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英訳・英語 intensive investment
該当件数 : 21件
In July 1994, the Japanese government established the Japan Investment Council chaired by the prime minister. This council was charged with gathering opinions about how to improve the investment environment and publicizing investment promotion-related measures. Since then, three Statements of the Japan Investment Council have been announced, in which the council indicated its dynamic decisions and endeavors aimed at promoting FDI into Japan. - 経済産業省
To provide a system and a method for investing in a "vertical" market sector of healthcare or other research intensive fields. - 特許庁
Also established were: The Strategy Investment Fund (SIF) to support important projects in advanced industry, including the research and development of low carbon technology; and the UK Innovation Investment Fund (UKIIF) invests strategically in technological consolidating enterprises in the private sector. - 経済産業省
An agent integrates the amount invested and invests the invested amount, and transactions between a subdivided investor and the agent are automated by a computer system through the Internet. - 特許庁
There are some examples of the potential inflow of inward direct investment in labor-intensive industries by improving market access in Africa within the scheme. - 経済産業省
さらに、1992 年に 小平が行った「南巡講話」をきっかけとして、中国への直接投資が大きく増大し、機械類を始めとする資本・技術集約型の製品の輸出が拡大した。例文帳に追加
Furthermore, talks given by comrade Deng Xiaoping when he xisited the south in 1992, direct investment in China increased significantly, and exports of machinery and other capital and technology-intensive products expanded. - 経済産業省
Factors behind this type of expansion of exports of machinery include China’s actively accepting direct inward investment and shifting toward more capital-intensive industries through capital accumulation and technical progress. - 経済産業省
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該当件数 : 21件
To increase the yield of suitably pesticide-protected plants in mass-cultivations that start already at the seed stage without investments into the improvement of labor intensive operations such as sowing or transplanting. - 特許庁
Railway vehicles, power generation equipment and semiconductors became a domestic monopoly and oligopoly market. - 経済産業省
To provide a lapping tool capable of lapping by mounting the toll on a machine tool and reducing manufacturing cost by contriving intensifying of lapping and other working, suppression of facility investment, reduction of working time and reduction of inter-process moving time. - 特許庁
ASEAN諸国は、1990 年代から、我が国や欧米諸国等からの直接投資を積極的に受け入れた結果(第1-2-4-40 図)、先進諸国の労働集約型産業がASEANに移転し、欧米諸国等向けの最終財の加工・組立拠点として成長を遂げた。例文帳に追加
As the result of the active acceptance of direct investment from Japan, the U.S. and European countries since 1990s (see Figure 1-2-4-40), ASEAN member countries, labor-intensive industries of developed countries were transferred to ASEAN and developed as the processing and assembly bases for the final products bound for the U.S. and European countries. - 経済産業省
FOCACは、2000 年10 月に第1 回会合が開催され、以後、債務削減、人材育成、医療分野、貿易投資などの分野で中国がアフリカ諸国に協力内容を提案し、アフリカ側の意見を集約しつつ、政治、経済、文化を包括したアフリカ協力の体制構築を中国は進めている。例文帳に追加
FOCAC convened the first meeting in October 2000. Since then, China has been making proposals to provide cooperation to African countries in the area of debt reduction, human resource development, medical services, trade and investment. While consolidating views from African countries, China has been promoting the comprehensive cooperative structure for politics, economy and culture to support Africa. - 経済産業省
To provide an eccentric position spherical surface working method capable of accomplishing high-accuracy spherical surface working in NC lathe having flexibility, and reducing the manufacturing cost by aggregating spherical surface working and other working, restraining plant and equipment investment, reducing the working time, and reducing the inter-process moving time. - 特許庁
そのため、LEDやリチウムイオン電池など、将来の CO2削減ポテンシャルが大きい分野に限定して、最初の生産ラインの設置に係るものに限り、国内投資を政府が集中的に支援する革新的低炭素技術集約産業の国内立地の推進事業を実施することが求められている。例文帳に追加
Therefore, it is required to implement projects in which the government provide intensive support for domestic investment to promote domestic location for innovative low-carbon technology-intensive industries, though they shall be limited to fields with the great future potential to reduce carbon dioxide, including LED and lithium-ion batteries, and to the case of building the initial production line. - 経済産業省
To provide a gear grinding tool capable of being mounted in a compound machine tool, grinding a gear to high precision in a short time, and reducing its manufacturing costs by achieving the integration of the gear grinding operation with other machining operations and reductions in equipment investments, machining time, and the time required for movement between processes, etc. - 特許庁
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