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Associate companyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 13


to keep company with―associate with―one 例文帳に追加

人を友とする - 斎藤和英大辞典

You should not associate with―keep company with―such men. 例文帳に追加

あんな者と交際するものじゃない - 斎藤和英大辞典

You should not associate with―keep company with―men of low moral standards. 例文帳に追加

道徳標準の低い人と付き合うものでない - 斎藤和英大辞典

On April 1, 2006, Kyoto Uji Transport Co. Ltd. merged into Keihan Bus Co. Ltd., along with their associate company, Keihan Uji Tanabe Transport Co. Ltd.. 例文帳に追加

2006年4月1日、京阪宇治交通は関連会社の京阪宇治交通田辺と共に京阪バスに合併された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Toyoko Inn Company will launch a very small satellite next year together with Matsunaga Saburo, an associate professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. 例文帳に追加

来年,東(とう)横(よこ)インが,東京工業大学の松永三(さぶ)郎(ろう)助教授とともに超小型衛星を打ち上げる予定だ。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The company A point server 61, when receiving the electronic money functional part ID and the UID from the cellular phone 7, searches for the company A membership DB 71 for the company A membership ID, by using the UID as a key, and makes the retrieved company A membership ID associate with the electronic money functional part ID received from the cellular phone 7.例文帳に追加

A社ポイントサーバ61は、携帯電話7から電子マネー機能部IDとUIDを受信すると、UIDをキーとしてA社会員DB71でA社会員IDを検索し、検索されたA社会員IDと携帯電話7から受信した電子マネー機能部IDを紐づける。 - 特許庁

To associate and manage in an integrated fashion a question from a customer and an answer thereto, and a history of a request for investigation to the inside and the outside of a company performed for the answer or a history of communication to the inside and the outside of the company after the answer to the customer.例文帳に追加

顧客からの質問およびそれに対する回答と、回答するために行う社内および社外へ調査を依頼した履歴や顧客への回答の後に社内および社外の連絡した履歴を関連付けて一元管理する。 - 特許庁

According to the evaluation information, a proposal information creation part 202 proposes to the user the company name that is determined to be of high relevance to the user's demand as an associate in proposal data 16.例文帳に追加

提案情報作成部202が、当該評価情報に応じて、ユーザ要望との関連性が高いと判定された企業名を提案データ16における連携先としてユーザに提案する。 - 特許庁

. Equity investments in associate companies (or affiliated companies), where the reporting company has significant influence but not financial control (typically 20-50 percent ownership) 例文帳に追加

報告事業者が大きな影響力を持つが財務支配力を有してない場合(通常、20~50% の所有権)、関連会社(または系列会社)への株式投資 - 経済産業省


As a result of these activities, in January of the next year, 1994, an operating company "Kyocera Purple Sanga Corporation" was established with investments by local businesses such as Kyocera Corporation and Nintendo Co., Ltd. as the main sponsors, and in July of the same year, the company obtained approval for J. League Associate Membership, so a J. League team was ready to be born in Kyoto which would be the hometown of the team. 例文帳に追加

それを受け、翌1994年1月に京セラ・任天堂を中心とした地元企業出資による運営会社「株式会社京セラパープルサンガ」設立、同年7月にはJリーグ準加盟制度の承認を受け、京都をホームタウンとするJリーグチーム誕生の準備が整った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The spread sheet registration part does not associate, to reference information of the cell constituting the spread sheet, company information necessary for specification of the financial processing data to which the cell has to refer, associates the company information designated by a user to the spread sheet, and registers it into the storage area.例文帳に追加

前記表計算シート登録部は、前記表計算シートを構成するセルの参照情報に当該セルが参照すべき財務処理データの特定に必要な会社情報を関連づけず、且つ、前記表計算シートにユーザが指定する会社情報を関連づけて記憶領域に登録する。 - 特許庁

(ii) rights based on a contract under which Business Associates of a company that issues share certificates (meaning persons who are designated by said company as business associates of said company; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) promise to purchase (limited to purchases made through applying for intermediation, brokerage or agency to a Financial Instruments Specialist) the share certificates of said company on a continual basis, jointly with the other Business Associates of said company, according to a certain plan, without depending on an individual investment decision (limited to a contract wherein each Business Associate is to contribute less than one million yen on each occasion). 例文帳に追加

二 株券の発行者である会社の取引関係者(当該会社の指定する当該会社と取引関係にある者をいう。以下この号において同じ。)が当該会社の他の取引関係者と共同して当該会社の株券の買付け(金融商品取引業者に媒介、取次ぎ又は代理の申込みをして行うものに限る。)を、一定の計画に従い、個別の投資判断に基づかず、継続的に行うことを約する契約(各取引関係者の一回当たりの拠出金額が百万円に満たないものに限る。)に基づく権利 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Marutake Hachinohe Marine Products Industry Corp., a fish processing company with 126 employees and stock capitalization of 72 million yen located in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture, and Associate Professor Shinji Ishihara of Hachinohe University's Faculty of Business, have teamed up to conduct a scientific study of the flavor of mackerel caught in the Pacific Ocean off Hachinohe. They are also conducting product development in collaboration with a major department store and developing a new local brand called "Hachinohe Maeoki Mackerel" in cooperation with the local chamber of commerce and industry.例文帳に追加

青森県八戸市の水産加工会社である丸竹八戸水産株式会社(従業員126名、資本金7,200万円)と八戸大学ビジネス学部の石原慎士准教授は、八戸前沖の太平洋で漁獲されるさばの旨みを科学的に明らかにするとともに、大手百貨店と連携して商品開発を進め、さらに地元商工会議所と協力して、「八戸前沖さば」という新しい地域ブランドの形成に取り組んでいる。 - 経済産業省


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