
「バイオテクノロジー産業」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 10



One industry on which countries all over the world are focusing as a strategic industry with high growth potential is the biotechnology industry. - 経済産業省


Fig. 2-1-14 shows the annual value of shipments for each product area, of biotechnology-related products,13) from MEXT, MHLW, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), and METI’s Survey of the Bio Industry 2007 (March 2008). - 経済産業省

カ バイオテクノロジー戦略大綱が掲げる「よりよく食べる」、「よりよく暮らす」、「よりよく生きる」の実現に資するため、産学官の連携のもと、イネゲノムの解読成果等の実用化、産業化研究を推進する。(継続)(予算額618百万円)例文帳に追加

f. In order to contribute to achieving the goals of "eating better diets," "living better lifestyles," and "leading better lives" espoused in Biotechnology Strategy, research into the commercialization and industrialization of the results of decoding the rice genome, etc., will be pursued through collaboration between industry, universities, and the government sector. (continuation) (\\618 million budget) - 経済産業省


Particularly, in order to make up for the lost time in engineering innovation for developing efficient new drug seeds such as biotechnologies, it is necessary to put up industrial policies as soon as possible that the environments of new drug and market make more internationally attractive. - 厚生労働省


また、産業の高度化を図るため、戦略的産業として、7つの分野(①省エネルギー・環境保護、②次世代情報技術、③バイオテクノロジー、④ハイエンドの製造設備、⑤新エネルギー、⑥新素材、⑦新エネルギー自動車)を掲げ、これら産業の GDP に占める割合を2010年の3%から2015年までに8%引き上げるとしている。例文帳に追加

In addition, as strategic industry intending to achieve industrial advancement, seven industrial areas namely a) energy saving and environmental protection, b) next generation information technology, c) biotechnology, d) high-end production facility, e) new energy, f) new material, and g) new energy (automobile) were shown to make percentage of these industries in GDP to raise up to 8% by 2015 from 3% in 2010. - 経済産業省



When the subject matter of an invention is an industrial micro-organism for the purposes of production or some other biotechnological product, or the method of its production or use, its morphological and physiological characteristics shall be delimited, its deposit number in a public collection listed, and proof presented in the form of a reproducible example that it is obtained artificially.  - 特許庁

(1) 発明の主題が生産目的での産業上の微生物若しくはその他のバイオテクノロジー上の生成物又はその生産若しくは使用の方法である場合は,その形態学的及び生理学的特性の範囲を定め,公的保管場所での寄託番号を記載し,かつこれが人為的に取得されたとの証拠を,再現できる実施例の形で提示する。例文帳に追加

(1) When the subject matter of an invention is an industrial micro-organism for the purposes of production or some other biotechnological product, or the method of its production or use, its morphological and physiological characteristics shall be delimited, its deposit number in a public collection listed, and proof presented in the form of a reproducible example that it is obtained artificially. - 特許庁


To provide an effective method for utilizing a safe gene resource in the food industry such as production of substances utilizing biotechnologies by elucidating the genomic DNA information about a Koji mold and functions such as genes encoded thereby, and to provide information useful for screening the various kinds of genes in agrochemical and medical fields. - 特許庁

これまでも内閣総理大臣の主導あるいは関係閣僚等の協力により様々な取組が行われてきたが(2002年12月の「バイオテクノロジー戦略大綱」(小泉総理時策定)、2004年 5 月の「健康フロンティア戦略」(与党幹事長・政調会長会議)など)、昨今、内閣総理大臣が経済成長に貢献するイノベーションの創出に資する分野として医薬分野を第一に例示するなど、医薬品産業への期待は高まってきており、2007 年には「新健康フロンティア戦略」、「イノベーション25」(いずれも安倍総理時)が策定された。「革新的医薬品・医療機器創出のための5か年戦略」についても、政府全体の方針として位置付けられている。例文帳に追加

In the past, various efforts were engaged under the initiative of the prime minister or the cooperation with Cabinet members (“Strategic outline of biotechnologyin December, 2002 (established during the Koizumi’s administration)), “Strategy of health frontier” (such as secretary general of the ruling parties/ chairman of the Policy Research Council)), and there are great expectations toward the pharmaceutical industry that in recent years, the prime minister firstly illustrated the medical fields as an example for the filed that benefits the development of innovation contributing to the economic growth. In 2007, “”New strategy of health frontier” and “Innovation 25” (both established during the Abe’s administration) were established. “5 years strategy for development of innovative pharmaceutical products / medical deviceswas placed as the policy of the whole government. - 厚生労働省



For the development of such drug discovery seeds and elemental technologies to be entirely undertaken in-house alone incurs problems such as further increases in research expenditure and the deterioration of investment efficiency in the eyes of investors. Therefore, in the US, the number of pharmaceutical company alliances and M & A with venture firms in possession of unique innovative biotechnologies has been increasing in recent years. However, since bioventures in Japan are few in number and lack maturity, Japanese pharmaceutical companies mainly form alliance partnerships with US bioventures. But the nurture of venture firms is vital to enhance the future global competitiveness of Japan's drug industry. - 厚生労働省


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