
「tenth grade」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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tenth gradeの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 14


He is in the tenth grade.例文帳に追加

彼は10年級に在学中だ。 - Tatoeba例文

I'm in the tenth grade.例文帳に追加

私は高校一年生です。 - Tatoeba例文

He is in the tenth grade. 例文帳に追加

彼は10年級に在学中だ。 - Tanaka Corpus

Tenth rank: Gon Chu sozu (the provisional second-highest position, middle grade)(yellow green) 例文帳に追加

10級権中僧都(萌葱) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After his death, Okida was given the quasi-shokinjo (the tenth grade of twenty-six of cap rank). 例文帳に追加

死後、外小錦上。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the time, his rank was jikikoichi (the tenth grade of jikiko rank for vassals of the forty-eight grades of cap rank). 例文帳に追加

このときの位は直広壱であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As of May, 2009, the former tenth maegashira (sumo wrestlers in the senior-grade division whose rank is below the komusubi) Motoyasu USHIOMARU succeeded the name. 例文帳に追加

2009年5月現在、元前頭10枚目・潮丸元康が襲名している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time, Hiromaro's kabane was Kimi and his rank was Shokinjo (the tenth grade of twenty-six of cap rank, which corresponds to Shogoi, Senior Fifth Rank and Jugoi, Junior Fifth Rank of Taiho Ritsuryo, Taiho Code). 例文帳に追加

広麻呂のこのときの姓は公、位は小錦上であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the 30th day of the tenth month of 726, Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) MURAKUNI no Shigamaro was appointed a Zotongushi (palace builder) along with seventeen others, including Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) KADOBE no Okimi and Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) TAJIHI no Hirotari. 例文帳に追加

神亀3年(726年)9月26日に、従四位下の門部王、正五位下の多治比広足、従五位下の村国志我麻呂ら18人が、造頓宮司に任命された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In honor of his contribution at the battle of Seta in the Jinshin War, Okida was commended and promoted to the quasi-shokinjo (the tenth grade of twenty-six of cap rank). 例文帳に追加

壬申の年の戦いで先鋒として瀬田の敵陣を破った功により、外小錦上の位を贈られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His official rank at that time was Shokinjo (the tenth of twenty-six official ranks) and he was accompanied by Shokinge (the twelfth grade of twenty-six official ranks), MIYAKE Nyuseki as a vice-envoy. 例文帳に追加

国麻呂の冠位はこのとき小錦上で、小錦下の三宅入石を副使として伴った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On March 28, 697, ranked as Jikikoichi (the tenth grade of jikiko rank for vassals of the forty-eight grades of cap rank, which corresponds to Shoshiinoge, Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade of Taiho Ritsuryo, Taiho Code), Kunimi was appointed to Togu no daifu (Mikonomiya no Okikashizuki, head teacher of the Crown Prince), and the appointed staff were MICHI no Tomi as Togu no daibu (Master in the Crown Prince's Quarters) and KOSE no Awamochi Togu no suke (Assistant Master in the Crown Prince's Quarters) 例文帳に追加

持統天皇11年(697年)2月28日、直広壱の位であった国見は東宮大傅に任じられたが、下僚として路跡見が春宮大夫、巨勢粟持が春宮亮に任じられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Famous archers include Sakae URAKAMI (Hanshi Judan - tenth grade of the highest ranked archers), who is shaho-seitei-iin (Archery Constitution Committee Member) and an editor of textbooks on archery; Hisashi MURAKAMI (Hanshi Judan - tenth grade of the highest ranked archers), who is vice-president of All Nippon Kyudo Federation; Genshiro INAGAKI (Hanshi Kyudan - ninth grade of the highest ranked archers), who is a professor at Tokyo University of Education and an instructor for the Budo Federation of Germany. 例文帳に追加

有名な射手としては、弓道教本編集に関わり射法制定委員であった浦上榮(うらかみさかえ)範士十段、全日本弓道連盟副会長を務めた村上久範士十段、東京教育大学教授でドイツ武道連盟師範であった稲垣源四郎範士九段がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Tsuneosa KASHUJI (Although he was born on November 21, 1825, his birthday was officially recorded as November 18, 1828): in "Yamashiro no Kuni Kyoto SODEOKA Genbanosuke Kaki" (The Family Chronicle of Genbanosuke SODEOKA in Kyoto, Yamashiro Province), (housed in the National Institute of Japanese Literature), written by Fumikage SODEOKA, a Jige official (the government officials of lower- ranked courtiers who were not allowed to enter the court) and a Zassho (or Karei: butler) served for the Kashuji family, who was asked to be a private tutor of Tsuneosa by Nariko KASHUJI, it is read '.....Mansenhime who came to the family as a bride gave a birth to Tsuneosa on October twelfth in the eighth year of the Bunsei era, so Tsuneosa's true age was fifteen years old this year; however it was recorded that he was only twelve years old when he was conferred Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) as his first court rank....' in the section of April 8, the tenth year of the Tempo era, which means his age was reported three years younger than actual for the official recording. 例文帳に追加

勧修寺経理(かしゅうじつねおさ、文政8年10月12日(旧暦)(1825年11月21日)公式の記録類では、生日を文政11年10月12日(1828年11月18日)とされているが、勧修寺家の雑掌などを務め、尚侍勧修寺徳子より経理の教育係に任じられた地下人官人袖岡文景の日記『山城国京都袖岡玄蕃助家記』(国文学研究資料館所蔵)天保10年4月8日条に「……山科殿より御入輿万千姫御腹文政八年十月十二日御出生、当年真実十五歳、(中略)漸至当春稲丸殿御家督治定、御年齢真実十五歳候所、相省十二歳ヲ以今般初位従五位下御申上ニ相成候……」と記しており、年齢を3歳ずらして届け出たことを記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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