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Did you end up getting the position and pay that you wanted? - Weblio Email例文集
Under this system, the Retired Emperors, Imperial families and court nobles were given certain official posts every year, invited applicants for the posts in question and recommended one of the applicants to the post in return for the payment of ninryo (fee for getting official post). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A control part of the automatic teller machine 10 then compares the amount of money desired to be withdrawn with the balance of salary, and executes a payment request process if the balance of salary is equal to or more than the amount of money desired to be withdrawn. - 特許庁
That is to say, the bank system 14 pays a salary in advance at arbitrary timing before the payday thereof according to the request from the worker 10 to satisfy the request of the worker 10. - 特許庁
Although key persons and key person candidates with departure intentions cite compensation in terms of salary as a major reason, we would like to examine the reason key persons and key person candidates who desire continuous employment with the same enterprise have such a desire (Fig. 3-3-62). - 経済産業省
A major reason why key persons and key person candidates depart an enterprise is compensation in terms of salary that is perceived as unsatisfactory, while the cause to remain at an enterprise is not compensation in terms of salary, but whether or not the work content and opportunities match the individual's desires. - 経済産業省
To provide a method, which enables a purchaser to purchase a commodity by deducting a charge for purchased commodity from the purchaser's salary at an electronic shop opened on the Internet. - 特許庁
To provide a job offer information inquiry system, with which information such as the amount of salary scheduled to be paid, the kinds of various benefits, amounts scheduled to be paid, section to belong to, place of working, post or class can be exactly known before determining a company desired to start work. - 特許庁
Fig. 3-3-60 Departure reason for key persons and key person candidates - 経済産業省
Suitable compensation in terms of salary was recognized as the most prominent reason for departures, not only by enterprises, but also by key persons and key person candidates themselves. Another major reason is believed to be whether or not the work content and opportunities match the employee's desires. - 経済産業省
First, looking at Fig. 2-2-52 reveals that despite "Not being paid a suitable salary or no future prospects of being paid a suitable salary" having the highest percentage of responses as the reason for requesting resignation, the percentage of people citing this reason in consumeroriented services was not high compared with corporateoriented services or secondary industries. - 経済産業省
To provide a time recorder system and program medium for time recorder allowing the improvement meeting a user's desire of a time recorder used in a standalone type at the time of introduction when improving or changing the system to a better one by the user's desire according to the use or improving to various forms such as external entrustment of salary calculation and the like. - 特許庁
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