意味 | 例文 (6件) |

英訳・英語 Taikisha; Taikisha Ltd.
該当件数 : 6件
As water and air are minimum necessary things for the survival of humans, disputes over water pollution and air contamination have occurred in China, increasing social unrest among people concerned about environmental problems. - 経済産業省
Consequently, air pollution, the impoverishment of energy resources, global warming effect, traffic accidents, traffic congestion, etc., are solved so that the society wherein environment and safety and taken into account can be actualized. - 特許庁
Thus, the collecting/delivering vehicles of a large number of companies are not repeatedly used in the multistory building street, and thus, illegal parking on a surrounding road is extremely reduced, a traffic snarl is eliminated, and wasteful use of fuel and an air pollution degree are remarkably reduced. - 特許庁
To solve the problem that a correspondent method for a best remedy is nothing but an unctuous mask or a heavy protective suit forcing behavioral restriction like a space suit in dangerous modern society with multiplicity of dangers such as a breath in daily air pollution, a breath and mucosal adhesion of pollen dispersal in the air and a room, a breath in an office generating usual hazard gas, and a smog influx generated in China. - 特許庁
Syracuse Research Corporation の P.H.Howard と W.M.Meylanが編集した物理性データ集。1997年に Lewis社から刊行された。約13000の有機物質について、CAS番号順に配列し、各8項目〔融点、沸点(減圧下での沸点を含む)、水溶解度、オクタノール/水分配係数、蒸気圧、解離定数、ヘンリー係数、ならびに大気中での水酸化ラジカル反応速度定数〕のデータを収載している。例文帳に追加
A collection of properties compiled by P.H.Howard and W.M.Meylan (Syracuse Research Corporation) and published by Lewis in 1997, this addresses a total of about 13,000 organic compounds, arranging them in order of CAS number with data on 8 parameters - i.e., melting point, boiling point (including boiling point under reduced pressure), aqueous solubility, octanol/water partition coefficient, vapor pressure, dissociation constant, Henry coefficient, and atmospheric hydroxyl radical reaction rate constant. - 経済産業省
第一条 この法律は、地球温暖化が地球全体の環境に深刻な影響を及ぼすものであり、気候系に対して危険な人為的干渉を及ぼすこととならない水準において大気中の温室効果ガスの濃度を安定化させ地球温暖化を防止することが人類共通の課題であり、すべての者が自主的かつ積極的にこの課題に取り組むことが重要であることにかんがみ、地球温暖化対策に関し、京都議定書目標達成計画を策定するとともに、社会経済活動その他の活動による温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等を促進するための措置を講ずること等により、地球温暖化対策の推進を図り、もって現在及び将来の国民の健康で文化的な生活の確保に寄与するとともに人類の福祉に貢献することを目的とする。例文帳に追加
Article 1 In recognition of the serious impact of global warming on the environment of the entire planet, and the importance of efforts on the part of all humankind to actively and voluntarily address the universal issue of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at levels where human interference does not pose a danger to climate systems, the purpose of this Law is to promote global warming countermeasures by formulating a plan for attaining targets under the Kyoto Protocol and taking measures to promote the control of greenhouse gas emissions due to social, economic, and other activities, thereby contributing to the health and cultural life of the Japanese people, both now and in the future, as well as contributing to the wellbeing of all humankind.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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