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該当件数 : 10件
(4) 前各項にいう5年ごとの手数料の額は,本法の付録の附則1.11に規定する額とする。対応する5年の手数料の納付期間が手数料が納付されずに終了した場合は,当該手数料は,6月を限度として,最初の3月以内は25%の割増手数料及び翌3月以内は50%の割増手数料を付して納付することができる。例文帳に追加
4. The amount of the five-year fees to which the prior paragraphs refer shall be that provided for in schedule 1.11 of the Annex to this Law. Once the period for payment of the corresponding five-year fee has ended without the fee having been paid, it may be paid with a surcharge of 25 per cent within the first three months and of 50 per cent within the following three months, up to a maximum of six months. - 特許庁
The term of protection may be initially renewed for further three years on payment of a fee as prescribed by the schedule of fees, and then for further two years each time to ten years at the most.発音を聞く - 特許庁
The Minister may prescribe the maximum fees to be charged by a registered patent agent or a registered trade mark agent in respect of services provided in connection with the protection of designs. - 特許庁
4 前項の規定は、数個の請求の一部について同項各号に定める事由が生じた場合において、既に納めた手数料の全部又は一部がなお係属する請求についても納められたものであるときは、その限度においては、適用しない。同項第五号に掲げる申立てについて同号に定める事由が生じた場合において、既に納めた手数料の全部又は一部がなお係属する他の同号に掲げる申立てについても納められたものであるときも、その限度において、同様とする。例文帳に追加
(4) Where any of the events specified in the items of the preceding paragraph occur with regard to one portion of two or more claims, if the whole or part of the fee already paid is intended to cover payment for the other claim(s) that are still pending, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the extent that the payment of the fee is intended for such pending claim(s). Where the event specified in item (v) of said paragraph occurs with regard to the petition set forth in said item, if the whole or part of the fee already paid is intended as payment for any other petition(s) set forth in said item that is still pending, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the extent that the payment of the fee is intended for such pending petition(s).発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第46条 (1),第46a条,第47条 (2)及び(4),第47a条 (2)並びに第58条 (2)に定められた期限の満了前に提出された出願人の請求により,当該期限は,所定の手数料を納付して3月間,ただし,2回を限度として延長することができる。例文帳に追加
At the applicant’s request, submitted before expiration of the time limits as laid down in Article 46 (1), Article 46a, Article 47 (2) and (4), Article 47a (2) and Article 58 (2), such time limits may be extended by three months, but not more than twice, on payment of the prescribed fees.発音を聞く - 特許庁
ただし、18 月の当該期間満了前又は満了後3 月以内に登録官に対して期間延長の請求が行われ、所定の手数料が支払われると、当該出願は18 月の当該期間満了から通算3 月を超えない限度でそのように請求された期間にわたり継続される。例文帳に追加
Provided that where, before, or within three months after, the expiration of the said period of eighteen months, a request is made to the Registrar for an extension of time, the application shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, be continued for any period so requested not exceeding in all three months from the expiration of the said period of eighteen months.発音を聞く - 特許庁
The periods referred to in Articles 36(3), 37(2) and 46(1) may be extended, at the request of the applicant or the proprietor filed prior to the expiry thereof, by three months, but no more than once. An extension request shall not be granted if not accompanied by a document certifying payment of the prescribed fee.発音を聞く - 特許庁
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学習機能付き! -
該当件数 : 10件
The new pricing structure should establish more consistent incentives across facilities, encourage access to private capital, discourage prolonged use of, and deter inappropriate large scale access to IMF resources, thus contributing to their more efficient use. For all non-concessional facilities, the interest rate should increase on a graduated basis the longer countries have IMF resources outstanding. The possibility of adding a premium when the scale of financing goes beyond certain thresholds should be explored. In addition, for countries that continuously resort to IMF facilities, the IMF should make more intensive use of prior actions and limit access to its resources.発音を聞く - 財務省
3 一の判決に対して上告の提起及び上告受理の申立てをする場合において、その主張する利益が共通であるときは、その限度において、その一方について納めた手数料は、他の一方についても納めたものとみなす。一の決定又は命令に対して民事訴訟法第三百三十六条第一項(これを準用し、又はその例による場合を含む。)の規定による抗告の提起及び同法第三百三十七条第二項(これを準用し、又はその例による場合を含む。)の規定による抗告の許可の申立てをする場合も、同様とする。例文帳に追加
(3) Where a final appeal and a petition for acceptance of final appeal are filed against one judgment, if the same interests are claimed therein, the fee paid in relation to either of them shall be deemed to have been paid in relation to the other as well, to the extent that they are the same. The same shall apply where an appeal under the provisions of Article 336, paragraph (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure (including cases where said paragraph is applied mutatis mutandis or where the same rule as that prescribed therein is applied) and a petition for permission to appeal under the provisions of Article 337, paragraph (2) of said Code (including cases where said paragraph is applied mutatis mutandis or the where same rule as that prescribed therein is applied) are filed against one order or direction.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
ただし、次に掲げる各号を条件とする。登録官が、出願を受理できる期間の延長を認めた場合、特許への公印付与には、当該24 月の後にさらに4 月の延長期間が認められる。公印付与が、政府への不服申立て、又は当該特許付与に対する異義申立て、又は第(1A)項の規定に基づく登録官の指示を得るため取られた手続き、又は登録官が、その時点で施行されているその他の何らかの法令により当該登録官に付与された権限の行使にあたり、出願に関連する何らかの行為を懈怠若しくは遅延したために遅延した場合、当該特許は登録官が指示する時に公印を付与されることができる。当該特許が、当該特許への公印付与に認められた期間が経過するまでに死亡した出願人の法定代理人に付与される場合、当該特許は、出願人の死亡日後12 月以内の任意の日、又はそれ以降で登録官が適切と考える日に公印が付与される。何らかの理由で、本条前3 項の規定のいずれかにより認められた期間内に特許の公印を付与できない場合、その期間は、所定の手数料納付及び前記所定の条件の遵守を条件として3 月を超えない請求された限度で延長することができる。例文帳に追加
Provided that,- where the Registrar has allowed an extension of the time within which an application may be accepted a further extension of four months after the said, twenty-four months shall be allowed for the sealing of the patent; where the sealing is delayed by an appeal to the Government, or by opposition to the grant of the patent, or by any proceedings taken for obtaining a direction of the Registrar under the provisions of sub-section (1A), or by reason of the Registrar, in exercise of the powers given to him by 8[ any other law for the time being in force], having omitted to do or delayed the doing of anything relating to the application the patent may be sealed at such time as the Registrar may direct; where the patent is granted to the legal representative of an applicant who has died before the expiration of the time which would otherwise be allowed for sealing the patent, the patent may be sealed at any time within twelve months after the date of his death or at such later time as the Registrar may think fit; where for any reason a patent cannot be sealed within the period allowed by any of the foregoing provisions of this section that period may on payment of the prescribed fee and on compliance with the prescribed conditions be extended to the extent applied for but not exceeding three months.発音を聞く - 特許庁
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