意味 | 例文 (160件) |
該当件数 : 160件
a low-rate customs tariff between countries, called a reciprocal tariff - EDR日英対訳辞書
Taxation of Electronic Transmissions - 経済産業省
In India, for all imported goods, in addition to the usual tariff, the government added an "additional special duty". - 経済産業省
In 2004, Indonesia revised its tariff classification and started imposing a 15% tariff on digital cameras equipped with a moving image function. - 経済産業省
There is a custom duty imposed on that product. - Weblio Email例文集
a tariff introduced as retaliation - EDR日英対訳辞書
Unclear assessment of customs duty - 経済産業省
・Correction of Tariffs on Automobile Parts - 経済産業省
Correction of Tariffs on Photographic Film - 経済産業省
Correction of Tariffs on digital cameras - 経済産業省
Indonesia Tariffs on Digital Cameras - 経済産業省
Moratorium on Customs Duties -- Members should ensure that the current moratorium on customs duties on E-Commerce is maintained. - 経済産業省
The Ministry of Finance decided to impose an anti-dumping duty on the product. - Weblio英語基本例文集
The tax that Country A applies to all imported cars is a revenue tariff. - Weblio英語基本例文集
a duty imposed to offset subsidies by foreign governments - 日本語WordNet
a customs duty levied by choosing between an ad valorem duty and a specific duty - EDR日英対訳辞書
an area designated as a foreign-trade zone - EDR日英対訳辞書
・Correction of Tariffs on Products Covered by the Information Technology Agreements <new item> - 経済産業省
Correction of Tariffs on Automobile Parts - 経済産業省
Correction of Tariffs on Products Covered by the Information Technology Agreements <new item> - 経済産業省
Excessive tariffs were imposed on 37 product items that belong to the HS37 type of photosensitive material. - 経済産業省
In this regard, we express our readiness to start working on the issues of tariff classification, customs valuation and rules of origin this year. - 財務省
the policy of imposing duties or quotas on imports in order to protect home industries from overseas competition - 日本語WordNet
an association of nations to promote free trade within the union and set common tariffs for nations that are not members - 日本語WordNet
an impost levied in England to provide money for ships for national defense - 日本語WordNet
a tariff used by an importing country to offset the effect of an export subsidy available in an exporting country - EDR日英対訳辞書
However, when physical goods are moved, ordinary tariffs apply. - 経済産業省
・Elimination of tariffs on commodities applicable to the Information Technology Agreement (ITA), which should be tax-free - 経済産業省
Elimination of Import Duties Imposed on IT Products Specified as Non-Dutiable by the WTO Information Technology Agreement - 経済産業省
(2)無税とされるべきWTO 情報技術協定(ITA)対象製品に対する関税賦課の廃止例文帳に追加
(2) Abolition of imposing tariffs on products that are subject to the WTO - 経済産業省
しかし、インドネシアは実際には2003 年以降も5%の関税を賦課し、さらに、2004年1 月にはデジタルカメラの分類を変更し、その一部について15%の関税を賦課し始めた。例文帳に追加
In practice, however, Indonesia imposed 5% duties on them in 2003 onward, and in January 2004 it changed the classification for digital cameras and started imposing 15% duties on some of them. - 経済産業省
There was only one case that was investigated in Japan before the inauguration of the WTO. Japan initiated an investigation of DRAMs manufactured by Hynix of Korea in 2004 and issued a final determination on January 27, 2006, imposing countervailing duties. - 経済産業省
EPA / FTAは上記のとおり域内の貿易を拡大させる一方、EPA / FTAに伴う関税障壁の撤廃・削減は域内に限定されるため、関税が課される域外国からの輸入から、関税が撤廃・削減される域内国からの輸入へと転換される効果を持ちうる。例文帳に追加
While EPA/FTAs expand trade within the region established by the agreement, the resulting tariff reduction/elimination is valid only within that region. This could allow the diversion of imports from those foreign countries that are still subject to tariffs to those countries within the region where tariffs have been reduced/eliminated. - 経済産業省
・ 関税もしくはその他の国境における課徴金を課す場合には,再製造品は,相当する新品の製品と同様に取り扱う。例文帳に追加
. Treat remanufactured goods like corresponding new goods when applying tariffs or other border charges. - 経済産業省
Economies usually apply lower duties or other charges to new goods than they apply to used goods. - 経済産業省
なお、FTA/EPA における関税撤廃に関しては、域内の関税を実質上のすべての貿易について妥当な期間内に廃止しなくてはならない等の、GATT 第24条の規律が課されている。例文帳に追加
The elimination of tariffs in FTAs/EPAs is regulated by Article XXIV of GATT, which effectively states that tariffs concerning substantially all the trade within the relevant region must be eliminated within a reasonable length of time. - 経済産業省
Trade diversion effect is the diversion of imports from nonmember countries to member countries because tariff abolition applies only to member countries. - 経済産業省
NTB negotiations in connection with tariff negotiations should be assessed in the context of overall balance of non-agricultural market access negotiations. - 経済産業省
Treatment of remanufactured goods as new goods for customs purposes can further facilitate trade in these products by avoiding the application of higher duties or other charges to remanufactured goods that economies sometimes apply to imports of used goods. - 経済産業省
○EUは、WTO情報技術協定(Information Technology Agreement)の参加国であり、対象IT製品の関税を0%とする義務があるが、本来無税とされるべきIT製品(複合機、PC用モニター等)に対して関税を賦課。例文帳に追加
The EU is a member of the Information Technology Agreement, and therefore, is obliged to make covered IT products free of tariffs; however, the EU imposed tariffs on IT products which should be free of tariffs (multi-functional machines, PC monitors and the like). - 経済産業省
デジタルカメラへの関税賦課の是正ITA(Information Technology Agreement:情報技術協定)の参加国であるインド12ネシアは、2003 年よりデジタルカメラに対する関税を無税とする譲許を行っていた。例文帳に追加
Correction of Tariffs on digital cameras Indonesia, one of the member countries of the ITA, agreed to bind and eliminate tariffs on digital cameras beginning in 2003. - 経済産業省
マレーシアでは、自動車・自動車部品をはじめ、輸入品に対して高関税が課せられる品目があるため、EPA による関税撤廃の効果が期待される。例文帳に追加
In Malaysia, because imports of certain items (such as automobiles and auto parts) are subject to high tariffs, tariff elimination by the EPA is expected to have a significant effect on trade and investment. - 経済産業省
意味 | 例文 (160件) |
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日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2024 License. All rights reserved. WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License |
Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All Rights Reserved. |
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved. |
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