
「いしうらまち4ちょうめ」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > いしうらまち4ちょうめに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 58



The liquid crystal display device 1 comprises a liquid crystal panel 2 equipped with a twisted nematic liquid crystal layer disposed between a pair of glass substrates with transparent electrodes and a semitransmissive layer with both reflection and transmission functions, optical films 3, 4 stuck to surfaces of the pair of glass substrates of the liquid crystal panel 2 and further a backlight 5 arranged on the rear side of the liquid crystal panel 2. - 特許庁


A cup holder 1 is composed of the external holder 2 made of a hard material and having a hollow reception part 3 whose upper face is opened at the center and the internal holder 4 having a hollow part 5 for holding the cup at the center, formed by a material having flexibility and elasticity, and fitted into the reception part 3 of the external holder 2 without causing a clearance. - 特許庁


In Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures) conducted in July 1871, the local system of Fu-han-ken sanchisei (fu-han-ken tripartite governance system) was unified into Ken and Fu (prefectures), and also in the ordinance of prefectural affairs issued in November of the same year, the name of the head of Ken was changed from Chikenji to Kenrei while that of three Fu, Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, remained as Chiji.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, a laser vehicle shape sensor 4 installed on a second gantry 7 scans laser beam in the traveling direction of the vehicle running on a road to measure the cross sectional shape of the vehicle in the traveling direction, and the vehicle length can be measured by the combination thereof with the laser vehicle shape sensor 1 installed at the center of the first gantry 6. - 特許庁



In a die to form the bolt 1 by rolling, a screw thread end formation processing part narrows the screw root part 4 from a wide area gradually on an entrance side, and the thread part 5 uses the die which is formed so that the pitch interval difference becomes the perfect thread height gradually from the entrance side and the pitch space becomes same. - 特許庁



From the time of MINAMOTO no Michichika's son Michiteru onward, the Minamoto family name was changed to KOGA, and until Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA became a daijo daijin, the position of head of the Minamoto clan was rotated among the four Seiga families (court noble families whose members were eligible for the position of daijin, or minister) of Koga, Horikawa, Tsuchimikado and Nakanoin; however, the Horikawa and Tsuchimikado families both came to an end during the Muromachi period (the Horikawa and the Tsuchimikado families that have emerged since Japan's Sengoku period are descendants of the Fujiwara and Abe clans, respectively), and the hereditary succession was shared between the Koga and Nakanoin families.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This biotissue clipping apparatus includes: the clip 2; a stop tube 4 as a fastening ring, which is fitted and mounted to the clip 2 to close the clip 2; a connecting member 3 insertable into the stop tube engaged with the clip 2; and a holding means for once holding the expanded state when the clip 2 is expanded to the maximum. - 特許庁


また、2007年4月から5月にかけての安倍総理の中東5 か国(サウジアラビア、アラブ首長国連邦、クウェート、カタール、エジプト)公式訪問時にも、180 名の経済ミッションが総理に 2007年度には、大幅に増加した2004年度に審査請求された案件の審査に本格着手することから、一次審査件数を増加する努力を前提としても、審査順番待ち期間を短縮することには相当の困難が伴うものと見込まれる。例文帳に追加

Also during Prime Minister Abe’s official visits from April to May 2007 to five Middle Eastern countries (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt), a 180-member economic mission traveled with the Prime Minister; some of the members attended discussions of the Prime Minister with each country’s leader, and the mission joined the Prime Minister in attending business fora where opinions were exchanged with local business leaders. - 経済産業省


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