
「会社目標」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 会社目標に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 25



In Japan, company aims come before personal goals. - Tatoeba例文


In Japan, company aims come before personal goals.  - Tanaka Corpus


The RTO and RPO differ not only from company to company but also from one business process to another within the same company.  - コンピューター用語辞典


an option granted to corporate executives if the company achieves certain financial goals  - 日本語WordNet



The company is targeting to achieve breakeven results.  - Weblio英語基本例文集



The sales staff met the goals set by the company. - Eゲイト英和辞典


14. Participant s welcomed the successful IEF Forum hosted by Kuwait, to promote cooperation between national oil companies (NOCs) and international oil companies (IOCs).  - 経済産業省


I have always achieved the roles that the company demands of me and the goals that I set for myself.  - Weblio Email例文集


Whether a management company has established strategic goals concerning the system of the group.  - 金融庁



My goal in the future? I have just joined the company, so I have little knowledge of the company. - 厚生労働省



To clarify a request of a client company to a temporary employee, and to clarify the target of the temporary employee meeting the request of the client company, while a temporary staff company properly evaluates the temporary employee. - 特許庁

同時にこの会社は, 世界市場の20%のシェアを取るとの目標をもって, システムLSI試験システムのユーザサポートの強化に乗り出している.例文帳に追加

At the same time, the company is moving to strengthen its user support for system LSI test systems with the aim of gaining a 20% share of the global market.  - コンピューター用語辞典


An advertiser provides a predetermined constraint determining the target user for receiving the advertisement for a broadcasting company first. - 特許庁


To carry out the optimal role sharing of a power company/plant maker/cooperation company or the like to obtain the balance of costs/quality, and to bring it close to each target. - 特許庁


Participants recognized the importance of sustaining R&D efforts collaboratively between NOCs and IOCs in pursuit of efficiency and cost improvements through technological advances and innovation.  - 経済産業省


When the consumer does shopping exceeding a specified price at an affiliate store having made a contract with a sponsor company, the customer receives a member card set by the sponsor company and receives a stamp on a receipt of the shopping, collects the stamps of affiliate stores exceeding a specified number in a specified period, and submits them to the sponsor company, which gives a goal achievement prize. - 特許庁


Whether the risk management policies of the group, based on the strategic goals of the group and incorporating all of the expected major risks, are clearly defined subject to the approval of the board of directors of a management company.  - 金融庁


The advertiser orders the advertisement spot on the basis of the price for putting the advertisement in the advertisement spot to be transmitted to the target user during the transmission of the movie. - 特許庁

10 年前は1級合格が目標だったが更に1級に挑戦する流れができ、各従業員の自らの技術レベルを高めようとする努力が、会社全体の技術力アップに結びついている。例文帳に追加

Ten years ago, the goal for the company's employees was to pass Level 2, and now, they aim to achieve Level 1. Employees' efforts to improve the level of their own skills have led to an improvement of the technological level of the entire company. - 経済産業省


This means a variety of sakamai that isn't one of the conventional varieties that existed naturally since the old times but has been artificially developed by breweries, as well as through changes in the methods of growing and distribution, in keeping with the quality of sake they aim for through their own cross-fertilization or development by educational institutions or private-sector companies.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, given that it is also considered that the goal of encouraging the diverse business development and the diversification and differentiation of management of securities companies under a registration system should continue to be maintained, the introduction of ex ante regulation, such as outright restrictions on the scope of business, should be avoided.  - 金融庁

アベンゴアはサプライヤーとの緊密な協力が広範囲にわたるGHG計測と管理を促進する最適な方法であると考えているアベンゴア(70 を超える諸国で事業を展開する世界的なテクノロジー・エンジニアリング会社)にとって、温室効果ガスインベントリを作成することをサプライヤーと取り決めることは、同社の持続可能性にかかわる目標全体の重要な要素となっている。例文帳に追加

For Abengoa - a global technology and engineering company operating in over 70 countries - engaging with its suppliers to build its greenhouse gas inventory is a key component of the company's overall sustainability goals.  - 経済産業省

米国に本社に置く世界的食品会社であるクラフトフーズは、最初のスコープ3 インベントリに関し、バリューチェーンのGHG 排出にかかわる高水準の戦略的評価と社内での理解を深める一助となる目標を掲げ、すべてのスコープ3 排出の完全なインベントリを作成することに焦点を絞った。例文帳に追加

For its first scope 3 inventory, Kraft Foods, a U.S.-based global food products company, focused on achieving a complete inventory of all scope 3 emissions, with the goal of supporting high-level strategic evaluations and internal understanding of its value chain GHG emissions.  - 経済産業省


Japan has set the target to increase the solar cell production by about 20 times as much in about 2020 and 40 times as much in 2030 under theAction Plan to Create Low Carbon Society,” “Future Development Strategy,” etc. and is promoting the introduction of photovoltaic power generation in a comprehensive manner through supporting measures such as subsidies, regulatory measures under provisions of PRS Act, and voluntary efforts by the private sector such as the system under which electric power companies are encouraged to buy surplus electric power. - 経済産業省


④ 顧客の生活、経済活動及び金融商品市場の機能維持の観点から重要な業務(投資信託(MMF、MRFを含む。)の解約注文に伴う解約口数の集計、連絡業務(販売会社からの解約連絡受付、集計、受託銀行への連絡等)、基準価額の算出、発表業務、既存ポジションの把握、必要最小限の運用指図業務及び直販顧客に係る解約業務(直販顧客からの解約受付等窓口業務)並びにこれらの業務を遂行するための法令対応(有価証券届出書等の作成・提出等も含む。)、組織管理、システム管理及び危機管理業務等(顧客説明業務を含む。))を、暫定的な手段(手作業、バックアップセンターにおける処理等)により再開(リカバリー)するまでの目標時間が具体的に計画されているか。例文帳に追加

(iv) Whether a specific target period has been set for the recovery of operations vital for the maintenance of the lives of customers, economic activities and the functions of the financial instruments markets (as a consequence of an order cancellation request regarding an investment trust (including MMFs and MRFs): aggregation of the number of cancelled units, communications business (such as the receipt of notification from a sales company regarding cancellation, aggregation, and notification to the entrusted bank), calculation of the base value, announcements, identification of the existing position, minimum investment instructions, and cancellation operations related to direct customers (point-of-contact services such as receiving cancellations from direct customers); and, for executing these business operations: legal responses (including the preparation and submission of a securities registration statement), organizational management, systems management, and crisis management (including the business of providing explanations to customers) through provisional measures such as manual operations and processing by back-up centers).  - 金融庁


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