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PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版での「さとらぷらちん」の英訳 |
読み方 さとらぷらちん
対訳 satraplatin
a substance being studied in the treatment of prostate and other types of cancer. it contains the metal platinum and may kill cancer cells by damaging their dna and stopping them from dividing. it is a type of alkylating agent. also called bms-182751 and jm 216.
前立腺がんを始めとする数種類のがんに対する治療の分野で研究されている物質。白金という金属を含有しており、dnaに損傷を与えて分裂を阻止することによってがん細胞を殺傷できる可能性がある。アルキル化剤の一種である。「bms-182751」、「jm 216」とも呼ばれる。
該当件数 : 32件
also called bms-182751 and satraplatin.発音を聞く - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
「jm 216」、「satraplatin(サトラプラチン)」とも呼ばれる。例文帳に追加
spongy confection made of gelatin and sugar and corn syrup and dusted with powdered sugar発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
In the Skate Canada women's event, Miyahara Satoko, 16, finished in third place and reached the GP podium for the first time. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
When the distance from a pitch line P of the roller chain 1 to the outer most end faces 2b, 5b of the link plates 2, 5 is a back surface height, a back surface height H1 of the outer link plates 2 is formed lower than a back surface height H2 of the inner link plates 5. - 特許庁
The potential difference and an axial magnetic field generate plasma which is to be extracted from the generator between the anode (10) and the ground. - 特許庁
The heat transfer pipe (20) is filled up with liquid which is a heat transfer medium, and the temperature control device (30) includes a capacitor, a heat sink, a blower fan, and a thermoelectric controller chip. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 32件
Taiso, Shu Gensho (Chu Yuan-chang), issued Rikuyu (Six admonition to people), aiming to build a public order of villages based on Ju-kyo morals, and honored people who sacrifice themselves to justice, dutiful children, and faithful women.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Since the heat dissipation routes are formed at locations closer from the sensor chip 50 than in a pressure sensor previously proposed by this inventer, it is possible to lower the transfer of heat transferred to the metal stem 30 to the sensor chip 50. - 特許庁
It is assumed that the dwelling (habitation) site from the end to last of Jomon period around western Japan and 'Shokikurigata dwelling' became original forms of round plan dwellings that became main stream in the early to middle Yayoi period.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a device, a method and a program storage medium for preparing application document data while utilizing a retrieved result extracted from a data base without troublesome operations and transcription errors. - 特許庁
In this case, which way the inclined angle of the tilt control is corrected is known from information on whether the center value of the phase difference track error signal is "offset to a plus or a minus". - 特許庁
たとえば、粉末ゼラチン1〜10%、起泡剤としての乾燥卵白 0.1〜5%及びペプチド類(乳ペプチド、大豆ペプチド等)0.1〜5%、糖類(砂糖、ぶどう糖、麦芽糖、等)30〜75%を主材料とし、パステライザー、製菓用連続ホイッパーを用いて製造することが好ましい。例文帳に追加
For example, the marshmallow for confectionery production is preferably produced by using 1-10% powdery gelatin, 0.1-5% dried egg white as a foaming agent, 0.1-5% peptides (milk peptide, soybean peptide and the like) and 30-75% sugars (saccharose, glucose, maltose and the like) as main raw materials and using a continuous whipper for confectionery production. - 特許庁
The marshmallow is easily obtained using powdered gelatin, dried albumen, peptides (e.g. milk peptide, soybean peptide) and saccharides (e.g. sugar, glucose, maltose) as the main materials and by using ordinary equipment in a frozen dessert production facility, i.e. a pasteurizer or HTST sterilizer and a freezer for frozen desserts. - 特許庁
Thereby, by making the number ni of cells of cell group 12_i near the reference potential larger, the voltage measurement error of the cell group 12i near the reference potential and the voltage measurement error of the cell group 12_i far from the reference potential can be made to about same level, thereby cost increase can be suppressed without raising measurement accuracy unnecessarily. - 特許庁
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