意味 | 例文 (12件) |
英訳・英語 Verstehen
該当件数 : 12件
そして社会科学が生み出した 理解の方法は例文帳に追加
And in the social sciences - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
a methodology, that deals with non-specialists' commonsense understanding of a social structure, called {ethnomethodology} - EDR日英対訳辞書
it has made it emotionally difficult for many hackers to consciously understand the social dynamics of their own culture!発音を聞く - Eric S. Raymond『ノウアスフィアの開墾』
To provide a social studies data collection book capable of being learned relative to a transportation and an industry in industrial study and easily understood relative to the transportation and the industry. - 特許庁
第二十七条 国は、循環型社会の形成の推進を図るためには事業者及び国民の理解と協力を得ることが欠くことのできないものであることにかんがみ、循環型社会の形成に関する教育及び学習の振興並びに広報活動の充実のために必要な措置を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 27 The State shall take necessary measures for the improvement of publicity and the promotion of education and learning on the establishment of a Sound Material-Cycle Society, in view of the fact that it is indispensable to gain the understanding and cooperation of business operators and citizens in order to facilitate the transformation into a Sound Material-Cycle Society.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第十六条 国は、青少年をはじめ広く国民があらゆる機会を通じてものづくり基盤技術に対する関心と理解を深めるとともに、ものづくり基盤技術に関する能力を尊重する社会的気運が醸成されるよう、小学校、中学校等における技術に関する教育の充実をはじめとする学校教育及び社会教育におけるものづくり基盤技術に関する学習の振興、ものづくり基盤技術の重要性についての啓発並びにものづくり基盤技術に関する知識の普及に必要な施策を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 16 In order to increase the interest and understanding of the youth and other citizens in core manufacturing technology through the use of all kinds of opportunities and in order to promote the establishment of a social sentiment to respect abilities related to core manufacturing technology, the State shall take the necessary measures for the promotion of learning about core manufacturing technology in school education and social education including increasing education in technology in elementary schools, lower secondary schools and other schools, raising awareness about the importance of core manufacturing technology, and disseminating knowledge on core manufacturing technology.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第二十一条 国は、国民が広く知的財産に対する理解と関心を深めることにより、知的財産権が尊重される社会を実現できるよう、知的財産に関する教育及び学習の振興並びに広報活動等を通じた知的財産に関する知識の普及のために必要な施策を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 21 National government shall take the necessary measures to promote education and learning on intellectual property and disseminate knowledge on intellectual property through public relations activities, etc. in order to develop a society in which intellectual property rights are respected, through making citizens more aware of and deepening its interest in intellectual property.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
Weblio例文辞書での「理解社会学」に類似した例文 |
該当件数 : 12件
第二十四条 国は、学校教育及び社会教育における生物の多様性に関する教育の推進、専門的な知識又は経験を有する人材の育成、広報活動の充実、自然との触れ合いの場及び機会の提供等により国民の生物の多様性についての理解を深めるよう必要な措置を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 24 The government shall take necessary measures to improve public understanding of biodiversity by promoting education relating to biodiversity in school education and social education, developing human resources with expert knowledge or experience, enriching public relations activities, providing places and opportunities to interact with nature and conducting other activities.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
In light of this role, these guidelines set forth points to be observed by all persons involved in human stem cell clinical research with the objective of achieving public understanding, and the appropriate implementation and advancement of such research through respect for the individual and human rights and the maintenance of scientifically-based safety and efficacy. - 厚生労働省
学生の職業観の醸成や働くことに対する理解を深めてもらうとともに、成長企業(中堅・中小・ベンチャー企業)の魅力発信・人材確保を目的に、全国に11 の地域プロジェクトチーム(管理法人・経済団体・企業・大学)を組成し、人文・社会科学系の大学1、2 年生を主なターゲットに、大学内での魅力的な成長企業の経営者等によるリレー講座、大学外での成長企業等の取材や就業体験を通じた魅力発信レポートの作成を行った。例文帳に追加
In order to improve students’ occupational awareness and strengthen their understanding of what it means to work, 11 regional project teams (consisting of representatives of management corporations, business organizations, enterprises, and universities) were set up around Japan to publicize the attractions of working at growth enterprises (small, medium, mid-tier, and venture enterprises) and the employment opportunities offered by them. Targeting mainly first- and second-year university students in the humanities and social sciences, these teams organized on-campus “relay” lectures taught in turn by the proprietors of attractive growth enterprises. Off campus, meanwhile, they produced reports highlighting the attractions of SMEs based on interviews conducted at growth enterprises and students’ experiences of their internships at these and other enterprises.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
第二十八条 国は、国民が海洋についての理解と関心を深めることができるよう、学校教育及び社会教育における海洋に関する教育の推進、海洋法に関する国際連合条約その他の国際約束並びに海洋の持続可能な開発及び利用を実現するための国際的な取組に関する普及啓発、海洋に関するレクリエーションの普及等のために必要な措置を講ずるものとする。例文帳に追加
Article 28 (1) The State shall take necessary measures, in order that citizens shall have a better understanding of and deeper interests in the oceans, to promote school education and social education with regard to the oceans, propagation and enlightenment of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other international agreements as well as international efforts to realize the sustainable development and use of the oceans, and popularization of ocean recreation.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The “Guidelines on clinical research using human stem cells” (hereunder, the “guidelines”), all involved in human stem cell clinical research should respect, were established in July 2006 to ensure, through respect for the individual and human rights, and the maintenance of scientifically-based safety and efficacy, that the clinically promising field of human stem cell research achieves public understanding and is appropriately implemented and maintained. - 厚生労働省
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