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該当件数 : 26件
He was tonsured and referred to himself as Kazusa-nyudo Dokan.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a composition for shaving capable of smoothly moving a razor for an easier shaving without uncomfortable stretched feeling on a skin after the shaving and further giving a good feeling such as a moist feeling, etc., to the skin. - 特許庁
To provide a method for shaving body hair, which is capable of mitigating user's uneasiness about and fear of a razor and also capable of preventing damage to the skin. - 特許庁
A feeling of the razor R is diverted by comfortable feeling of the massage, and the user feels almost no feeling of the razor R, so that the uneasiness about and the fear of the razor R is mitigated. - 特許庁
To provide a shaving cosmetic composition having a good adhesion feeling, by preventing the cosmetic from dripping, when applied to skin, excellent in slippage of an edge of a razor during shaving, excellent in rinsing properties of the cosmetic after the shaving, capable of as well furnishing the skin with a slippery feeling, and having an excellent sense of use. - 特許庁
He was impressed by the teachings, immediately had his head shaved, and became a priest in Mudo-ji Temple, Mt. Hiei.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To effect shaving smoothly at high speeds while a net blade coacts with a trimmer blade. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 26件
To reduce unpleasant feeling of a user to sounds generated when using an electric shaver without deteriorating shaving performance. - 特許庁
To provide a shaving cosmetic capable of easily softening the beards, giving little resistance in the cutting of beards and having good feeling in shaving. - 特許庁
To achieve a downsizing of head section of a blade and improve the usability without causing any excessive shaving or tingling sensation on the skin. - 特許庁
To provide a rotary type electric shaver which does not generate deep shaving and a tingling feeling in the skin and enables miniaturization of a blade head part and improvement in a use feeling. - 特許庁
To provide an electric shaver capable of sufficiently caring a skin surface simultaneously with shaving and obtaining an excellent shaving performance over a long period of time without giving electrical pains. - 特許庁
To prevent an electric rotary shaver from shaving excessively deeply when a pushing force of an outer blade toward the skin becomes large, and to prevent the shaver from giving a user a tingling pain after shaving in a case where a skin support rim is interposed between the outer blade and an outer blade frame. - 特許庁
To provide a gel-like shaving cosmetic which hardly lowers the viscosity, when coated on the skin, is not dripped, gives the smooth slip of a razor during a shaving treatment, can excellently be rinsed after the shaving treatment, does not give a tensive touch and a smart touch to the skin, and gives the excellent sense of use. - 特許庁
By this, fresh shaving feeling is obtained by fitting on the skin surface of the narrow and deep part of a hollow shape such as the side. - 特許庁
Barber's itch
意味 | 例文 (26件) |
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