
「浮動小数点表現」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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指数表現は, 浮動小数点表現法と似ている例文帳に追加

Scientific notation is similar to the floating-point notation  - コンピューター用語辞典


The macro takes any floating-point expression as argument.  - JM


indicates the radix used for the system's floating-point representation.  - JM

なぜなら、IEEE 754 の浮動小数点表現では 0 も符号を持つからである。例文帳に追加

because IEEE 754 floating point allows zero to be signed.  - JM


この PyObject のサブタイプは Python 浮動小数点型オブジェクトを表現します。例文帳に追加

This subtype of PyObject represents a Python floating pointobject.  - Python


この PyTypeObject のインスタンスは Python 浮動小数点型を表現します。例文帳に追加

This instance of PyTypeObject represents the Python floating point type. - Python


These functions extract the exponent from the internal floating-point representation of x and return it as a floating-point value.  - JM


To provide a device for supporting the conversion of a floating point representation program to fixed point representation and a support program thereof for reducing the labor of setting attribute values to numerical elements to be converted to fixed point representation in a floating point representation program. - 特許庁

関数群は、y に向かう方向で x のすぐ次の浮動小数点表現を返す。例文帳に追加

functions return the next representable floating-point value following x in the direction of y .  - JM



If y is less than x , these functions will return the largest representable number less than y .  - JM


成功すると、これらの関数は y に向かう方向で x のすぐ次の浮動小数点表現を返す。例文帳に追加

On success, these functions return the next representable floating-point value after x in the direction of y .  - JM


These represent machine-level double precision floating point numbers.  - Python

各々の値は Python が時刻の表現に使っている標準の浮動小数点型です。例文帳に追加

The values are in the standard floating point format used for times throughoutPython. - Python

これは浮動小数点型の内部表現を可搬性を保ったまま "分解する (pick apart)" するためです。例文帳に追加

This is used to "pick apart" the internal representation of a float in a portable way. - Python


This logarithmic arithmetic device 10 finds the logarithm of a value expressed by floating decimal point data. - 特許庁

overflow例外は、結果が浮動小数点数値で表記されなければならないのに、その絶対値が表現可能な浮動小数点数の (有限の) 最大値よりも(ずっと) 大きくなってしまうような場合に起こる。例文帳に追加

The overflow exception occurs when a result has to be represented as a floating-point number, but has (much) larger absolute value than the largest (finite) floating-point number that is representable.  - JM

は、y と同じ符号の結果を返し、浮動小数点の引数に対して厳密な解を出せないことがあります。 例えば、 fmod(-1e-100, 1e100) は -1e-100 ですが、Python の-1e-100 % 1e100 は 1e100-1e-100 になり、浮動小数点型で厳密に表現できず、ややこしいことに1e100 に丸められます。例文帳に追加

returns a result with the sign ofy instead, and may not be exactly computable for float arguments.For example, fmod(-1e-100, 1e100) is -1e-100, but the result of Python's -1e-100 % 1e100 is 1e100-1e-100, which cannot be represented exactly as a float, and rounds to the surprising1e100. - Python


To provide an arithmetic system for efficiently performing a quantization arithmetic when fixed-precision floating-point number groups are converted into single floating-point representation form of multiple-precision or variable-precision in an efficient way. - 特許庁


The rounding mode determines how the result of floating-point operations is treated when the result cannot be exactly represented in the signifcand.  - JM


A floating result overflows if the result is finite, but is too large to represented in the result type.  - JM


A floating result underflows if the result is too small to be represented in the result type. If an underflow occurs, a mathematical function typically returns 0.  - JM

この型は、計算機レベルで倍精度とされている浮動小数点を 2 つ一組にして複素数を表現します。例文帳に追加

These represent complex numbers as a pair of machine-level double precision floating point numbers. - Python


For an eye accustomed to normalized floating point representations, itis not immediately obvious that the following calculation returns a value equal to zero: - Python

多くのデスクリプタは、単に対応するPython の型で表現されています。 例えば、OSA 中の typeText は Python 文字列型で、typeFloat は 浮動小数点型になる、といった具合です。例文帳に追加

For many descriptors the Python representation is simply the corresponding Python type: typeText in OSA is a Python string,typeFloat is a float, etc. - Python

このモジュールでは、基本的な値 (文字、整数、浮動小数点数) のアレイ(array、配列) を効率よく表現できるオブジェクト型を定義しています。例文帳に追加

This module defines an object type which can efficiently represent an array of basic values: characters, integers, floating point numbers. - Python

明示的な注記のない限り、戻り値は全て浮動小数点数になります。 以下は整数論および数表現にまつわる関数です:例文帳に追加

Exceptwhen explicitly noted otherwise, all return values are floats.Number-theoretic and representation functions:  - Python


The bit length reducing unit 11 reduces the bit length of an operand expressed by a floating-point number and outputs the operand to a computing unit 15. - 特許庁

underflow例外は、結果が浮動小数点数値で表記されなければならないのに、その絶対値が正の正規化浮動小数点数の最小値よりも小さくなってしまう(そして 非正規化数で表現した場合に非常に精度を失ってしまう)ような場合に起こる。例文帳に追加

The underflow exception occurs when a result has to be represented as a floating-point number, but has smaller absolute value than the smallest positive normalized floating-point number (and would lose much accuracy when represented as a denormalized number).  - JM

全ての実数を 2 を基数として表現するのは不可能なため、二進の浮動小数点数は``近似値'' しか表現できません。 このため、戻り値も近似になります。例文帳に追加

The return value is ``approximate'' because binary floating point numbers are approximate; it is not possible to represent all real numbers in base two. - Python


In an audio coding system, an audio encoding transmitter expresses an encoded spectrum component as a normalized numerical value expressed by a floating point. - 特許庁


Brightness of each color of RGB is represented in a floating-point format of a mantissa part of 6 bits and an exponent part of log_2(24) bits (about 4,585 bits), and a range of m*2^n-m*2^n+23 can be represented in the exponent part of log_2(24) bits. - 特許庁

1.1 のような数は、2 進数の浮動小数点型では正しく表現できません。 エンドユーザは普通、2 進数における1.1 の近似値が1.1000000000000001 だからといって、そのように表示してほしいとは考えないものです。例文帳に追加

In contrast, numbers like1.1 do not have an exact representation in binary floating point.End users typically would not expect 1.1 to display as1.1000000000000001 as it does with binary floating point.  - Python

ハードウェアによる 2 進浮動小数点表現と違い、decimal モジュールでは計算精度をユーザが指定できます(デフォルトでは 28 桁です)。 この桁数はほとんどの問題解決に十分な大きさです:例文帳に追加

Unlike hardware based binary floating point, the decimal module has a user settable precision (defaulting to 28 places) which can be as large as needed for a given problem: - Python


The transmitter decides the second control parameter by analyzing the effect of arithmetic computation in partial decoding processing to specify where the floating point expression loses normalization. - 特許庁


This operation method is an operation method for predicting overflow related to an operation including sum of squares of a numeric sequence consisting of numerical values expressed in the floating-point form. - 特許庁


The bit length increasing unit 12 increases the bit length of the computed result value represented by a floating-point number inputted from the computing unit 15, and restores the bit length to the original length. - 特許庁


A plurality of FFT parts 5, 8 for performing fast Fourier transform, and a plurality of IFFT parts 9, 12 for performing inverse fast Fourier transform are connected in series, and operation results of fast Fourier transform or inverse fast Fourier transform are outputted in a block floating point format which is expressed by a plurality of fixed point data and one exponent which is common to the data. - 特許庁



For performing a product sum arithmetic operation for adding third data to the product of first data and second data, the first data and the second data are multiplied by a floating point multiplier 114, and a binary digit string for expressing a mantissa part in a multiplication result is divided into a string for expressing a superordinate digit in the mantissa part and a string for expressing a subordinate digit in the mantissa part. - 特許庁


Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved.
この対訳コーパスは独立行政法人情報通信研究機構の研究成果であり、Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedでライセンスされています。
Copyright 2001-2004 Python Software Foundation.All rights reserved.
Copyright 2000 BeOpen.com.All rights reserved.
Copyright 1995-2000 Corporation for National Research Initiatives.All rights reserved.
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum.All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Robert Kiesling. Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 David Merrill.
The contents of this document are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.
Copyright (C) 1999 JM Project All rights reserved.
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