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和英教育用語辞典での「public sector facilities」の意味

public-sector facilities

「public sector facilities」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13


8) Private sector partnerships (Cases where the government, based on an affirmative determination of public need, provides to a project implemented primarily by a private sector entity such elements as contributions or loans of funds, leasing of facilities, or recommendations for use. The implementing entity of projects is the private sector entity)例文帳に追加

事業の実施主体は民間。) - 経済産業省

Case2-2-2 The introduction of new commercial facilities and public facilities brings more people and further private sector investments例文帳に追加

事例2-2-2 新たな商業施設と公共施設の導入が、来街者や更なる民間投資を呼ぶ - 経済産業省

Swiftly expand concession agreements with private sector to public facilities managed by the national Government such as airports.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

コンセッション方式の対象を、国が管理する空港等に早期に拡大。 - 経済産業省

In the area of public services, the entry of foreign companies is expected to be facilitated by utilizing the new designation system for administrators of public facilities that opened the way for the private sector to participate in public facilities operation (which used to be limited to national or local governments), and by utilizing or improving PFI/PPP, namely the initiative and the partnership that provide social capital and public services using private sector capital and know-how.例文帳に追加

公共サービス分野については、これまで国や地方公共団体が提供していた公共施設の運営を民間委託する指定管理者制度や民間の資金・ノウハウ等を活用し、社会資本整備や公共サービスを提供するPFI/PPP等の一層の活用・改善等を図ることで、外国企業の参入が進むことが期待される。 - 経済産業省

In the United Kingdom, the privatization programs started in the 1980s by the Thatcher administration were continued and developed. With the goals of achieving fiscal soundness and improving service quality of public sector facilities, the government promoted the use of outsourcing, PFI, and PPP to facilitate private sector financing.例文帳に追加

英国では、1980年代のサッチャー政権の時代に始まった民営化の流れから発展し、財政の健全化と公共施設のサービス品質の向上を目的に、アウトソーシング、PFI、そしてPPPへと民間資金導入の流れが拡大していった。 - 経済産業省

Also, the setting up in recent years of funds that focus on utilizing local and other resources through the fund projects of the SMRJ, and the capital financing and other financing facilities of public-sector SME financing institutions have also been important.例文帳に追加

また、中小機構のファンド事業により近年設立されてきた地域資源の活用等に着目したファンドの取組や、政府系中小企業金融機関による資本性資金の融資制度等も重要である。 - 経済産業省


After the Meiji Restoration, most of the structures including Tenshu which were in castles and Jinya (regional government office) were disposed of by the private sector or by government as requisitioned military facilities/land and knocked down; however, some Tenshu were conserved as a result of the civic movement and approaches by public officials/military personnel for conservation.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

明治維新の後は、城郭や陣屋にあった建物は天守も、民間によって或は、軍事施設・土地としての接収によってほとんどは払い下げ、破却されたが、中には市民運動や公人・軍関係者などの保存の働きかけなどによって保存された天守がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「public sector facilities」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13


While employment conditions continue to be harsh, job training is being implemented by consigning training to various kinds of private-sector education and training institutions, such as special training schools, universities, NPOs, companies seeking workers, etc., in addition to public facilities for the development of vocational capabilities, in order to promote the smooth re-employment of workers, including manufacturing workers who were forced to leave their jobs.例文帳に追加

厳しい雇用情勢が続く中で、ものづくり労働者を含め離職を余儀なくされた者の円滑な再就職の促進を図るため、公共職業能力開発施設のほか、専修学校、大学、NPO、求人企業等あらゆる民間教育訓練機関を委託先として活用して職業訓練を実施している。 - 経済産業省

Job training for displaced workers and people looking to change jobs Job training is being implemented by consigning training to various kinds of private sector education and training institutions, such as specialized training colleges, universities, NPOs, companies seeking workers, etc., in addition to being implemented at public human resources development facilities for the development of vocational capabilities, in order to promote the smooth reemployment of workers, including manufacturing workers who were forced to leave their jobs.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

離転職者に対する職業訓練ものづくり労働者を含め離職を余儀なくされた者の円滑な再就職の促進を図るため、公共職業能力開発施設において職業訓練を実施しているほか、専修学校、大学、NPO、求人企業等あらゆる民間教育訓練機関等を委託先として活用して職業訓練を実施している。 - 経済産業省

While employment conditions continue to be harsh, job training is being implemented by consigning training to various kinds of private-sector education and training institutions, such as specialized training schools, universities, NPOs, companies seeking workers, etc., in addition to being implemented at public facilities for the development of vocational capabilities, in order to promote the smooth reemployment of workers, including manufacturing workers who were forced to leave their jobs.例文帳に追加

厳しい雇用情勢が続く中で、ものづくり労働者を含め離職を余儀なくされた者の円滑な再就職の促進を図るため、公共職業能力開発施設において職業訓練を実施しているほか、専修学校、大学、NPO、求人企業等あらゆる民間教育訓練機関等を委託先として活用して職業訓練を実施している。 - 経済産業省

Job training is being implemented by consigning training to various kinds of private sector education and training institutions, such as specialized training colleges, universities, NPOs, companies seeking workers, etc., in addition to being implemented at public human resources development facilities for the development of vocational capabilities, in order to promote the smooth reemployment of workers, including manufacturing workers who were forced to leave their jobs.例文帳に追加

ものづくり労働者を含め離職を余儀なくされた者の円滑な再就職の促進を図るため、公共職業能力開発施設において職業訓練を実施しているほか、専修学校、大学、NPO、求人企業等あらゆる民間教育訓練機関等を委託先として活用して職業訓練を実施している。 - 経済産業省

Specifically, the matters as follows will be discussed and materialized: the review of regulations on land use, such as floor-area ratios and usage; opening of the operation of public schools to the private sector; approval of new construction and increase of beds in international medical centers through exceptional measures on regulations on the number of beds; facilitating the combination use of both services covered by public health insurance and advanced healthcare services not covered by the insurance; exclusion of traditional buildings used as lodging facilities from application of the Inns and Hotels Act;special measures to enhance competitiveness of agriculture. Through such deliberations,the government will take necessary measures, such as the submission of bills relevant to National Strategic Special Zones at the next extraordinary Diet session.例文帳に追加

具体的には、容積率・用途等土地利用規制の見直し、公立学校運営の民間への開放、国際医療拠点における病床規制の特例による病床の新設・増床の容認、保険外併用療養の拡充、滞在施設等の旅館業法の適用除外、農業の競争力強化のための環境整備等の特例措置を検討、具体化し、国家戦略特区関連法案を次期臨時国会に提出するなど、所要の措置を講ずる。 - 経済産業省


I know what you mean. However, at the extreme opposite, DBJ is underwriting convertible bonds issued by a company that is operating department stores and other retail facilities in Tokyo. In addition, last year, DBJ was often involved in syndicated loans to projects that could have been undertaken by the private sector on its own. I have no intention of blaming DBJ. DBJ cannot be blamed as it is not sure about its own identity. It does not know whether it is a private-sector or public-sector institution. As the government has left DBJ’s status unclear for as long as one year, the bank has fallen into this situation. That is what I have been pointing out all along.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

大臣のおっしゃっていることはとてもよく理解できるのですが、その一方で、東京で流通業やデパートみたいなものをやっているところの転換社債を政投銀が引き受けるというのは全く両極の話で、さらに、去年などでも、随分と民間だけでできるシンジケートローンなどに政投銀が入ってきたりするわけです。これは、僕は政投銀が悪いとかと言うつもりはないのです。政投銀は、自分が何だか分からないからしようがないですよね。民間なのか官なのか分からないのだから。政治がちゃんと位置付けを決めないまま、1年間もやるということになってしまうわけでしょう。それを僕はずっと言っているのです。 - 金融庁


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