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英訳・英語 reparation by the state
該当件数 : 13件
Six people brought a state compensation suit to a Kyoto District Court.発音を聞く - 京大-NICT 日英中基本文データ
3. Illegality, and Intention and/or Negligence, Based on the National Redress Law, concerning the Act of Legislating the Law by Members of the Diet - 厚生労働省
Unlike state-to-state dispute settlement, if the claim of an investor is upheld, the arbitral award ordinarily takes the form of pecuniary compensation or restitution. - 経済産業省
第百一条 国が国家賠償法(昭和二十二年法律第百二十五号)、民法(明治二十九年法律第八十九号)その他の法律による損害賠償の責任を負う場合において、前条の手当金を支給したときは、同一の事由については、国は、その価額の限度においてその損害賠償の責任を免れる。例文帳に追加
Article 101 (1) In cases where the State is responsible for the damages pursuant to the State Redress Act (Act No. 125 of 1947), the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896), or other laws, if compensations prescribed in the preceding Article has been paid, then the State shall be exempt, up to the amount of such payments, from the responsibility for the damages based on the same grounds.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第六十七条 国は、前条の補償を行った場合においては、同一の事由については、その価額の限度において、国家賠償法(昭和二十二年法律第百二十五号)又は民法(明治二十九年法律第八十九号)による損害賠償の責めを免れる。例文帳に追加
Article 67 When the government of Japan makes compensation provided for in the preceding Article, it shall be exempted, up to the amount of such payments, from its liability for compensation under the State Redress Act (Act No. 125 of 1947) or the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896) based on the same grounds.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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該当件数 : 13件
2 前項に規定する場合において、前条の手当金の支給を受けるべき者が、同一の事由につき国家賠償法、民法その他の法律による損害賠償を受けたときは、国は、その価額の限度において同条の手当金の支給の義務を免れる。例文帳に追加
(2) In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if a sentenced person to whom compensations prescribed in the preceding Article shall be paid received the compensation for the damage pursuant to the State Redress Act, the Civil Code, or other laws, based on the same grounds, then the State shall be exempt, up to the amount of such payments, from the obligation to pay the compensations prescribed in said Article.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Even after the Qing dynasty perished, the reparations were succeeded by the Republic of China because it was considered to be a nation that succeeded the Qing dynasty, and that was one of reasons that the central government had weak foundations.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Although it acquired the railway and lease for the territory in South Manchuria and exclusive authority over the Korean Empire, Japan failed to obtain the war reparation it had counted on to cover its war-time military expenditures of 2 billion yen, equivalent of four times its national budget.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Considering the severity of human-rights violations due to the continued existence of the segregation requirement under the New Law, as well as the necessity of judicial remedy for the violations, as this was a case extremely special, exceptional, and hardly imaginable elsewhere, the lack of legislative action by members of the Diet by not eliminating or revising, even after 1965, the segregation requirement under the New Law was illegal in light of the National Redress Law. - 厚生労働省
The Minister of Health and Welfare … is to be held legally liable for having irresponsibly allowing the segregation to continue without changing the segregation policy fundamentally or taking appropriate actions required to do so… and for allowing the society to believe that Hansen's disease was a horrible infectious disease and its patients were dangerous that needed to be isolated. It is thus appropriate, on the basis of the National Redress Law, to consider illegal his official action as a civil servant functioning as the Minister of Health and Welfare. - 厚生労働省
連合王国,又はその他の条約国若しくは国家群,又は政府間機関の構成国である国の何れかにおいて意匠保護を出願している者,又はその法律上の代表者若しくは譲受人は,単独か他人との共同かを問わず,本法による前記意匠の登録が他の出願人に優先し,かつ,場合に応じて,連合王国,又はその他の条約国若しくは国家群,又は政府間機関の構成国である国の何れかにおける出願と同一日付を有する旨を主張する権利を有する。ただし,次に掲げる事項を前提とする。(a) 当該出願が,連合王国,又は場合に応じてその他の条約国若しくは国家群,又は政府間機関の構成国である国の何れかにおける意匠保護の出願から6月以内にされること (b) 本条における何れの事項も,当該意匠がインドにおいて実際に登録される日より前に発生した盗用に対する賠償金を回収する権利を意匠所有者に付与するものではないこと例文帳に追加
Any person who has applied for protection for any design in the United Kingdom or any of other convention countries or group of countries or countries which are members of inter-governmental organizations, or his legal representative or assignee shall, either alone or jointly with any other person, be entitled to claim that the registration of the said design under this Act shall be in priority to other applicants and shall have the same date as the date of the application in the United Kingdom or any of such other convention countries or group of countries or countries which are members of inter-governmental organizations, as the case may be: Provided that- (a) the application is made within six months from the application for protection in the United Kingdom or any of such other convention countries or group of countries or countries which are members of inter-governmental organizations, as the case may be; and (b) nothing in this section shall entitle the proprietor of the design to recover damages for piracy of design happening prior to the actual date on which the design is registered in India. - 特許庁
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