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We will continue our collective commitment to strengthening and deepening regional economic integration and to eliminate barriers to international trade and investment in the region. - 経済産業省
第九十五条 委員は、人格が高潔であって、安全保障に関する識見を有し、かつ、第三条約その他の国際的な武力紛争において適用される国際人道法又は防衛に関する法令に学識経験を有する者のうちから、防衛大臣が任命する。例文帳に追加
Article 95 The Minister of Defense shall appoint board members from among those who have an honorable personality, knowledge about national security, and academic experience with the Third Convention and other international humanitarian laws to be applied in case of international armed conflict or laws and regulations on national defense.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
We reaffirm our commitment to make it easier for SMMEs to do business in the region; address trade and investment barriers that impact SMMEs; and promote trade, economic, information and technical exchanges, and cooperation; and enhance the international competitiveness among SMMEs in the region. - 経済産業省
In such cases, if the government can explain to the industry in question that they can always apply for safeguard measures if necessary, domestic industry will decrease its resistance and, thereby, open the way for more positive progress with liberalization. - 経済産業省
However, Chinese officials themselves explained their stance that using the renminbi for trade settlement is aimed to respond to insufficient dollar liquidity during the crisis and to facilitate the convenience of traders, and that the intention is only for maintaining smooth trading, not for seeking a full-fledged "internationalization of the renminbi" in the near future. In fact, even if the renminbi is to be only used for trade settlements, importers and exporters would have to finance renminbi and to manage surplus, which cannot be kept completely separate from the liberalization of capital accounts.発音を聞く - 財務省
There is also an assertion based on the fact that raising of the national flag and chorus reading of the national anthem are carried out solemnly with hats off and uprising that education in the way of Nikkyoso which seems to recommend negative response or denial of Hinomaru (national flag of Japan) and Kimigayo is internationally preposterous,発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This law is issued to define rules, regulations and measures concerning the promotions of creativities, inventions, economic wisdoms, the protections and guardedness of intellectual property rights, to guarantee the benefits of the intellectual property's owner and of the society; the promotions of scientific and technology research and development, technology transfer in the country and from foreign countries; the promotions of trade, investment and the ability in competitions for the country's economy in globalization era, efficiently. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 8件
第一条 この法律は、武力攻撃事態(武力攻撃事態等における我が国の平和と独立並びに国及び国民の安全の確保に関する法律(平成十五年法律第七十九号)第二条第二号に規定する武力攻撃事態をいう。以下同じ。)に際して、我が国領海又は我が国周辺の公海(海洋法に関する国際連合条約に規定する排他的経済水域を含む。以下同じ。)における外国軍用品等の海上輸送を規制するため、自衛隊法(昭和二十九年法律第百六十五号)第七十六条第一項の規定により出動を命ぜられた海上自衛隊の部隊が実施する停船検査及び回航措置の手続並びに防衛省に設置する外国軍用品審判所における審判の手続等を定め、もって我が国の平和と独立並びに国及び国民の安全の確保に資することを目的とする。例文帳に追加
Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to set forth the procedures of a stopped ship inspection and taking ship measure implemented by units of the Maritime Self-Defense Force called out pursuant to the provisions of Article 76, paragraph (1) of the Self-Defense Forces Act (Act No. 165 of 1954), and the procedures, etc. of the hearing at the Foreign Military Supply Tribunal to be established in the Ministry of Defense in order to restrict the maritime transportation of foreign military supplies, etc. in our territorial seas and the high seas surrounding Japan (including the Exclusive Economic Zone prescribed in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; the same shall apply hereinafter) in armed attack situations (which means the armed attack situation prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Act on Ensuring Peace and Independence of Japan and Security of the State and People in Armed Attack Situations, etc. (Act No. 79 of 2003); the same shall apply hereinafter), and thereby ensuring the peace and independence of Japan and security of the state and the people.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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