例文 (21件) |
該当件数 : 21件
A display part 5 displays time series normal/abnormal flags as identification results. - 特許庁
To classify non-steady time-series data including a missing value like an F0 pattern based upon objective measures. - 特許庁
To make accurately predictable the future trend of time series waveform changing unsteadily. - 特許庁
The diagnostic application 42 keeps track of the temporal changes in the standard deviation and diagnoses that the sliding member has reached its lifetime, when temporal changes in the standard deviation has shifted from a stationary state to a non-stationary state. - 特許庁
Condition of steadiness of a time-series model are applied, and the time-series data of the internal phase angle of a generator start to be read from one second before a fault occurs, when the occurrence of the fault is detected (2). - 特許庁
To enable a prediction along large variation with time and a prediction in consideration of a preceding unsteady event by combining advantages of a method of prediction from time series data values at a prediction execution time and in the near past and a method of prediction from statistics of a time series data set at a time having the same trend as a prediction target time. - 特許庁
In a steady rate calculation section 21, the frequency spectrum for each frame is sequentially input, and a rate of a steady component (a steady rate) in time sequence of the same frequency component in each frequency spectrum is calculated and output. - 特許庁
Then, time-series residual data for each section is calculated by using the generated model function of the stationary state, and a statistical test of is performed for the residual data. - 特許庁
To provide an ocean model steady state determination method, an ocean model steady state determination device and its program for determining objectively attainment of the steady state by displaying a time series change of sea area average kinetic energy. - 特許庁
A time series change of the sea area average kinetic energy is displayed on a sea area average kinetic energy display part 6, and a baroclinic Rossby wave propagation time is displayed on a baroclinic Rossby wave propagation time display part 7, to thereby assist determination of attainment of the steady state. - 特許庁
The amount of expression of molecules in a living body is measured at a specified time interval, measured time-series data are divided into a periodic component, an environmental stimulus response component and a baseline component, the constant region of the time-series data is identified from variations in the baseline component or from the amplitude or periodic variations of the periodic component, and causal relationships between the identified constant regions are identified further. - 特許庁
In the invention, a one-dimensional time sequence signal is analyzed based on unstable chaos analysis, and from a two-dimensional image created by that, a feature is extracted by calculating an HLAC coefficient. - 特許庁
To provide a sensor diagnostic method and a sensor diagnostic apparatus, capable of steadily and easily diagnosing sensors which output detection signals of which the amplitude time-serially changes in a normal state and surely detecting, even temporary anomalies. - 特許庁
The A/F behavior models for the amount of fuel injection are individually constructed with respect to a transient state and a steady state based on the past time-series data on the amount of fuel injected and the actual A/F. - 特許庁
The noise filter has a low-frequency noise filter for eliminating the long period traffic variation in a normal state from the traffic time series data to be input, and a high-frequency noise filter for eliminating short-period traffic variations. - 特許庁
To provide a method for estimating a furnace condition in a blast furnace, by which the continuously changing furnace condition at the lower part of the blast furnace is estimated non-steadily and time sequentially one by one to forecast a part having a suspicion that the damage to bricks in the furnace lower part of the blast furnace progresses partially and to perform a brick damage suppressing counter measure rapidly and properly. - 特許庁
The status diagnosis system 20 for the cargo pump measures starting current peak values for the cargo pump 14 to accumulate data, measures steady current values to accumulate data when liquefied gas is at a predetermined liquid level in the cargo handling tank 1, and analyzes the accumulated data in time series to evaluate the tendency of the secular change or the like of the cargo pump. - 特許庁
Many concepts have been added to Koshinto since ancient times, including the idea of shinra bansho (all natural things in the world), making it very difficult to classify the religion precisely, but the following concepts--as well as comments concerning the meaning of the Chinese characters and ancient Japanese words used in Shinto terms--of the religion, beginning with Koshinto and turning into today's Shinto, can be listed - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The method comprises steps of estimating from time-series concentration data obtained for metabolites contained in a metabolic network to be analyzed a Jacobian matrix describing the metabolic network; and determining a metabolic network type parameter represented by power law modeling from the estimated Jacobian matrix, flow flux data of each metabolite in a steady state of the metabolic network, and concentration data of each metabolite in the steady state. - 特許庁
例文 (21件) |
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