
「改作者」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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In addition, he also mastered many new and revised comic stories and put them into print in his elegant handwriting.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


195.1. To use the name of the author, or the title of his work, or otherwise to make use of his reputation with respect to any version or adaptation of his work which, because of alterations therein, would substantially tend to injure the literary or artistic reputation of another author; or - 特許庁


Those mythologies were made earlier, during the early Heian period, or were revised by Norinaga MOTOORI, a scholar of Japanese classical literature in Ise Province such as Hidehiro OKADA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Tale of Shinobine refers to a courtly romance which was completed at the end of the Heian period and was subsequently lost, or to an adaptation of a story produced during the period of Southern and Northern Courts (Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The lord of Kaga Domain, the Maeda clan who were the big supporters of Hosho-ryu school said that they were descendants of Michizane SUGAWARA and, taking into account this fact, the noh schools perform the story changing the scene in which the ghost of Michizane becomes raijin, a thunder god, and rushes around wildly to a scene in which the ghost dances to celebrate the Imperial Court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


第197条 著作物の編集,脚色及び改作 著作がその著作物を他人が使用することについて許諾又は許可するときに別段の定をしない場合は,当該著作物が使用される大量伝達媒体の合理的かつ慣習的な基準又は要件に従って出版,放送,映画における使用,劇化,又は機械的若しくは電気的複製のために当該著作物に必要な編集,脚色及び改作を行うことは,本章に定める著作の権利に反するものとはみなさない。著作から無条件で移転された著作物の完全な破壊も,本章に定める著作権の権利を害するものとはみなさない。例文帳に追加

Sec.197 Editing, Arranging and Adaptation of Work In the absence of a contrary stipulation at the time an author licenses or permits another to use his work, the necessary editing, arranging or adaptation of such work, for publication, broadcast, use in a motion picture, dramatization, or mechanical or electrical reproduction in accordance with the reasonable and customary standards or requirements of the medium in which the work is to be used, shall not be deemed to contravene the author’s rights secured by this Chapter. Nor shall complete destruction of a work unconditionally transferred by the author be deemed to violate such rights. - 特許庁


For the purpose of preventing further patent infringements the court may, when so claimed, inter alia decide that a product constituting a patent infringement shall be: withdrawn from the market, removed definitively from the market, destroyed, surrendered to the injured party, or altered in a specified manner.  - 特許庁

物品は,次の場合は,登録商標に関して,侵害する物品である。 (a) 物品が,登録商標と同一又は類似の標識を模造するために特に設計され又は改作されている場合,及び (b) 物品が,侵害する商品又は材料を生産するために使用されていること若しくは使用される予定であることを知っており,又はそう信じる理由があるの所有,保管又は管理下にある場合例文帳に追加

Articles are infringing articles, in relation to a registered trade mark, if-- (a) the articles are specifically designed or adapted for making copies of a sign identical or similar to the registered trade mark; and (b) the articles are in the possession, custody or control of a person who knows or has reason to believe that they have been or are to be used to produce infringing goods or material.  - 特許庁

第189条 コンピュータ・プログラムの複製 189.1第177条の規定に拘らず,コンピュータ・プログラムの合法的所有は,当該コンピュータ・プログラムの著作又は当該コンピュータ・プログラムにおけるその他の著作権の承諾を得ないで,当該コンピュータ・プログラムについて,1個のバックアップ用の複製物を作成すること,又は改作することができる。ただし,当該複製又は改作が次のために必要である場合に限る。 (a)当該コンピュータ・プログラムを取得した目的のため及び範囲において,コンピュータに適用して当該コンピュータ・プログラムを使用すること,及び (b)公文書のために,合法的に所有した当該コンピュータ・プログラムの複製物が失われ,破損され又は使用に耐えなくされた場合において,合法的に所有した当該コンピュータ・プログラムの複製物と取り替えること例文帳に追加

Sec.189 Reproduction of Computer Program 189.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 177, the reproduction in one back-up copy or adaptation of a computer program shall be permitted, without the authorization of the author of, or other owner of copyright in, a computer program, by the lawful owner of that computer program: Provided, That the copy or adaptation is necessary for: (a) The use of the computer program in conjunction with a computer for the purpose, and to the extent, for which the computer program has been obtained; and (b) Archival purposes, and, for the replacement of the lawfully owned copy of the computer program in the event that the lawfully obtained copy of the computer program is lost, destroyed or rendered unusable. - 特許庁



If so requested by a person whose right to a design has been infringed, the Court may order, on the basis of what is reasonable for preventing continued infringement, an article that has been made in or imported into this country in conflict with another person’s right to a design, or an article whose use would constitute infringement of the right to a design, to be altered in a certain way or to be deposited in safe custody for the remainder of the period of protection, or to be destroyed or, where the article has been illegally manufactured or imported, to be surrendered, against remuneration, to the person whose right has been infringed.  - 特許庁


(5) 登録によって生じる証明商標の使用の権利は,次の場合は,あるにより当該標章が使用されても,それにより侵害されたとはみなされない。 (a) 当該商標の登録所有が証明する商品又はそれら商品を含む一群の商品に関してその登録所有又は関係規約に基づいてその登録所有から授権されたが当該商標を使用し,その後これを除去又は消去していない場合 (aa) 登録所有が何れかの時点でその商標の使用に明示的又は黙示的に同意を与えている場合,又は[法律A881による挿入] (b) 当該商標が付与された権利を侵害することなく使用されており,又は現にそのように使用することができる別の商品又はサービスの構成部分又は付属要素となるよう改作された商品又はサービスについて,それら商品又はサービスがそのように改作されていることを示すために当該商標の使用が必要であると合理的に認められ,かつ,その使用の目的と効果が何れも,対象の商品又はサービスが登録所有によって証明されていることを事実に従う以外の方法で示すものでない場合 ただし,(a)は,当該標章が使用される商品又はサービスが(a)に規定される商品又はサービスであっても,そのような使用が関係規約に反している場合は適用されない。例文帳に追加

(5) The right to the use of a certification trade mark given by registration shall not be deemed to be infringed by the use of any such mark by a person . (a) in relation to goods certified by the registered proprietor of the trade mark if, as to those goods or a bulk of which they form part, the proprietor or another in accordance with his authorisation under the relevant rules has applied the trade mark and has not subsequently removed or obliterated it; (aa) where the registered proprietor has at any time expressly or impliedly consented to the use of the trade mark; or [Ins. Act A881] (b) in relation to goods or services adapted to form part of, or to be accessory to, other goods or services in relation to which the trade mark has been used without infringement of the right given or might for the time being be so used, if the use of the mark is reasonably necessary in order to indicate that the goods or services are so adapted and neither the purpose nor the effect of the use of the mark is to indicate otherwise than in accordance with the fact that the goods or services are certified by the registered proprietor, except that paragraph (a) shall not have effect in the case of use consisting of the application of any such mark to any goods or services notwithstanding that they are such goods or services as are mentioned in that paragraph, if such application is contrary to the relevant rules. - 特許庁


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