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「small local government」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 20件
Move forward with the construction of local taxation systems that provide stable revenue and whose revenue gaps among jurisdictions are small. To this end, we will review local corporate taxation, and will consider enhancing the local consumption tax system from the perspective of promoting government decentralization and securing central and local government stable revenue sources for social security programs.例文帳に追加
地域主権改革の推進及び国と地方を通じた社会保障制度の安定財源確保の観点から、地方消費税を充実するとともに、地方法人課税のあり方を見直すことなどにより、税源の偏在性が小さく、税収が安定的な地方税体系を構築。 - 厚生労働省
The government will implement the growth strategy by the united efforts of the central government and local governments so that the effects of the Japan Revitalization Strategy will spread to local economies as well as SMEs and small businesses, and will lead to an economic recovery in Japan as a whole. At the same time, the government will promote innovation of SMEs and small businesses.例文帳に追加
日本再興戦略を実行し、その効果を地域経済や中小企業・小規模事業者にも及ぼすことにより、我が国全体としての経済再生を図っていくため、国・地方一体となった体制を構築するとともに、中小企業・小規模事業者の革新に向けた取組を進める。 - 経済産業省
In addition, from the standpoint of developing community appeal and substitutes for government services, local governments also have high hopes for small and medium businesses.例文帳に追加
また、地方自治体においても、都市の魅力づくり、行政サービスの代替といった観点から、これら中小事業者に期待するところが大きい。 - 経済産業省
It can be also assumed that there may be cases where a government and an NPO play a main role to support the infrastructure of local community lives in a local community where the gross demands are estimated to be so small that any entry cannot be expected because no profitability is possible for private companies.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
また、民間企業の採算が成り立たず、参入が期待できないほど地域の総需要が小さいと予想される地域において、行政やNPOが中心になって地域生活インフラを支えていく場合も想定できる。 - 経済産業省
Nonetheless, the ratio of local revenue (amount adding the amount of expenditure for financial transfers from the central government to local independent financial resources) accounted for by general transfer expenditures is approximately 5% (2005). Comparing this to the ratio of local revenue accounted for by tax revenues distributed to local governments in Japan, which has remained around 20% from the high-growth period up to now, it can be seen that this is extremely small (Figure 1-3-55).例文帳に追加
しかしながら、一般性移転支出額が地方歳入(地方独自財源に中央政府からの財政移転支出額を加えた金額)に占める割合は約5%(2005年)であり、日本の地方交付税が地方歳入に占める割合が、高度成長期から現在に至るまで20%前後の水準で推移しているのと比較しても極めて小さいことが分かる(第1-3-55図)。 - 経済産業省
In order to protect the Japanese economy and the lives of our citizens, the new policy package will place emphasis on three areas, namely, "people's living," "financial measures and reinvigoration of small business enterprises" and "local economies." Dependence on deficit-covering government bonds will be avoided to the extent possible in funding the package.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
さらに、同対策をとりまとめた後の内外の金融・経済情勢の変化等新たな事態に対応するため、十月三十日、新しい経済対策として「生活対策」を策定いたしました。 - 金融庁
In the future, local governments facing the serious challenge of how to improve services for residents within the framework of “small government” will need to put further effort into developing and collaborating in fields in which they have not traditionally sought to become involved, and local governments can assist each other in this process by learning from each other’s best practice in such initiatives.例文帳に追加
今後、「小さな政府」のもとで住民サービスを向上させるという困難な課題に立ち向かう自治体としては、互いの自治体の成功事例なども参考にしつつ、従来育成に手が伸ばせていなかった分野についても、より一層の育成・連携に努めていくことが求められよう。 - 経済産業省
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「small local government」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 20件
To support activities of a nonprofit organization including a small group through opening a homepage of the nonprofit organization, distributing it, and giving evaluation points to the activities of the nonprofit organization by the administrator side of a local government on a computer network.例文帳に追加
コンピュータネットワーク上における地方自治体等の管理者側による小集団を含む非営利団体のホームページの開設やその配信、非営利団体の活動に対する評価ポイントの付与等を通して非営利団体の活動を支援する。 - 特許庁
In 2007, a partnership of major distributors and small and mid-sized retailers, local government and financial institutions launched a cooperative organization known as We Love Tenmonkan, and took measures such as offering free transportation and holding a variety of events.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
そこで2007 年には流通大型店・中小商店、更には地元自治体や地元金融機関が連携してWeLove 天文館協議会という協働組織を立ち上げ、公共交通機関の無料化や各種イベントなどの取り組みを続けてきた。 - 経済産業省
When the right of cadastral surveys was transferred to kokushi from the central government, the shoens and private lands (lands of local lords such as gunji (district managers), goji (a local government official under the ritsuryo system) and so on) without chiden (small scale land already developed by tato) or kugen (official documents authorized by kokushi or gunji (local magistrates) for transfer of the ownership of private property) were confiscated one after another into kokugaryo (territories governed by provincial government office) in order for them to secure tax revenue (it is clear that this authority was strong because when the shoen of sekkan-ke in Wakasa Province was confiscated by kokushi and it was pointed out that FUJIWARA no Yorimichi, the chief adviser to the emperor, was wrong in kugen, the judgment of kokushi was justified (in the description on September 1 and 13, 1025 in "Shoyuki" (Diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke)).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
国司は中央政府から検田権を委譲されると、治田(ちでん、田堵の開発した小規模の墾田)や公験(くげん、正式に土地所有を認めた文書)のない荘園・私領(郡司・郷司など在地領主の所領)を次々に没収して国衙領に組み入れ、税収を確保しようとした(この権限が強かったことは、若狭国にあった摂関家の荘園が国司に接収された際に関白藤原頼通が国司に公験不備を指摘されると、国司の判断を妥当とした(『小右記』万寿2年9月1日・13日条)ことでも明らかである)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The government will support municipal initiatives to build a support system in collaboration with private start-up support businesses, with the aim of promoting business startups in local areas and of strengthening support for recovery of SMEs and small businesses (in relation to a bill for the Industrial Competitiveness Enhancement Act).例文帳に追加
地域における創業を促進し、中小企業・小規模事業者の再生支援の強化を図るため、市区町村が民間の創業支援事業者と連携した支援体制を構築する取組等を支援する(産業競争力強化法案関連)。 - 経済産業省
In regional revitalization, improvement of the social infrastructure, and measures to support small and medium-sized enterprises, the government will advance earthquake resistance to make the residential and living environments safer, expand support provided from the perspective of the regions, and make infrastructural improvements that contribute to revitalization of local economies.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
「地域活性化、社会資本整備、中小企業対策等」においては、耐震化等による安心・安全な居住・生活環境の整備や、地域の目線に立った支援の拡充、地域経済の元気復活に資するインフラ整備などに取り組むこととしております。 - 財務省
In order to expand opportunities for SMEs to receive orders from the public sectors, a “Contract Policy of the Government regarding Small and Medium Enterprises” will be established and publicized by such means as requesting appropriate action by local governments and organizing information sessions. (Continuation) (See p. 198.)発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
官公需における中小企業者の受注機会の増大を図るため、「中小企業者に関する国等の契約の方針」を定めるとともに、地方公共団体に対する要請、説明会の開催等を通じて施策の周知徹底を図る。(継続)(p.201参照) - 経済産業省
Central government agencies, local governments, and other public agencies will continue to be requested to show “due consideration to be given to SMEs in the region affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake,” as urged for the first time in fiscal 2011 in the annually revised “Contract Policy of the Government regarding Small and Medium Enterprises,” and briefings and other events will be held around Japan to raise officials’ awareness of the policy in order to expand opportunities for SMEs in regions devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake to receive orders. (Continuation) (See p. 195.)発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
毎年策定する「中小企業者に関する国等の契約の方針」に平成23 年度から新たに盛り込んだ「東日本大震災の被災地域等の中小企業者に対する配慮」等について、引き続き国等の機関や地方公共団体等の機関に対する要請や全国各地での説明会等を行い、東日本大震災の被災地域等の中小企業者の受注機会の増大を図る。(継続)(p.195参照) - 経済産業省
As you know, the revised act is aimed at supporting local economies and small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), which face severe conditions, by strengthening the financial intermediary function of financial institutions through capital injection by the government. I believe that this will play an important role as the backbone of the various measures so far taken and financial institutions' efforts.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
ご案内のとおり、この改正法は国の資本参加を通じて金融機関の金融仲介機能を強化することにより、厳しい状況に直面する地域経済及び中小企業を支援することを目的としたものでありまして、これまでの各般の施策、あるいは金融機関における取組みの後ろ盾となる重要なものであると思っています。 - 金融庁
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