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Wiktionary英語版での「stoop work」の意味 |
stoop work
- Alternative form of stoopwork
- 2007, Youngsuk Chae, Politicizing Asian American Literature:
- Although Allos/Carlos has suffered with back-breaking pain and itch from field work, mass media and farm employers have spread the ideologies that Filipinos are “ideal for stoop work.”
- 2014, James A. Michener, Texas: A Novel, page 1266:
- After Cobb had consulted with the experts at Texas Tech in Lubbock to learn which strains of cotton were appropriate for his new land, and when his first fields were planted by tractor, broad and open and requiring no stoop work by imported Mexicans, he heard from the college expert the bests news of all: "This year Lubbock cotton is bringing in top dollar."
stoopwork (uncountable)
- Unskilled agricultural labor that involves stooping to reach low-growing plants.
- 1911, United States. Immigration Commission (1907-1910), Immigrants in industries, page 67:
- For some work such as grape picking, beet thinning, and the raising of vegetables and berries, the Japanese have been regarded as physically well adapted to the "stoopwork," as they are short of stature and endure the extreme heat found in a few localities better than most other races.
- 1968, El Malcriado: Voice of the Farm Worker:
- The growers of California and the Southwest say they need the greencarder to do the stoopwork, but they refuse to pay the wages and grant the conditions which would allow us to work in dignity.
「stoop work」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 1件
To provide a body aid which allows a user to stoop for standing to work with a burden alleviated more efficiently on the waist of the user and can be avoided from becoming an obstacle to any other working.例文帳に追加
前傾姿勢で立ち作業を行う際に、ユーザの腰部への負担をより効果的に軽減すると共に、作業時以外に他の作業の邪魔になるのを低減することができる身体補助具を提供する。 - 特許庁
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