the Specific Purpose Trust Contract," the term "bond-issuing Company" in the first sentence of Article 711(1) and Article 713 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Fiduciary Trust Company, etc.," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

5 第二百五十五条、第二百五十六条及び第二百五十八条並びに信託法第四十四条(受益者による受託者の行為の差止め)及び第八十五条第四項(受託者の責任等の特例)並びに会社法第三百八十五条第二項(監査役による取締役の行為の差止め)、第七百四条(社債管理者の義務)、第七百七条(特別代理人の選任)、第七百九条第一項(二以上の社債管理者がある場合の特則)、第七百十条第一項(社債管理者の責任)、第七百十一条第一項前段及び第三項(社債管理者の辞任)並びに第七百十三条(社債管理者の解任)の規定は、特定信託管理者について準用する。この場合において、第二百五十六条第一項中「権利者集会において代表権利者を選任した場合は」とあるのは「受託信託会社等が特定信託管理者を定めたときは」と、第二百五十八条中「信託財産に関して負担する費用として」とあるのは「これについてあらかじめ特定目的信託契約に信託財産に関して負担する費用とする旨の定めがある場合を除き、」と、同法第三百八十五条第一項中「監査役設置会社の目的」とあるのは「特定目的信託の目的」と、「定款」とあるのは「特定目的信託契約」と、「監査役設置会社に著しい損害」とあるのは「信託財産に著しい損害」と、信託法第四十四条第一項中「信託行為」とあるのは「特定目的信託契約」と、会社法第七百十条第一項中「この法律」とあるのは「この法律、特定目的信託契約」と、同法第七百十一条第一項前段及び第七百十三条中「社債発行会社」とあるのは「受託信託会社等」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 249 (1) The provisions of Article 114 (Proxy Voting), Article 117 (Inconsistent Voting), Article 118(2) (Attendance of Beneficiaries, etc.), Article 119 (Resolutions for Postponement or Continuation), and Article 120 (Minutes of a Meeting) of the Trust Act and the provisions of Article 314 (Accountability of the Directors, etc.), Article 315 (Authority of the Chairperson), Article 731 (excluding paragraph (1)) (Minutes of a Meeting), Articles 732 to 735 inclusive (Petitions for Approval of Resolutions Made at Bondholders' Meetings; Rejection of Resolutions Made at Bondholders' Meetings; Effectiveness of Resolutions Made at Bondholders' Meetings; Public Notice of Rulings Approving or Rejecting Resolutions Made at Bondholders' Meetings), and Article 738 (Dismissal of Representative Bondholders) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meetings. In this case, the phrase "Article 108 and Article 109" in Article 119 of the Trust Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 242 of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrase "a director, an accounting advisor, a company auditor or an executive officer" in Article 314 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Fiduciary Trust Company, etc.," the term "bond-issuing Company" in Article 731(2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Fiduciary Trust Company, etc.," the phrase "The bond manager and bondholders" in paragraph (3) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "The Representative Beneficiary Certificate Holder, the Specified Trust Administrator, and each Beneficiary Certificate Holder," the term "Bond-issuing Company" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "Fiduciary Trust Company, etc.," the phrase "the solicitation in Article 676" in Article 733(i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the solicitation for Beneficiary Certificates," the term "such bond-issuing Company" in that item shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Fiduciary Trust Company, etc.," the term "bond-issuing Company" in Article 735 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Fiduciary Trust Company, etc.," the phrase "the representative bondholders or Resolution Administrator" in Article 738 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person specified by the resolution set forth in Article 246(1) of the Asset Securitization Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二百四十九条 信託法第百十四条(議決権の代理行使)、第百十七条(議決権の不統一行使)、第百十八条第二項(受託者の出席等)、第百十九条(延期又は続行の決議)及び第百二十条(議事録)並びに会社法第三百十四条(取締役等の説明義務)、第三百十五条(議長の権限)、第七百三十一条(第一項を除く。)(議事録)、第七百三十二条から第七百三十五条まで(社債権者集会の決議の認可の申立て、社債権者集会の決議の不認可、社債権者集会の決議の効力、社債権者集会の決議の認可又は不認可の決定の公告)及び第七百三十八条(代表社債権者等の解任等)の規定は、権利者集会について準用する。この場合において、信託法第百十九条中「第百八条及び第百九条」とあるのは「資産流動化法第二百四十二条」と、会社法第三百十四条中「取締役、会計参与、監査役及び執行役」とあるのは「受託信託会社等」と、同法第七百三十一条第二項中「社債発行会社」とあるのは「受託信託会社等」と、同条第三項中「社債管理者及び社債権者」とあるのは「代表権利者、特定信託管理者及び各受益証券の権利者」と、「社債発行会社」とあるのは「受託信託会社等」と、同法第七百三十三条第一号中「第六百七十六条の募集」とあるのは「受益証券の募集」と、「当該社債発行会社」とあるのは「受託信託会社等」と、同法第七百三十五条中「社債発行会社」とあるのは「受託信託会社等」と、同法第七百三十八条中「代表社債権者若しくは決議執行者」とあるのは「資産流動化法第二百四十六条第一項の決議により定めた者」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(8) The provisions of Article 703 (Qualifications of Bond Managers), Article 704 (Obligations of Bond Managers), Article 707 to Article 714 inclusive (Appointment of Special Agent; Method of Acts of Bond Managers; Special Provisions for Multiple Bond Managers; Liability of Bond Managers; Resignation of Bond Managers; Liability of Bond Managers after Resignation; Dismissal of Bond Managers), Article 868(3) (Jurisdiction over Non-Contentious Cases), Article 869 (Prima Facie Showing), Article 870 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (iii)) (Hearing of Statements), Article 871 (Appending of the Reason), Article 872 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (iv)) (Immediate Appeal), Article 874 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (i) and item (iv)) (Restrictions on Appeal), Article 875 (Exclusion from the Application of the Provisions of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act), and Article 876 (Supreme Court Rule) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Specified Bond Administrator. In this case, the terms "Bonds," "bondholder," "Bond-issuing Company," and "bondholders meeting" in said provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Bonds," "Specified Bond Holders," "Company Issuing Specified Bonds," and "Specified Bond Holders' Meeting" respectively, the term "paragraph (1) of Article 705" in Article 709(2) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 127(1) of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrase "this Act" in Article 710(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Asset Securitization Act," the term "Article 702" in Article 711(2) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 126 of the Asset Securitization Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

8 会社法第七百三条(社債管理者の資格)、第七百四条(社債管理者の義務)、第七百七条から第七百十四条まで(特別代理人の選任、社債管理者等の行為の方式、二以上の社債管理者がある場合の特則、社債管理者の責任、社債管理者の辞任、社債管理者が辞任した場合の責任、社債管理者の解任、社債管理者の事務の承継)、第八百六十八条第三項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百六十九条(疎明)、第八百七十条(第三号に係る部分に限る。)(陳述の聴取)、第八百七十一条(理由の付記)、第八百七十二条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)(即時抗告)、第八百七十四条(第一号及び第四号に係る部分に限る。)(不服申立ての制限)、第八百七十五条(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外)及び第八百七十六条(最高裁判所規則)の規定は、特定社債管理者について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「社債」、「社債権者」、「社債発行会社」及び「社債権者集会」とあるのは、それぞれ「特定社債」、「特定社債権者」、「特定社債発行会社」及び「特定社債権者集会」と、同法第七百九条第二項中「第七百五条第一項」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百二十七条第一項」と、同法第七百十条第一項中「この法律」とあるのは「資産流動化法」と、同法第七百十一条第二項中「第七百二条」とあるのは「資産流動化法第百二十六条」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 177 The provisions of Article 1-3 through Article 5, Article 7 through Article 15, Article 17, paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (4), Article 18 through Article 19-2, Article 20, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Article 21 through Article 27, Article 33, Article 34, Article 46, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), Article 47, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), Article 51 through Article 55, Article 64, Article 70, Article 71, Article 75, Article 79, Article 82, Article 83, Article 132 through Article 137, and Article 139 through Article 148 of the Commercial Registration Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the registration related to an Investment Corporation. In this case, the phrases "Article 17" and "Article 24, Article 48 to Article 50 inclusive (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 95, Article 111 and Article 118), Article 51, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 52, Article 78, paragraphs (1) and (3), Article 82, paragraphs (2) and (3), Article 83, Article 87, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 88, Article 91, paragraphs (1) and (2), Article 92" in Article 15 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 17, paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (4) and Article 18" and "Article 24" respectively, the phrase "or, the matters to be specified in a written application pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph" in Article 17, paragraph (4) of that Act shall be deleted, the phrase "the preceding two paragraphs" in said provision shall be deemed to be replaced with "that paragraph," the phrase "Article 30(2) or" in Article 24, item (vii) of that Act shall be deleted, the phrases "all shareholders or class shareholders" and "directors or liquidators" in Article 46, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "all Investors" and "executive liquidator(s) or liquidation supervisors" respectively, the phrase "a shareholders meeting, class shareholders meeting, board of directors" in paragraph (2) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "an Investors' meeting, meeting of the board of officers," the phrase "a director, company auditor, representative director or special director (in the case of a company with committees, a director, committee member, executive officer or representative executive officer)" in Article 54, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "a corporate officer(s) or supervisory officers," the phrase "an accounting advisor or an accounting auditor" in paragraphs (2) and (3) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "an accounting auditor," the phrase "Article 337, paragraph (1) of said Act" in Article 54, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 102, paragraph (1) of the Investment Corporations Act," the phrase "Article 346, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act" in Article 55, paragraph (1) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 108, paragraph (3) of the Investment Corporations Act," the phrase "an administrator of a shareholder registry" in Article 64 of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "an Administrator of the Investors' Registry, etc. (meaning the Administrator of the Investors' Registry, etc. prescribed in Article 166, paragraph (2), item (viii) of the Investment Corporations Act)," the phrase "the articles of incorporation and" in said provision shall be deleted, the phrases "the amount of stated capital" and "Article 449, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act" in Article 70 of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Minimum Net Assets" and "Article 142, paragraph (2) of the Investment Corporations Act" respectively, the phrase "Article 478, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Companies Act" in Article 71, paragraph (3) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 151, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Investment Corporations Act," the phrase "approved under Article 507, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act" in Article 75 of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "approved under Article 159, paragraph (3) of the Investment Corporations Act (in the case referred to in paragraph (4) of that Article, the approval of an Investors' meeting under that paragraph)", the phrase "Article 80 or the preceding Article" in Article 82, paragraph (3) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 174 or Article 175 of the Investment Corporations Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第百七十七条 商業登記法第一条の三から第五条まで、第七条から第十五条まで、第十七条第一項、第二項及び第四項、第十八条から第十九条の二まで、第二十条第一項及び第二項、第二十一条から第二十七条まで、第三十三条、第三十四条、第四十六条第一項及び第二項、第四十七条第一項及び第三項、第五十一条から第五十五条まで、第六十四条、第七十条、第七十一条、第七十五条、第七十九条、第八十二条、第八十三条、第百三十二条から第百三十七条まで並びに第百三十九条から第百四十八条までの規定は、投資法人に関する登記について準用する。この場合において、同法第十五条中「第十七条」とあるのは「第十七条第一項、第二項及び第四項、第十八条」と、「第二十四条、第四十八条から第五十条まで(第九十五条、第百十一条及び第百十八条において準用する場合を含む。)、第五十一条第一項及び第二項、第五十二条、第七十八条第一項及び第三項、第八十二条第二項及び第三項、第八十三条、第八十七条第一項及び第二項、第八十八条、第九十一条第一項及び第二項、第九十二条」とあるのは「第二十四条」と、同法第十七条第四項中「事項又は前項の規定により申請書に記載すべき事項」とあるのは「事項」と、「前二項」とあるのは「同項」と、同法第二十四条第七号中「若しくは第三十条第二項若しくは」とあるのは「若しくは」と、同法第四十六条第一項中「株主全員若しくは種類株主全員」とあるのは「投資主全員」と、「取締役若しくは清算人」とあるのは「執行役員若しくは清算執行人」と、同条第二項中「株主総会若しくは種類株主総会、取締役会」とあるのは「投資主総会、役員会」と、同法第五十四条第一項中「取締役、監査役、代表取締役又は特別取締役(委員会設置会社にあつては、取締役、委員、執行役又は代表執行役)」とあるのは「執行役員又は監督役員」と、同条第二項及び第三項中「会計参与又は会計監査人」とあるのは「会計監査人」と、同条第二項第三号中「同法第三百三十七条第一項」とあるのは「投資法人法第百二条第一項」と、同法第五十五条第一項中「会社法第三百四十六条第四項」とあるのは「投資法人法第百八条第三項」と、同法第六十四条中「株主名簿管理人」とあるのは「投資主名簿等管理人(投資法人法第百六十六条第二項第八号に規定する投資主名簿等管理人をいう。)」と、「定款及びその者」とあるのは「その者」と、同法第七十条中「資本金の額」とあるのは「最低純資産額」と、「会社法第四百四十九条第二項」とあるのは「投資法人法第百四十二条第二項」と、同法第七十一条第三項中「会社法第四百七十八条第一項第一号」とあるのは「投資法人法第百五十一条第一項第一号」と、同法第七十五条中「会社法第五百七条第三項」とあるのは「投資法人法第百五十九条第三項」と、「承認」とあるのは「承認(同条第四項に規定する場合にあつては、同項の規定による投資主総会の承認)」と、同法第八十二条第三項中「第八十条又は前条」とあるのは「投資法人法第百七十四条又は第百七十五条」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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