



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 日英・英日専門用語 > successor numberの意味・解説 

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意味・対訳 継承番号

日英・英日専門用語辞書での「successor number」の意味

successor number

「successor number」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 10


The anthology tried to follow tradition by naming itself the successor of "Kokin Wakashu" (A Collection of Ancient and Modern Poetry) and "Shin Kokin," and the reason why the number of anthologists was increased to five was probably because the Emperor wanted to make the anthology resemble "Shin Kokin," but because the anthologists were unable to agree with each other and couldn't organize the poems well it ended up being too diversified and inconsistent.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

命名には『古今和歌集』『新古今』以来の正統を継承しようとする意気込みが見え、撰者の数を五人に増やしたのも、おそらく『新古今』のような勅撰集を目指した故であろうが、撰者が相容れぬ立場にあるため歌風の調和が取れず、多種多様で統一性に欠ける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nichiko, on one hand, devoted himself to dissemination of Nichiren's teachings that he had been taught directly by word of mouth, and on the other hand, greatly contributed to development of his temples by inviting Tanesada CHIBA, who was the former employer of Nichijo and was a potential successor to head of the Chiba clan, to an office of Zoku betto (lay administrator) for the purposes of increasing branch temples in number based on Tanesada's donation of plentiful landholdings in Sendasho, Shimousa Province, and stabilizing the finance of his temples.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

日高は日蓮面授の弟子としてその教えを広める事に力を尽くす一方、日常の旧主であり、千葉氏当主の継承権のある千葉胤貞を俗別当に迎えて下総国千田荘の多くの土地の寄進を受けて末寺の拡大と寺院財政の安定化を図った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are currently a large number of retailers in existing shopping districts that decided to close their businesses due to the lack of having a successor. Amidst these conditions, in order for small and medium retail and other industries to respond to expectations and to develop new projects and services, it is important to have not only existing entrepreneurs, but also have the entry of new leaders.例文帳に追加

現在、既存商店街で後継者がいないことを理由に廃業している小売事業者も多い中で、今後、中小小売業等が期待に応えて新たな事業やサービスを展開していくためには、既存事業者のみならず、新たな担い手の参入が重要である。 - 経済産業省

An analysis was also performed to determine whether the criteria by which a candidate was chosen as successor differed depending on whether the proprietor had any children and on the number of consanguineous heirs, but no marked difference in the tendency for “management abilityto exceedblood relative or relative” was observed.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

また、子息・子女の有無、血縁相続人の人数などによって、候補者から後継者を選ぶ判断基準が変わるかどうかの分析を行ったが、「経営能力の優秀さ」が「血縁・親戚関係」を上回る傾向には特段の違いは見られなかった。 - 経済産業省

The right to a patent shall belong to the inventor or his successor in title. If two or more persons have jointly made an invention, the right to the patent shall belong to them jointly. If a number of persons have made an invention independently of each other, the right shall belong to that person who first files an application for the invention with the Patent Office.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

特許を受ける権利は,発明者又はその権原承継人に帰属する。2以上の者が共同して発明を行ったときは,特許を受ける権利はこれらの者の共有に属する。複数の者が互いに独立して発明を行った場合は,この権利は,当該発明の出願を最初に特許庁にした者に属する。 - 特許庁

(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the suspension of the Commitment Period shall terminate if the Limited Partners holding a Number of Partnership Units equal to [___]% or more of the total Number of Partnership Units held by all of the Limited Partners approve, or a successor to the applicable Key Person who has not been substantially involved in the investment of the Partnership Assets is appointed pursuant to paragraph (3) of this Article within [___] months of the occurrence of the Key Person Event, and if the suspension of the Commitment Period is not terminated, the Commitment Period shall terminate on the date on which [___] months elapse after the occurrence of the Key Person Event.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2. 前項の規定にかかわらず、総有限責任組合員の出資口数の合計の[ ]分の[ ]以上に相当する出資口数を有する有限責任組合員の承認を得た場合、又は、本条第3 項に従って、本組合の組合財産の運用に実質的に関与しなくなった主要担当者に代わる者が、主要担当者事由の発生後[ ]ヶ月以内に選任された場合、出資約束期間の停止は解除されるものとし、かかる解除がなされない場合、主要担当者事由の発生後[ ]ヶ月を経過した日に出資約束期間は終了するものとする。 - 経済産業省


(3) The General Partner may appoint a successor candidate or an additional candidate to a Key Person by giving a written notice to each Limited Partner. The General Partner shall provide the Limited Partners with information regarding the candidate and, upon request by a Limited Partner, offer such Limited Partner an opportunity to interview the candidate. Appointment of the candidate shall require the approval of Limited Partners holding a Number of Partnership Units equal to [___]% or more of the total Number of Partnership Units held by all of the Limited Partners.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3. 無限責任組合員は、各有限責任組合員に書面により通知することにより、主要担当者の後任の候補者、又は追加的な候補者を指名することができる。かかる場合、無限責任組合員は、各有限責任組合員に当該候補者の情報を提供し、有限責任組合員から求められた場合、当該候補者と当該有限責任組合員との面談の機会を設定するものとする。候補者の選任は、総有限責任組合員の出資口数の合計の[ ]分の[ ]以上に相当する出資口数を有する有限責任組合員の承認を得ることを要するものとする。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「successor number」の意味

successor number

「successor number」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 10


(2) The General Partner may not engage in any business that is the same or similar to that of the Partnership nor operate or manage any other partnership, company or other entity whose business purposes are the same or similar to those of the Partnership (a “Successor Fund”) as a general partner, unlimited liability member, director or manager or in a similar capacity, until the earlier of (i) the time at which the sum of the Investment Amount and the amounts of Capital Contributions appropriated to the expenses of the Partnership and the management fees reaches [___]% of the total Capital Commitments of all Partners or (ii) the expiration of the Commitment Period, except where the relevant act is approved by (i) [___]% or more of the members of the Advisory Board or (ii) the Limited Partners holding a Number of Partnership Units equal to [___]% or more of the aggregate Number of Partnership Units of all of the Limited Partners.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2. 無限責任組合員は、(ⅰ)投資総額並びに本組合の費用及び管理報酬にあてられた出資履行金額の合計額が総組合員の出資約束金額の合計額の[ ]分の[ ]に達する時、又は(ⅱ)出資約束期間の満了時のいずれか早い時までの間は、本組合の事業と同種又は類似の事業を行うこと、及び本組合の事業と同種又は類似の事業を目的とする他の組合、会社又はその他の団体(以下「承継ファンド」という。)の無限責任組合員、ジェネラル・パートナー、無限責任社員、取締役又は業務執行者その他これらに類似する役職として当該団体の管理及び運営を行うことができないものとする。但し、(ⅰ)諮問委員会の委員の[ ]分の[ ]以上がかかる行為を承認した場合又は(ⅱ)総有限責任組合員の出資口数の[ ]分の[ ]以上に相当する出資口数を有する有限責任組合員がかかる行為を承認した場合はこの限りではない。 - 経済産業省

If the applicant for registration of a trademark, or his successor,wishes to enjoy the right of priority on account of a prior application filed in a country which is a member of a multilateral international treaty to which the Kingdom is a party, or a country which has reciprocal treatment with the Kingdom, he shall support his application with a statement showing the filing date of the prior application, its number and the country where it was filed. Further, the applicant shall file a copy of such prior application duly authenticated by the competent authority in the country of filing, and from the official authentication agencies, including the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, within six months from the date of the prior application for which he claims right of priority; otherwise, he will lose his right for such claim.例文帳に追加

商標登録出願人又はその承継人が, 王国が締約国である多国間国際条約の構成国である国又は王国と相互主義待遇関係にある国において先の出願を行ったことによる優先権の享受を希望する場合は, 当該人は, 当該先の出願の出願日, 番号及び出願国を示す陳述により, 自ら出願を裏付けなければならない。さらに, 出願人は, 優先権を主張する先の出願の日から 6月以内に, 当該出願国の管轄当局及びサウジ外務省を含む認証機関により適正に認証された当該先の出願の写しを提出しなければならない。そうしない場合は, 当該人は, 当該主張に関する自らの権利を喪失する。 - 特許庁


Sec.146 Renewal 146.1. A certificate of registration may be renewed for periods of ten years at its expiration upon payment of the prescribed fee and upon filing of a request. The request shall contain the following indications: (a) An indication that renewal is sought; (b) The name and address of the registrant or his successor-in-interest, hereafter referred to as the “right holder”; (c) The registration number of the registration concerned; (d) The filing date of the application which resulted in the registration concerned to be renewed; (e) Where the right holder has a representative, the name and address of that representative; (f) The names of the recorded goods or services for which the renewal is requested or the names of the recorded goods or services for which the renewal is not requested, grouped according to the classes of the Nice Classification to which that group of goods or services belongs and presented in the order of the classes of the said Classification; and (g) A signature by the right holder or his representative.例文帳に追加

第146条 更新 146.1登録証は,所定の手数料を付して願書を提出することにより,期間の満了の時に10年の期間について更新することができる。願書には,次の事項を含まなければならない。 (a)更新を求める旨の表示 (b)権利者又はその承継人(以下「権利者」という)の名称及び住所又は居所 (c)当該登録の登録番号 (d)更新すべき登録のためにした出願の出願日 (e)権利者が代表者を有する場合は,当該代表者の名称及び住所又は居所 (f)更新を求める記録された商品若しくはサ-ビスの名称又は更新を求めない記録された商品若しくはサ-ビスの名称。ただし,ニ-ス分類の類に従って商品又はサ-ビスを群に纏め,各群を同分類の類の順に従って記載する。 (g)権利者又は代表者の署名 - 特許庁


「successor number」の意味に関連した用語

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