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externusとは 意味・読み方・使い方

該当件数 : 8件
The suspect, obscured by fog, shot officer brooks in the vastus externus of the left thigh.例文帳に追加
霧の中 容疑者は ファレル刑事の 左の大腿部を撃った - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Since the earplug body 2 is fitted to the meatus acusticus externus properly, the delivery efficiency of vibration from the vibrating body 3 to bones around the meatus acusticus externus is extremely high.例文帳に追加
耳栓体2が外耳道に良好にフィットしているので、振動体3から外耳道周囲の骨への振動の伝達効率が極めて高い。 - 特許庁
The razor 1 is put in the meatus acoustic externus, and the grip rod 3 is moved forward and backward in its axial direction to thereby efficiently shave the hair in the meatus acoustic externus.例文帳に追加
剃刀1を外耳道内に入れ、掴み棒3をその軸方向に前後させることで外耳道内の毛を効率よく剃ることができる。 - 特許庁
When the acoustic vibration generating element 4 is driven, the vibration of the vibrating body 3 is delivered to the inner wall of the meatus acusticus externus through the earplug body 2, and delivered to bones around the meatus acusticus externus through skin.例文帳に追加
音響振動発生素子4を駆動すると、振動体3の振動が耳栓体2を介して外耳道の内壁に伝わり、皮膚を通して外耳道周囲の骨に伝わる。 - 特許庁
To provide a nystagmus inducing unit capable for precisely inspecting by blowing accurate temperature-controlled air to the rear upper wall of the most deep part of meatus acusticus externus even where the bend degrees of the meatus acusticus externus vary with individuals.例文帳に追加
外耳道の湾弯曲度等の個人差のある場合でも、正確に温度管理されたエアを外耳道最深部後上壁に吹き付けることにより、精度の良い検査を行うことができる眼振誘発装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
To provide a razor, suitably coming into contact with meatus acoustic externus and auricle to efficiently shave the hair of the ear.例文帳に追加
外耳道や耳介の複雑な形状に適切に接して、耳の毛を効率良く剃ることができる剃刀を提供する。 - 特許庁
The earplug body 2 is fitted properly to the meatus acusticus externus of each earphone user to shut down noise from the outside and to maintain the inside of the external acoustic meatus in a quiet ambient.例文帳に追加
耳栓体2は、個々のイヤホン使用者の外耳道に良好にフィットし、外部からの騒音を遮断して外耳道内を静かな環境に保つ。 - 特許庁
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Wiktionary英語版での「externus」の意味 |
From exter (“outward, on the outside”).
First/second-declension adjective.
Number | Singular | Plural | |||||
Case / Gender | Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | |
Nominative | externus | externa | externum | externī | externae | externa | |
Genitive | externī | externae | externī | externōrum | externārum | externōrum | |
Dative | externō | externō | externīs | ||||
Accusative | externum | externam | externum | externōs | externās | externa | |
Ablative | externō | externā | externō | externīs | |||
Vocative | externe | externa | externum | externī | externae | externa |
- externus in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- externus in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- externus in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
- externus in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
- Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
- the world of sense, the visible world: res externae
- to be affected by some external impulse, by external impressions: pulsu externo, adventicio agitari
- to despise earthly things: res externas or humanas despicere
- to be acquainted with the history of one's own land: domestica (externa) nosse
- to embrace a strange religion: religionem externam suscipere
- a civil war: bellum intestinum, domesticum (opp. bellum externum)
- the world of sense, the visible world: res externae
該当件数 : 8件
The earphone 1 comprises an earplug body 2 cast by injecting and solidifying silicone 12 into the meatus acusticus externus of an earphone user, a vibrating body 3 embedded in the earplug body 2, and an acoustic vibration generating element 4 for vibrating the vibrating body 3.例文帳に追加
このイヤホン1は、シリコーン12をそのイヤホン使用者の外耳道に注入し固まらせることによって成型された耳栓体2と、耳栓体2に埋設された振動体3と、振動体3を振動させる音響振動発生素子4と、を備えている。 - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (8件) |
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