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該当件数 : 15



Per capita sales also show generally high performance compared to the industry average in Japan . - 経済産業省


During the spring and summer, sales of tomato juice almost doubled over the average for the same period in recent years.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

輸送機械(約 69%)、電気機械(約 48%)では海外関連売上の比率が製造業平均よりもく、売上の多くが海外需要によって直接、間接にもたらされていることが分かる(コラム第 12-2 図)。例文帳に追加

Industries with ratios of overseas related sales above the manufacturing industry average are transport equipment (about 69%), and electric machinery (about 48%), so it is clear that much of the sales are directly or indirectly brought about by the overseas demand (Column Figure 12-2). - 経済産業省


Yoshiga (2001) notes that (1) labor’s relative share (average value) in the US in the 1990s dropped around one percent on the average values of the 1970s and 1980s, and (2) the value of elasticity of personnel costs against sales approached 1 in the 1990s. - 経済産業省


コラム3-2-2図④は、企業規模別の売上経常利益率を示したものである。平均的には、小規模企業の売上経常利益率は、大企業より低いが、上位1 割をそれぞれ見ると、小規模企業は大企業を上回っている。例文帳に追加

Column Fig. 3-2-2(4) shows the ratio of ordinary profit to sales by enterprise size. On average, the ratio is lower at small enterprises than at large enterprises, but looking only at the top 10% in each category, the ratio is higher at small enterprises.  - 経済産業省


サンプラザの資料によると、2008 年度ハッピーライナー事業(知市近隣を販売エリアとし、車両6台で販売した場合)の年間売上は194 百万円、1 台当たり年間売上は32 百万円程度、平均日販は10 万円程度となる。例文帳に追加

According to Sun Plaza documents, the Happy Liner.s yearly sales for FY 2008 totaled \\194 million for six vehicles serving the Kochi City area, which breaks down to \\32 million per vehicle. Average daily sales were in the vicinity of \\100,000 per vehicle.  - 経済産業省


The profit ratio of small enterprises with capital of less than \\10 million is particularly sluggish; the gap in the ratio of ordinary profit to sales between these enterprises and large enterprises with capital of \\100 million or more was 2.1% on average for the 10 years between fiscal 1992 and fiscal 2001, but widened to an average of 3.6% for the five years from fiscal 2002 to fiscal 2006. - 経済産業省


(4) A comparison of the attributes of the enterprises included in both groups shows that the manufacture of transportation equipment group has a larger number of employees and higher sales of first level transaction enterprises. In addition, the average number of main supplier enterprises and main customer enterprises are also high. - 経済産業省


The breakdown figures by business type show the sales-profit ratio of foreign M&A companies in the financial industry as being higher than the industry average in Japan, indicating an improvement in earning capacity for the main business through M&A. - 経済産業省



(Note 1) Keep in mind that in addition to actual values of consolidated total assets consolidated sales, consolidated income before income taxes and minority interests, etc. of the fiscal year being assessed, average actual values for a certain period of history shall also be included.  - 金融庁



Average sales and numbers of shoppers declined in all shopping districts surveyed in 1997, 2002 and 2004, and the slump was particularly marked in shopping districts in City E compared with shopping districts in City F and City G, which have the same sized populations (Figs 2-3-52~53). - 経済産業省

※ 円の影響を受けた事業主については「最近3 か月間の売上又は生産量の月平均値がその直前3か月又は前年同期に比べ5%以上減少していること」という従来の要件に加え、「最近1か月間の売上又は生産量がその直前1 か月又は前年同期に比べ原則5%以上減少している」場合でも利用を可能とした。例文帳に追加

* Employers that have been affected by the appreciation of the yen can now also apply for subsidies in the case that “sales or production in the last month fell by (as a rule) at least 5% from the preceding month or the same period a year earlier.” This is in addition to the existing condition requiring that “average monthly sales or production in the latest three months fell by at least 5% from the preceding three months or the same period a year earlier.”  - 経済産業省


In fact, when comparing the R&D intensity (ratio of GDP to R&D expenditure) of domestic companies with that of foreign-affiliated companies, in many countries, the R&D-to-sales ratio of foreign-affiliated companies is exceeding that of domestic companies, on average; this shows that the globalization of R&D activities is being pushed forward by multinational companies140 (see Figure 2-1-51). - 経済産業省


The breakdown by business type shows per capita sales for the financial industry to be relatively high compared to the industry average in Japan, but per capita net profit is relatively low, which is contributing to the decline in per capita net profits of the service industry as a whole. - 経済産業省



When the size of non-R&D intellectual assets is converted into monetary value, the estimated value of non-R&D intellectual assets was equivalent to 0.4 percent of the average sales for both manufacturers and non-manufacturers, 0.9 percent for machinery assembly manufacturers and 2.8 percent for retail/service companies. The contribution rate of non-R&D intellectual assets to increase in sales was 67 percent for manufacturers, 69 percent for machinery assembly manufacturers and 130 percent for retail/service companies. This indicates that non-R&D intellectual assets are an important factor as the sources of growth in Japan as well. - 経済産業省


浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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