
英訳・英語 decay
該当件数 : 16件
At the hour of the Horse (around noon), the battle turned against the Taira clan, and it ended in their defeat.'発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The tendency after the war has been to avoid using the word yamato-damashii because of its link to militarism.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Here, if the decision making ends in failure at a step S102 (N at S103), tilt decision processing is performed first (S108) and after the tilt of the image is corrected, the direction of the image is decided again (S110). - 特許庁
Those who are negative about entering business exhibit a strong tendency to lack funds and ideas, and also to want to avoid the risk of failure. - 経済産業省
Even in our own time certain tendencies and desires, once necessary to survival, are a constant source of failure.発音を聞く - H. G. Wells『タイムマシン』
陪審が少女に鼻水を流し 7桁の賠償を払えず ガフニーが傾き 君らが失業し 私が敗れたら例文帳に追加
When oren gets a jury to weep a river of snot over this dead girl, when gaffney goes tits up because you can't afford to pay a sevenfigure award in damages, when you all get booted out of office, and I lose to chase - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
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該当件数 : 16件
They are said to be somewhat conservative in shopping (wish to avoid a failure). It is believed that such tendency would lead to trust in "reliable" information, such as information from the word of mouth of an acquaintance and TV commercials. - 経済産業省
He published short essays ("The Fall of Singapore" and others) during the war, and tended to follow the militaristic trend of the time; however, after the defeat, he changed his attitude completely.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To solve problems that because the inclination of an imaging apparatus due to photographing posture and a camera shake state are not displayed on a display device in a conventional imaging apparatus such as a digital camera, the frequency of photographing failures is high, a photographed image may be in an inclined state and appearance may be deteriorated due to camera shake. - 特許庁
In the questionnaire survey presented in Figure 4.3.14, the Japanese emerge as having a stronger risk avoidance tendency than in the United States, as evidenced in responses such as“no desire to take a risk” and “difficult to resurrect oneself after failure”. - 経済産業省
As a result, bakufu was governed by the close adviser of Ienari TOKUGAWA, Tadaakira MIZUNO, however, bribes became rampant during his government; Ienari's luxury was also added to that, which unstabilized the bakufu government and brought about its corruption.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When the composition of photographing is determined in accordance with the auxiliary lines, the imaging apparatus can be held at an accurate horizontal state so that the inclination or direction of the subject coincides with that of a photographed image and photographing failures due to camera shake can be reduced. - 特許庁
To provide an imaging device for microscope which can always appropriately be corrected by assisting an operator in manually correcting a microscope image display device. - 特許庁
To solve the problem that management concerning a color becomes insufficient in a printing system for carrying out the printing processing of two or more copies in large quantities, and that a printing operator who has relatively poor knowledge of a color tends to generate a printing product lacking in the uniformity of colors, resulting in the increase of the failure costs of a product. - 特許庁
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