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英訳・英語 weigh
該当件数 : 12件
to measure weight with scales発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
a scale that displays weight on a dial face, called {dial scale}発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
a balance that measure weight by the tension on a helical spring発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
a weighting system used to weigh gold, silver, or gemstones, called troy weight発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書
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Weblio例文辞書での「重さを測る」に類似した例文 |
該当件数 : 12件
We therefore direct the Transportation Working Group and Energy Working Group to develop performance measures for gauging the impact of livability-driven interventions to reduce transport times, energy use and carbon emissions, and to have initial measures available for review by Energy Ministers in 2012 and Transportation Ministers in 2013.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
We therefore direct the Transportation Working Group and Energy Working Group to develop performance measures for gauging the impact of livability-driven interventions to reduce transport times, energy use and carbon emissions, and to have initial measures available for review by Energy Ministers in 2012 and Transportation Ministers in 2013.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
Hereby, the fuel oil or the crude oil inside the rising part 111 is prevented from being cooled below a pour point, to thereby enable to measure accurately the pressure of the fuel oil or the crude oil in the bleeding pipe 11. - 特許庁
A plurality of concentric circles 52 having a center point of a specified arbitrary point 51 are superposingly displayed as a scale for measuring the diameter of the lumen 40 in a B mode image when specifying the arbitrary point 51 in the image displayed on the B mode image in the case of forming and displaying the B mode image from a plurality of echo signals obtained by radially scanning a subject with ultrasonic wave. - 特許庁
Forgive me for citing a general principle that I always mention, but accounting standards serve as an important universal yardstick for measuring the financial conditions of companies. In the case of listed companies in particular, it is important to give consideration to the perspective of users, including investors investing in the companies. In this sense, it is very important to ensure the transparency, reliability and consistency of accounting standards, and doing so will contribute to securing trust in financial statements published by the companies.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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