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英訳・英語 tectonic relief
該当件数 : 11件
A grounding shape of the tire 2 does not vary very much due to shocks. - 特許庁
A wind speed variation characteristic estimation part B estimates wind direction variation characteristics according to wind directions based on the past wind observation results and tomographic feature factors according to wind directions. - 特許庁
It is considered that these changes in the amount of kosa or wind-sent dust occurred, because climate changes and crustal changes altered wind, rainfall or land shape patterns.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The occurrence of the movement, breakdown, and overflow of ground or topography at a installing is detected by an acceleration sensor 11. - 特許庁
To provide an analyzing method for a ground water flow in consideration of long term variation of geological environment, like topological region and geological structure, water permeation parameter or the like. - 特許庁
To provide an apparatus for capturing fishes of foreign origin easily installed irrespective of variation of water level or geological features of the waterside and capturing larvae or fries and even the fishes of the foreign origin which are difficult to capture by conventional techniques. - 特許庁
This ground clinometer comprises a sensor section 10 which is placed at a position where occurrence of variation, fall or run-off of the ground or land is predicted, and a control section 20 which is connected to the sensor section 10 via a comparatively long cable 30. - 特許庁
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Weblio例文辞書での「変動地形」に類似した例文 |
該当件数 : 11件
When forming the first cap layer, a local defect is introduced into the first cap layer, and the local defect is positioned in a place corresponding to the substantial topography variation, and the local defect is suitable for passing a predetermined fluid. - 特許庁
To increase reception performance to desired waves by controlling antenna directivity even in reception environment in which peripheral terrains change according to the movement of a mobile receiver, and radio wave propagation environment varies. - 特許庁
This method of manufacturing the semiconductor element includes preparing a substrate having a non-flat three-dimensional shape and having a main surface including a substantial topography variation and forming a first cap layer having an upper surface and an under surface on the main surface. - 特許庁
このボーリング結果(ボーリング記録とサンプルより)と、湖底の地層構造を衝撃波により調査したこれまでの学術調査結果(植村善博:「比較変動地形論 古今書院、及び、 URBAN KUBOTA NO.37/11)から推定される湖底の岩盤深さとが一致するので比良湖岸断層は、この掘削地点より山側にあると推定されます。例文帳に追加
As the result of this boring (from records of boring and samples) coincides with the depth of base rock at the bottom of lake inferred from the result of scientific investigation of strata architecture at the bottom of lake with shock wave ("Hikaku Hendo Chikeiron" written by Yoshihiro UEMURA, Kokon Shoin publisher, and URBAN KUBOTA NO. 37/11), it is inferred that the Hira-ko lakeshore fault exists on the mountain side from this drilling point.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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