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「dry fog」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 98件
To provide a silver salt photothermographic dry imaging material having low fog and excellent in productivity.例文帳に追加
低カブリと生産性に優れた銀塩光熱写真ドライイメージング材料の提供。 - 特許庁
To provide a silver salt photothermographic dry imaging material which has low fog and obtains satisfactory film adherence strength from a time immediately after development.例文帳に追加
カブリが低く、且つ現像処理直後から十分な膜付き強度を得る銀塩光熱写真ドライイメージング材料を提供する。 - 特許庁
The defrosting facility blows the compressed air (dry air) heated making use of the heat source from blowing nozzles installed in predetermined spaces along both sides of the carriage way often fogged in, heats the fog in the road space when the fog is generated, and diffuses and eliminates the fog by the compressed air.例文帳に追加
地熱や廃熱等の熱源を利用し、加熱した圧縮空気(乾き空気)を霧が発生し易い自動車道路の両側に沿って一定の間隔に設置した吹き出しノズルより、霧発生時に吹き出し道路空間の霧を加温し、圧縮空気にて拡散消滅させる消霧設備装置。 - 特許庁
To provide a silver salt photothermographic dry imaging material which generates fog that is low in heat development (the so-called "instantaneous fog") and excels in raw stock preservability, an image forming method using the same, and a method for manufacturing the material.例文帳に追加
熱現像時のカブリ(いわゆる「即カブリ」)が低く、かつ生保存性に優れた銀塩光熱写真ドライイメージング材料、それを用いた画像形成方法、及び当該材料の製造方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
加熱した圧縮空気(乾き空気)をノズルより吹き出し、道路空間の霧を加温し、拡散消滅させる自動車道路の消霧設備装置。 - 特許庁
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Wiktionary英語版での「dry fog」の意味 |
dry fog
- A fog or haze made up of dust or smoke particles, which consequently does not moisten exposed surfaces.
- A fog of liquid droplets, occurring when the humidity or dew point would not normally allow fog, due to the droplets consisting of or being coated in an oil that prevents them from evaporating.
- 1879, E. Frankland, in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, volume 28, page 240:
- This simple though important technical application suggested to me a condition of things under which the existence of so-called 'dry fog' would be possible. From our manufactories and domestic fires vast aggregate quantities of coal-tar and paraffin oil are daily distilled into the atmosphere, and, condensing upon, or attaching themselves to, the watery spherules of fog or cloud, must of necessity coat these latter with an oily film, which would in all probability, retard the evaporation of the water, [...]
- 1919, Reprint and circular series of the National Research Council, page 50:
- (187) DRY FOG — Dense fogs have been noticed around London when the humidity was only 50 to 80 per cent. Frankland believes [...]. While this explanation is probably true, we do not know under what conditions a fog of oil and water gives drops of water coated with oil or drops of oil coated with water. [...] In view of the fact that lampblack enables us to emulsify water in oil, a smoky atmosphere might well be conducive to the production of dry fogs.
- 1967 August, Popular Science, volume 1919, number 2, page 138:
- 1879, E. Frankland, in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, volume 28, page 240:
「dry fog」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 98件
To provide a silver salt photothermographic dry imaging material having high sensitivity and low fog, excellent in storage stability, and ensuring reduced odor even by low-temperature drying.例文帳に追加
高感度、低カブリであり、保存安定性に優れ、かつ、低温乾燥で臭いが低減された銀塩光熱写真ドライイメージング材料の提供。 - 特許庁
To dry and regenerate an anti-fog film 24a of a windowpane 24 while keeping inside-air circulation for reducing heat-loss due to ventilation at cold time.例文帳に追加
寒冷時に換気による熱損失低減のための内気化を維持しつつ、窓ガラス24の防曇性皮膜24aを乾燥再生させる。 - 特許庁
To provide a thermosensitive recording material which shows superb chromogenic nature/shelf stability and is almost free from a texture fog to dry heat and moist heat.例文帳に追加
発色性に優れ、且つ乾熱及び湿熱に対する地肌かぶりが少ない保存安定性に優れた感熱記録材料の開発。 - 特許庁
To provide a silver salt photothermographic dry imaging material excellent in raw stock preservability and in stability of a silver image after heat development while retaining fog and sensitivity.例文帳に追加
カブリ、感度を維持しながら、生保存性と熱現像後における銀画像の安定性に優れた銀塩光熱写真ドライイメージング材料を提供する。 - 特許庁
To provide a silver salt photothermographic dry imaging material causing no color tone degradation, free of deterioration of sensitivity and capable of suppressing an increase of fog with the lapse of time.例文帳に追加
色調を劣化させることなく、感度低下がなく、経時カブリの上昇を抑えることができる銀塩光熱写真ドライイメージング材料を提供する。 - 特許庁
To provide a silver halide photothermographic dry imaging material capable of suppressing an increase in fog with age without degrading color tone or lowering sensitivity.例文帳に追加
色調を劣化させることなく、感度低下がなく、経時カブリの上昇を抑えることができる銀塩光熱写真ドライイメージング材料を提供する。 - 特許庁
To provide a silver salt photothermographic dry imaging material causing no color tone degradation, free of lowering of sensitivity and capable of suppressing an increase of fog with the lapse of time.例文帳に追加
色調を劣化させることなく、感度低下がなく、経時カブリの上昇を抑えることができる銀塩光熱写真ドライイメージング材料を提供する。 - 特許庁
To provide a silver salt photothermographic dry imaging material having an infrared sensitive silver halide emulsion layer having high sensitivity, low fog and excellent stability of image quality and to particularly provide an infrared sensitive silver salt photothermographic dry imaging material capable of retaining high sensitivity and low fog even when stored with age.例文帳に追加
高感度で低カブリ、かつ画質安定性に優れた赤外感光性ハロゲン化銀乳剤層を有する銀塩光熱写真ドライイメージング材料を提供することにあり、特に経時保存された場合でも高感度及び低カブリを維持できる赤外感光性銀塩光熱写真ドライイメージング材料を提供する。 - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (98件) |
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