





該当件数 : 20



We recognize growing challenges to regional and global food security in the risks facing the world economy. - 経済産業省

2010 年日本APECでは、(a)「ボゴール目標」の達成評価、(b)地域経済統合の深化、(c)APEC地域の成長戦略の策定、(d)「人間の安全保障」の促進、の4 つを主要題として重点的に取り組む(第3-2-3-35図、第3-2-3-36図)。例文帳に追加

In 2010, APEC year in Japan, (a) achievement assessment of "Bogor Goals", (b) deepening of regional economic integration, (c) APEC regional growth strategy (d) "promotion of human security", as a focus on four main issues (see Figure 3-2-3-35, Figure 3-2-3-36). - 経済産業省


As more detail will be given in Section 3 of Chapter 3, 2010 APEC in Japan will focus the followings as major agendas: (a) Evaluation of the achievement of “Bogor Goals”, (b) Improvement of regional economic integration (c) Establishment of growth strategies for APEC region, and (d) Advancement ofHuman Security”. - 経済産業省


Under these circumstances, in April 2004, the Nuclear Safety Public Relations and Training Division responsible for enhancing public hearing and public relations was newly established in order to provide various public hearing and public relations activities.Resident Public Relations Officers are also assigned. - 経済産業省


Because the community functions supported by the preparation for crimes and disasters and by the volunteer work are also indispensable to maintain safe and secure local societies, we can ask ourselves if a distribution company, which is a conspicuous entity in a local community, is allowed to be ignorant of these challenges.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


To increase a security/safety level of a small community at relatively low cost by forming a small circle of close friends in a limited area and quickly establishing an initial alert for security by mutual aid and goodwill. - 特許庁


We discussed the importance of developing coherent regional policy responses to the major human security challenges facing APEC members, including cross-border issues such as terrorism, pandemic diseases, natural disasters and energy security and the importance of this to sustaining growth and prosperity in the region. - 経済産業省


As well, the draft budget may be described as a "budget of reform, safety and security," so to speak, as budget items have been prioritized with due consideration of tasks such as strengthening the Japanese economy's growth potential, revitalizing regions and ensuring the public's safety and security. - 財務省


. In order to address this situation, the industry must deal with four challenges (1. Dealing with environmental issues, 2. Making a positive contribution to safety and security, 3. Boosting local economies, and 4. Providing consumers with increased convenience.)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

両国の関税局長・長官は、本会議の開催は、2007年 9月の日豪首脳による「安全保障協力に関する日豪共同宣言を実施するための行動計画」で言及された取組みに応えるものであることを再確認し、両国及び地域安全保障を確保する上で、両国税関にされた役割が非常に重要であるとの認識を共有した。例文帳に追加

The two Customs Heads reaffirmed the holding of this Bilateral Meeting met commitments referred to in “the Action Plan to implement the Japan-Australia Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation” which was adopted by the two Leaders in September 2007, and shared the understanding on the critical importance of the tasks assigned to the two Customs administrations to ensure respective national security and regional security. - 財務省


Climate change is a pressing global concern, bringing about a wide range of adverse effects, such as decline in grain crops, expansion of pathogen habitats, spread of desertification, shortage of safe water resources, and losses in biodiversity in various regions.発音を聞く  - 財務省


We can and must address both the region’s economic and environmental challenges by speeding the transition toward a global low-carbon economy in a way that enhances energy security and creates new sources of economic growth and employment.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

近年も、アジア太平洋地域が直面している多様化する題に対応するべく、2007 年には「気候変動、エネルギー安全保障及びクリーンな開発に関するシドニー首脳宣言」でエネルギー効率の改善、2008 年の「世界経済に対するリマ声明」で保護主義への対抗が宣言された。例文帳に追加

In recent years, in order to address the diversifying issues that the Asia-Pacific region is faced with, the Sydney APEC Leaders' Declaration on Climate Change, Energy Security and Clean Development was adopted in 2007 to improve energy efficiency and the Lima APEC Leaders' Statement on the Global Economy was adopted in 2008 to counteract protectionism. - 経済産業省


We called on the World Bank to play a leading role in responding to problems whose nature requires globally coordinated action, such as climate change and food security, and agreed that the World Bank and the regional development banks should have sufficient resources to address these challenges and fulfill their mandates.発音を聞く  - 財務省

2012 年は、ロシアが議長を務め、(1)貿易・投資の自由化及び地域経済統合、(2)食料安全保障の強化、(3)信頼あるサプライチェーンの構築、(4)イノベーションを通した経済成長の推進、の 4 つの優先題の下に議論を行っており、その成果が、9 月にウラジオストクにて開催されるAPEC 首脳会議・閣僚会議においてとりまとめられる。例文帳に追加

Future prospects In 2012, Russia chaired the discussions under four priorities: (1) trade and investment liberalization, and regional economic integration, (2) strengthening food security, (3) establishing reliable supply chains and (4) intensive cooperation to foster innovative growth; the outcome will be summarized at the APEC top-level meeting and Ministerial Meeting to be held in Vladivostok in September. - 経済産業省


The participants had active discussions and shared the views as follows. Customs authorities as a public service at the border have a mission of ensuring security and safety of the society, collection of due duties and taxes, and facilitating legitimate trade, in cooperation with Customs Brokers. The development of the AEO programs, which are consistent with the WCO SAFE framework, is significant to achieve trade security and facilitation in Asian region. A measure should be explored with an aim for networking the trade related EDI system of each county, taking into account the progress toward Single Window Systems of each country. Customs Brokers function asAgents” for client importers/exporters as well asLiaisons” for Customs authorities. Thus, they play a key role in promoting AEO programs and IT utilization to realize international trade security and facilitation. In order to address these challenges, it is important to further strengthen the cooperation among Customs authorities and Customs Brokers in Asia through sharing their information and experiences. - 財務省


To provide a recycled ground material that effectively recycles muddy soil of red clay and coal ash, simultaneously reduces many kinds of harmful substances contained in waste, clears strength as roadbed material and back-filling material and standard values concerning environmental performance, is useful as a back-filling material even in an area having a high ground water level and possibility of liquefaction, is safe and has high reliability. - 特許庁



Report by the study group on the ideal way of convenience stores as a social infrastructure (convenience stores evolving with the society under competition and collaboration) (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, April 2009) Summarizes the result of examinations on the environment, safety and security, vitalization of local communities, improvement of convenience for consumers, and so forth in order to examine the measures to contribute to the society by convenience stores corresponding to various challenges and constantly providing convenient services to the nationals発音を聞く  - 経済産業省






Local safe section








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