意味 | 例文 (30件) |
該当件数 : 30件
The high pressure connector (48) of a fuel injection device has an elongated body (64) provided with an inlet (66) for communicating a fluid with a high pressure fuel source; an outlet (68) for communicating the fluid with an inlet (54) of a fuel injector (34); and a fuel passage (70) extending between the inlet (66) and the outlet (68). - 特許庁
Furthermore, the light emitting range and the connecting range are separated within 1 picture element and no part of the perpendicular projection of the connecting range to the surface of a transparent substrate 2' is overlapped with the light emitting range, a pressure force from outside the device is not extended to the organic EL layer. - 特許庁
The hydrogen supply apparatus 1 is equipped with a source material storage tank 2 which stores a hydrogenated derivative 30 of an aromatic compound, the reaction device 3, a liquid-gas separation device 4, a compressor 7, a hydrogen storage tank 8, and the pressurizing means or a constant pressure valve 9 as the pressure controlling means. - 特許庁
The medical humidification gas can be supplied as an environmental gas for the high-pressure oxygen treatment chamber or as a respiratory gas for the patient through a respiration supporting apparatus. - 特許庁
2 使用済燃料貯蔵事業者は、使用済燃料貯蔵施設を設置した事業所において特定核燃料物質を取り扱う場合で政令で定める場合には、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、防護措置を講じなければならない。例文帳に追加
(2) Any licensee of spent fuel interim storage activity who handles specific nuclear fuel material at a place of activity where the spent fuel interim storage facilities have been installed shall, if provided for by Cabinet Order, take protection measures pursuant to the provision of the Ordinance of METI.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
This hydrogen supply system is provided with pumps 30 and 31 having a function for lowering the pressure inside a hydrogen storage container 10 to the equilibrium hydrogen pressure of the hydrogen storage alloy or less by suction and for supplying the hydrogen discharged from the hydrogen storage container 10 to a fuel cell 11 and a function for supplying the unreacted hydrogen discharged from the fuel cell 11 to the fuel cell 11 again. - 特許庁
四 起動機、磁石発電機、機上発電機、燃料ポンプ、プロペラ調速器、気化器、高圧油ポンプ、与圧室用過給器、防氷用燃焼器、防氷液ポンプ、高圧空気ポンプ、真空ポンプ、インバーター、脚、フロート、スキー、スキッド、発電機定速駆動器、水・アルコール噴射ポンプ、排気タービン、燃焼式客室加熱器、方向舵、昇降舵、補助翼、フラップ、燃料噴射ポンプ、滑油ポンプ、冷却液ポンプ、フェザリング・ポンプ、燃料管制装置、除氷系統管制器、酸素調節器、空気調和装置用圧力調節器、高圧空気源調整器、高圧空気管制器、電源調整器、高圧油調整器、高圧油管制器、滑油冷却器、冷却液冷却器、燃料タンク(インテグラル式のものを除く。)、滑油タンク、機力操縦用作動器、脚作動器、動力装置用作動器、点火用ディストリビューター、点火用エキサイター、発動機架及び航法装置(電波法の適用を受ける無線局の無線設備を除く。)例文帳に追加
iv) Starter, magnet generator, airborne generator, fuel pump, propeller governor, carburetor, hydraulic pump, cabin super-charger, combustion heater for de-icing, de-icing fluid pump, air compressor, vacuum pump, inverter, landing gear, float, ski, skid, constant-speed drive unit for generator, water or alcohol injection pump, exhaust turbine, cabin combustion heater, rudder, elevator, aileron, flap, fuel injection pump, lubricating oil pump, cooling-liquid pump, feathering pump, fuel control unit, de-icing system controller, oxygen regulator, pressure regulator for air-conditioning system, high-pressure air regulator, high-pressure air controller, voltage regulator, high-pressure oil regulator, high-pressure oil controller, oil cooler, cooling-liquid cooler, fuel tank (excluding integral type), oil tank, flight control actuator, landing gear actuator, actuator for power unit, ignition distributor, ignition exciter, engine mount and navigation equipment (excluding radio equipments of radio station subject to the Radio Act発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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該当件数 : 30件
To provide a method for manufacturing hydrogen or hydrogen-oxygen and its manufacturing apparatus which efficiently produces hydrogen or oxygen without using a high-pressure cylinder or a heavy storage container of a hydrogen storage alloy, which easily supplies hydrogen and oxygen without charging and which is effective for a fuel cell. - 特許庁
An image processor handling multilayer structure image in which a prescribed pixel value is defined as a transparent color and pixels of the transparent color are composed in a transmissive manner, is provided with a layer constitution changing means 3 for changing the order of superposition of transparent color areas of respective layers so that a prescribed feature value to the whole layer included in the multilayer structure image is reduced or increased. - 特許庁
Of the works set forth in item (xxi) of Article 6 of the Order, work in a place with danger of oxygen deficiency listed in item (3)-3, (9) or (12) of Appended Table 6 of the Order (for places listed in the same items, limited to those where the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare designated as places where is liable to cause anoxia or sulfide poisoning to workers)発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To provide a liquefied hydrogen storage and supply facility allowing efficient filling of liquefied hydrogen into an inner tank by reducing an atmospheric diffusion amount of hydrogen gas for keeping pressure in the inner tank constant without depending on the position of a liquid level of liquefied hydrogen in the inner tank. - 特許庁
To provide a liquefied hydrogen storage supply equipment capable of effectively filling the inside of the inner tank with liquefied hydrogen by reducing the releasing quantity of hydrogen gas to the air for maintaining the pressure inside of the inner tank constant without relying on the position of the liquid surface of the liquefied hydrogen in the inner tank. - 特許庁
3 文部科学大臣は、第一項の規定による届出があつた場合において、必要があると認めるときは、国土交通大臣に対し、文部科学省令で定めるところにより、原子炉設置者が核燃料物質、核燃料物質によつて汚染された物又は原子炉による災害を防止するために講ずべき措置に係る事項を通知するものとする。例文帳に追加
(3) When the notification pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) is made, the Minister of MEXT shall, if he/she finds it necessary, notify the Minister of MLIT of matters pertaining to measures to be taken by the reactor establisher to prevent disasters resulting from nuclear fuel material, material contaminated by nuclear fuel material, or the reactors, pursuant to the provision of the Ordinance of MEXT.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
二 一般船舶が座礁、沈没その他の事由により我が国の領域内に放置された場合であつて、当該一般船舶の一般船舶所有者等が港湾法(昭和二十五年法律第二百十八号)その他法令の規定により当該一般船舶の撤去その他の措置を履行する責めに任ずるときにおいて、当該措置に要する費用の支払により当該一般船舶所有者等に生ずる損害例文帳に追加
(ii) In the case a General Ship is left abandoned in the territory of Japan by the reasons such as stranding, sinking, etc., the damage incurred by the Owner of General Ship by the payment of the cost for removing the said General Ship or taking other measures when they are responsible for the performance of them pursuant to the provisions of the Ports and Harbors Act (Act No. 218 of 1950) or other laws and regulations.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
4 消防長又は消防署長は、第一項の規定により必要な措置を命じた場合において、その措置を命ぜられた者がその措置を履行しないとき、履行しても十分でないとき、又はその措置の履行について期限が付されている場合にあつては履行しても当該期限までに完了する見込みがないときは、行政代執行法(昭和二十三年法律第四十三号)の定めるところに従い、当該消防職員又は第三者にその措置をとらせることができる。例文帳に追加
(4) Where a fire chief or fire station chief has ordered that any necessary measures should be taken pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1), if the person ordered to take such measures does not implement the measures at all or does not implement them fully, or if the measures should be implemented by a certain time limit but the implementation thereof is not expected to be completed by said time limit, he/she may, as provided for in the Act on Substitute Execution by Administration (Act No. 43 of 1948), have his/her fire defense personnel or a third party take such measures.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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