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英訳・英語 diminutive
該当件数 : 8件
a suffix named diminutive発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
An initial setting hold part 101 specifies the number of words constituting a small-size dictionary 112. - 特許庁
compareが NULL (比較関数が指定されていない) の場合、辞書的に比較される。 短いキーは長いキーより小さいことになる。例文帳に追加
If compare is NULL (no comparison function is specified), the keys are compared lexically, with shorter keys considered less than longer keys.発音を聞く - JM
Although he had served the Honda clan of Zeze Domain by recommendation of Enshu KOBORI, he quit his service and became an instructor of tea ceremony at Aburanokoji-dori Street, Nijo-dori Street.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Based on the above analysis, the effect indicator of the number of children per female permanent employee appears to indicate, together with the high rates of continuation in employment and reemployment at SMEs, that SMEs provide a better environment for continuing to work while caring for children, rather than women working at them because “people on lower incomes have more children” or “working due to being unable to quit despite wanting to quit.” - 経済産業省
Io' of Ioto no miya refers to "Anshitsu," i.e. a humble cabin, which a person who lives a life aloof from the affairs of the world such as a person of refined taste, or a priest uses at work, or refers to a camp for controlling the army (adapted from "Wamyoruiju-sho" [famous Heian-period Japanese dictionary]), so that Ioto no miya is believed to be derived from the residence of Emperor Korei who was literally the governor of the government.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He learned his swordplay in the following way throughout his life: He learned it from Kyuga OKUDAIRA (Kyugasai was one of his names as a swordsman), a founder of swordplay as well as his retainer, for seven years from the Battle of Anegawa, employed Tadaaki ONO (recommended by Ittosai ITO in the Itto-ryu school of swordplay) as the swordplay instructor for Hidetada at a stipend of a 200 koku of rice a year in 1593, and also employed Munenori YAGYU in 1594 (Ieyasu fought with Muneyoshi YAGYU in a swordplay match and was defeated with Munenori using no sword, and therefore, ordered Muneyoshi to serve the bakufu as a swordplay instructor, but he declined the order because of his advanced age).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 8件
In order to let localization progress, it is important to secure excellent manpower locally. However, it was pointed out that excellent staff gets less attracted to Japanese companies due to some reasons such as lower wages offered by a Japanese company compare to that of competitors (small variance in salary) or no35prospect of becoming a top executive at their Japan head office29, meaning no prospective of good career. Or, even though excellent manpower was hired, he/she would resign with the reason that he/she is unable to make fully use of his/her talent. - 経済産業省
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