
「委託元」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 71



To improve access to areas along the JR and Kintetsu lines from the central area of Kyoto City via Kyoto Station, the Traffic Research Laboratory for Promoting Better Urbanization of Kyoto--a business association established by local store operators--started its operation on December 1, 2007 using the system in which the Laboratory entrusts the operation to the Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

① 金商業等府令第82条第4号ロに規定する「本超過損が生ずるおそれがある理由」には、ロスカットルールが設けられている場合であっても、相場の急激な変動により委託証拠金その他の保証金の額を上回る損失が生じることとなるおそれがある場合には、その旨を含む。例文帳に追加

(i) The “reasons for the possibility of a loss exceeding the principal amount,” as specified under Article 82(iv)(b) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance shall include a rapid market movement that could cause a loss exceeding the principal amount despite the Loss-Cutting Rule.  - 金融庁


The disk management information includes charge information for manufacturing, management, or the like of manufactured recording media, life information on a recording means, etc. Disk manufacturing can be unitarily managed by sending the normal and abnormal record information, the charge information, etc., to the client side. - 特許庁


A manager or the like of the lease object manages the EC store or an Internet shopping mall integrally controlling the EC stores or consigns them to a specialized trader to return a part of a profit generated from the sales performance of the EC store to the rent. - 特許庁



To provide an ASP database system which consolidates information provided to a user, and which can quickly search without cost for setting up and operation, and with a small load by associating the provided information with original information of a demander in the case of a search of the provided information. - 特許庁



Then, out of the nodes 10 on the multiplex communication line 12, a node 10 having a function for executing fault diagnosis to be executed is caused to receive the signal data transmitted onto the multiplex communication line 12, and to diagnose a fault of a sensor 30 or the like to be connected to the node of a commission source on the basis of the signal data. - 特許庁


When this type of business method started, Japanese software developers entrusted only the work on downstream processes, such as system production, to other developers in line with specifications presented by companies which placed business orders. But recently, their outsourcing has expanded to cover the work on upstream processes, such as system designing, thus broadening and deepening the scope of business being covered under division of labor between Japanese developers and overseas partners. - 経済産業省


In regard to the use of vacant units of emergency provisional housings, relevant prefectures were notified that they could be made available to, such as, the support staff sent from other local governments and volunteers working as requested or commissioned by local governments, until someone requested to move in there. (January 23, 2012) - 厚生労働省

第二百三十七条 受益証券を取得する者は、その取得により、当該受益証券によって表示される受益権に係る本持分の割合に応じて当該受益証券に係る特定目的信託契約の委託者の地位を承継するものとする。ただし、特定目的信託契約に基づく原委託者の義務については、特定目的信託契約に別段の定めがある場合には、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 237 A person who acquires a Beneficiary Certificate shall, through such acquisition, assume the status of settlor under the Specific Purpose Trust Contract pertaining to said Beneficiary Certificate, according to the proportion of the Share of Principal pertaining to the beneficial interest represented by said Beneficiary Certificate; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the obligations of the Originator under the Specific Purpose Trust Contract in cases where the Specific Purpose Trust Contract provides otherwise with regard to such obligations.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



(A) The use of software inside the licensee company Where the licensee (=user) is entrusted with software development by a third party and the licensee (=user) subsequently entrusts a software vendor constantly stationed at the licensee company's office with the said business, if the software vendor uses the software for performing the business, the software vendor may, depending on the facts, fall within the human scope of such software license. The assignment of such software development business is closely linked with the licensee's (=user's) business, and thus the software may be deemed as being used by the user itself, because the business performed by such software vendor can be regarded as part of the business of the licensee.  - 経済産業省



To provide a system and a method of processing commodity design that a user one-self orders manufacturing of an original design commodity or parts designed by a user who requests design from a commodity supplier through the Internet, or that the commodity supplier sells it on commission to other user, or that the commodity supplier sells the commodity at an auction. - 特許庁


The facsimile server units 20-1, 20-2 distribute corresponding image data to the distribution destination instructed by the distribution destination notice data in response to the distribution destination notice data when the decided distribution source is the facsimile server units themselves or transmits distribution consignment data together with the corresponding image data when the decided distribution source is other facsimile server unit than the facsimile server unit itself. - 特許庁

第二百五十四条 権利者集会は、千分の一以上の本持分を有する受益証券の権利者の中から、一人又は数人の代表権利者を選任し、受益証券の権利者のために特定目的信託の受益者及び委託者の権利(次に掲げる権利を除く。)の行使を委任することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 254 (1) The Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meeting may appoint one or multiple Representative Beneficiary Certificate Holders from among Beneficiary Certificate Holders with one-thousandths or more of a Share of Principal, and delegate the exercise of the rights of the beneficiaries and of the settlor of the Specific Purpose Trust (excluding the following rights) to such person(s) for the benefit of the Beneficiary Certificate Holders:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(1) 信託財産の本の評価額が信託必要額(当該商品取引員の保全対象財産の額から他の委託者資産保全措置を講じている額を控除した額をいう。)を超過する場合に、当該超過額に相当する金額の範囲内で信託契約の解除又は一部の解除を行おうとする場合例文帳に追加

1. when the appraised amount of the trust fund's principal exceeds the Necessary Amount for the Trust (which means the amount calculated by deducting the amount for other Measures for Customer Assets Preservation from the amount of the Property Subject to Preservation of said Futures Commission Merchant), in the case where there is an intention to cancel the whole or a portion of the Trust Contract within the scope of the amount equivalent to such excess portion;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 信託業務を営む金融機関は、金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第六条の規定にかかわらず、委託者非指図型投資信託について、本に損失を生じた場合にこれを補てんし、又はあらかじめ一定額の利益を得なかつた場合にこれを補足する契約を締結してはならない。例文帳に追加

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 6 of the Act on Concurrent Operation of Trust Business by a Financial Institution, a Financial Institution Engaged in Trust business shall not, with regard to an Investment Trust Managed Without Instructions from the Settlor, conclude a contract providing that if the principal incurs a loss it is to be compensated for or that shortfalls in the predetermined amount of profit are to be made up in advance.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


For example, in coordination with the insurance company which outsourced the work, does the Customer Explanation Manual have stipulations needed to ensure accurate explanations for insurance products and contracts, and explanations in accordance with Laws such as the Insurance Business Law (including the Insurance Solicitation Guidelines)? Are staff thoroughly informed of its content, such as by providing periodic training?  - 金融庁


A coding part 201 for coding plotting instruction groups into coded data, a transmission pattern management part 203 for storing the coded data with pattern IDs, and a transmission pattern analysis registration part 202 for incorporating the corresponding pattern IDs into communication data in place of the coded data when the inputted coded data is stored in the transmission pattern administration part are added to an instruction consignee device 100a. - 特許庁


Case: Personal information contained in the information which is kept by a business operator in the industries like warehousing and datacenter (housing and hosting service) without being aware of whether such information corresponds to personal information or not (nonetheless, it is included when a business operator can be aware that such information contains personal information through the instruction of an entruster, etc.)  - 経済産業省

(1) 信託財産の本の評価額が信託必要額(当該商品取引員の保全対象財産の 額から他の委託者資産保全措置を講じている額を控除した額をいう。)を超過す る場合に、当該超過額に相当する金額の範囲内で信託契約の解除又は一部の解 除を行おうとする場合例文帳に追加

1. when the appraised amount of the trust fund’s principal exceeds the necessary amount for the trust (the amount calculated by deducting the amount for other Measures for Customer Assets Preservation from the amount of the Property Subject to Preservation of said Futures Commission Merchant), in the case where there is an intention to cancel the whole or a portion of the Trust Contract within the scope of the amount equivalent to such excess portion;  - 経済産業省


Plural users and the commodity supplier are connected to each other through the Internet, and the user who requests design designs the original commodity or parts, and the commodity supplier manufactures the original design commodity or parts to provide it to the users, and takes the original design commodity or parts as virtual commodity or virtual parts, and sells it on commission through the Internet or at the auction. - 特許庁



To reduce work for specifying inconsistency factor and collation of a reference value by automatically detecting account details as an inconsistency factor, and extracting and displaying original data related to the account details, in a reference value collation device supporting collation work related to the reference value between a trustor instructing a transaction in each account item constituting a fund and a trustee executing trade business of the transaction. - 特許庁


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