
「record of loan」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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record of loanの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 8


To provide a loan assets management system, a loan assets management method, and record medium and program therefor in which values of loan assets (housing loan) increase by enhancing values of the loan assets (housing loan) portfolios.例文帳に追加

貸出資産(住宅ローン)のポートフォリオの価値を高めることで、貸出資産(住宅ローン)の価値を高めることができる貸出資産管理システム、貸出資産管理方法、その記録媒体およびプログラムを提供する。 - 特許庁

(4) A Money Lender shall, when he/she has concluded a Contract for a Loan with a Customer, etc., pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, prepare and preserve a record on the investigation conducted under paragraph (1). 例文帳に追加

4 貸金業者は、顧客等と貸付けの契約を締結した場合には、内閣府令で定めるところにより、第一項の規定による調査に関する記録を作成し、これを保存しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The oldest example of Haishakukin that can be confirmed from the record was the one at the time of Osaka Fuyu no Jin (Winter Siege of Osaka) during Osaka no Eki (The Siege of Osaka), at which time, Edo-jo Castle was under construction, therefore it seems that the loan was issued in consideration of the double burden of the construction and the military service. 例文帳に追加

記録で確認できる最古の例は大坂の役大坂冬の陣の時のことであり、当時江戸城の普請が進行中であったことから、普請と軍役の二重負担に配慮して支給されたものと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A computer system A accessible to the Internet 4 to record and manage information 5 on the learning history of a learner 1 is configured so that a funder 2 decides whether to make a loan 10 to the learner 1 on the basis of the learning history information 5.例文帳に追加

インターネット4に接続自在で学習者1の学習履歴に関する情報5を記録・管理するコンピュータシステムAであって、前記学習履歴情報5に基づいて資金提供者2が学習者1への融資10を決定自在に構成されている。 - 特許庁


According to this record, the finance system 1, when there is a payment deposit to the savings account at a later date, makes a withdrawal from the savings account for a deficit in the loan repayment within the range of the balance in the account, and repeats such a withdrawal process until full repayment is made.例文帳に追加

この記録により、後日、前記預金口座に入金預金が有った場合、融資システム1は、不足分の融資返済金のうち、前記預金残高の範囲内で、前記預金口座からの引落しを行い、このような引落し処理を全額返済されるまで繰り返す。 - 特許庁


With some companies having been delisted due to breaches of the law or for other reasons, and others having lowered earnings estimates immediately after being listed, emerging equity exchanges are losing the confidence of investors. In addition, general conditions of the market are deteriorating due mainly to problems with the subprime loan market. As a result, stock prices at the emerging equity exchanges are still depressed, having peaked out at the end of 2005 before falling down to just over 20% of the record high in April 2008. 例文帳に追加

法令違反等による市場退出事例や上場直後の業績下方修正等を受けて、新興株式市場に対する投資家の信頼感が低下するとともに、サブプライム問題等により全般的な市況が悪化していることから、新興株式市場の株価は低迷を続けており、2005年末にピークを記録した後、2008年4月には、ピーク時の半分から2割強程度の水準にまで落ち込んだ。 - 経済産業省

To provide financial assistance to SMEs that have been directly or indirectly affected by the earthquake and ensuing disasters, Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Emergency Guarantees (which raised the maximum value of loans that can be guaranteed to a record high) and the Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Special Loan (under which loans are provided by JFC and other institutions for longer periods and at lower interest rates than in the past) were established under the first fiscal 2011 supplementary budget. 例文帳に追加

また、平成23 年度1 次補正予算により、震災により直接・間接に被害を受けた中小企業者に対す資金繰り対策として、保証限度額を過去最大規模に拡充した「東日本大震災復興緊急保証」や、従来以上に長期かつ低利の日本公庫等による「東日本大震災復興特別貸付」を創設した。 - 経済産業省


(3) A Money Lender shall, in cases where he/she must carry out an investigation under the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs and when the Total Borrowings of an Individual Customer under a Revolving Credit Loan prescribed in paragraph (5) pertaining to the Individual Customer exceed one million yen, have the Individual Customer submit or provide a Withholding Record or other documents or Electromagnetic Records containing or in which are recorded matters that disclose the income or profits or other financial resources of the Individual Customer as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance in carrying out the investigation; provided, however, that, this shall not apply to cases where the Money Lender has already received a Withholding Record or other documents or Electromagnetic Records containing or in which are recorded matters that disclose the income or profits or other financial resources of the Individual Customer as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance that have been submitted or provided by the Individual Customer. 例文帳に追加

3 貸金業者は、前二項の規定による調査をしなければならない場合において、当該個人顧客に係る第五項に規定する極度方式個人顧客合算額が百万円を超えるときは、当該調査を行うに際し、当該個人顧客から源泉徴収票その他の当該個人顧客の収入又は収益その他の資力を明らかにする事項を記載し、又は記録した書面又は電磁的記録として内閣府令で定めるものの提出又は提供を受けなければならない。ただし、貸金業者が既に当該個人顧客の源泉徴収票その他の当該個人顧客の収入又は収益その他の資力を明らかにする事項を記載し、又は記録した書面又は電磁的記録として内閣府令で定めるものの提出又は提供を受けている場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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