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英訳・英語 entrance requirements list
Weblio実用英語辞典での「募集要項」の英訳 |
application guidelines, recruitment detailsapplication guidelines
application guidelinesの発音記号
/ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən ɡaɪdˈlaɪnz/application guidelinesのニュアンス
"Application guidelines"は、応募者が応募する際に必要な情報や手順を示した文書を指す。特に、大学や奨学金、助成金などの申請においてよく使われる表現である。application guidelinesと一緒に使われやすい単語・表現
submit (提出する), deadline (締切), eligibility (適格性), requirements (要件), application form (申請書)application guidelinesの例文
1. Please read the application guidelines carefully before submitting your application. (申請を提出する前に、募集要項をよくお読みください。) 2. The application guidelines include information about eligibility and requirements. (募集要項には、適格性や要件についての情報が含まれています。) 3. The deadline for submission is stated in the application guidelines. (提出の締切は募集要項に記載されています。)recruitment details
recruitment detailsの発音記号
/rɪˈkruːtmənt diːˈteɪlz/recruitment detailsのニュアンス
"Recruitment details"は、特に企業が新たに従業員を募集する際の詳細情報を指す。求人広告や企業のウェブサイト上で見かける表現である。recruitment detailsと一緒に使われやすい単語・表現
job description (職務内容), qualifications (資格), salary (給与), benefits (福利厚生), application process (応募手順)recruitment detailsの例文
1. The recruitment details include a job description and qualifications. (募集要項には、職務内容や資格が含まれています。) 2. Please refer to the recruitment details for information about salary and benefits. (給与や福利厚生についての情報は、募集要項をご参照ください。) 3. The recruitment details outline the application process. (募集要項では、応募手順が説明されています。)「募集要項」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 12件
We put Applicant Guidelines on the information request page.発音を聞く - 京大-NICT 日英中基本文データ
The data base includes a recruitment point data base describing the recruitment points of each section obtained by classifying much school explanation information in each department of each university or college and classifying the explanation information in each recruitment point even in the same department of the same university or college. - 特許庁
thoroughly look at the part where it says “the ideal type of human resources being sought” on Company A’s personnel recruitment guidelines発音を聞く - Weblioビジネス英語例文
An application management server 1 enables browsing of the application guideline information of a school 2 on a network 4. - 特許庁
The system retrieves the recruitment point data base on the basis of a retrieving condition inputted to a recruitment point/school department reverse reference retrieving condition input picture of a user computer, extracts the information of school departments suited to the retrieving condition of a specified recruitment point and transmits a report picture expressing the information as a list to the user computer. - 特許庁
Storage parts 22, 24 and 26 respectively store "application details", "winning probability" and "winning gifts" registered in the lottery announcement data. - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
Weblio英和対訳辞書での「募集要項」の英訳 |
Weblio例文辞書での「募集要項」に類似した例文 |
to call for volunteers
to close the subscription list
to make an application for something in response to an advertisement for that thing
To be collecting plans.
該当件数 : 12件
To materialize a recruitment point/school department reverse reference function for selecting a certain department of a certain school by using the details of recruitment points as a retrieving condition from a data base in which various data of school explanation information concerned with many universities and colleges are stored by arranging and summarizing them. - 特許庁
According to the guidelines for the students taking an entrance exam and official web-site of Kyoto University, however, 'students of the university' are qualified to enter dormitories.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A lottery part 25 performs a lottery for enabling a terminal to win the lottery at the winning probability in response to an application operation by a user who has read the application details. - 特許庁
A server 1 discloses an electronic private-publishing site on an internet 30, disclosing application details consisting of a fee preset in a fee list 5 and other codes. - 特許庁
To precisely and efficiently extract, without requiring special knowledge of a user, documents of ordinance and rules, plans and reports, a special event guide and guidelines for an applicant, or the like that are prepared by an administrative organ and made to be known widely to the public, and to disclose the documents on the Internet. - 特許庁
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