
「"as a token of"」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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"as a token of"を含む例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 61


And as a token of our apology, please accept the next order of #3945 free of charge. I hope you will forgive us and continue to use our products.例文帳に追加

お詫びといたしまして、次回の製品番号3945のご注文は無料とさせていただきます。何卒お許しいただき、引き続き弊社の製品をご使用くだされば幸いです。 - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集

In 1566, he appealed to Masamura MIZUNOYA, the senior vassal of Yuki clan, and succeeded in restoring goryosho (the Imperial or shogunate's estate); he recommended the assignment of Masamura to Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade), Ise no kuni Kokushi (the governor of Ise Province) as a token of his appreciation. 例文帳に追加

1566年には結城氏重臣の水谷正村に働きかけて御料所回復に成功し、その謝礼に正村の従五位下伊勢国国司への任官を推挙している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is also a story that Yoritomo built it as a token of his gratitude for Yasuyori's excellent conduct in 1190, when Yoritomo visited his father's (Yoshitomo's) mausoleum, however questions remain. 例文帳に追加

また、頼朝が父義朝の廟所に参拝した折(建久元年)、その奇特な行いを謝して設けた供養塔と言い伝えられているが、疑問点がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tamenobu remained close to Mitsunari thereafter, and some say that he later protected Mitsunari's second son Shigenari after the Battle of Sekigahara, and took Mitsunari's third daughterTatsuhime, who had been an adopted daughter of Kodaiin, as the wife of his son Nobuhira TSUGARU, as a token of gratitude. 例文帳に追加

以後も三成とは親密で、後年、関ヶ原の後に三成の次男重成を保護したり、高台院の養女になっていた三成の三女辰姫を息子の津軽信牧の妻に迎えているのは、それに対する報恩という説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the time, as a token of gratitude Shingen sent a Fukuoka Ichimonji (a sword for supply stoppage of salt) a sword with 'Hirokuchi' inscribed, this has been designated as an important cultural property, and is in the possession of the Tokyo National Museum. 例文帳に追加

この時、感謝の印として信玄が謙信に送ったとされる福岡一文字の在銘太刀「弘口」一振(塩留めの太刀)は重要文化財に指定され、東京国立博物館に所蔵されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The name of his child was Kasahi(ha)yo; The name of his child was Owake no Omi; I have served the king as a head of Jotojin (a guard who protected noble men) until today; When Wakatake(ki)ru(ro) King's temple was located in Shikinomiya, I served and supported him; So as a token of my service, this sword was made (the back side). 例文帳に追加

其児名加差披余其児名乎獲居臣世々為杖刀人首奉事来至今獲加多支鹵大王寺在斯鬼宮時吾左治天下令作此百練利刀記吾奉事根原也(裏) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Jusha TSUMURA, the founder of Tsumura & Co., was from Uda County, Yamato Province, and a Buddhist parishioner of Shoren-ji Temple at Mt. Hibari; and his mother's family home, the Fujimura family had possessed for generations the prescription of medicine (called Chujo-to) which Chujo Hime had taught them as a token of her gratitude for hiding her in their house while she had been running away. 例文帳に追加

ツムラの創業者津村重舎は大和国宇陀郡出身で、雲雀山青蓮寺の檀家であり、母の実家の藤村家に、逃亡中の中将姫をかくまった御礼に製法を教えられた薬(中将湯)が、代々伝えられていたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Tenmu period of the late seventh century, when the Emperor-centered political regime was put in place, the Shinto gods that had played important roles in building the country--including Amaterasu Omikami, the highest ranking Ujigami (local god) of all--were elevated in status to ethnic gods, and this encouraged Buddhists to give them higher ranking as a token of respect. 例文帳に追加

しかし7世紀後半の天武期において、天皇を中心とする国造りが整備されるに伴い、その氏神であった天照大神を頂点として、それら国造りに重用された神々が民族神へと高められ、仏教側からもその神々に敬意を表して格付けを上げるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to tradition, when Saicho, the founder of the Nihon Tendai sect, founded Tokko-ji Temple in 805 after arriving at the area following his studies in Tang (China), he endowed ancestors of the Yokooji family, who cooperated in the founding of the temple, with (hori no hi flame) and Bishamon-ten-zo (statue of Bishamon-ten (Vaisravana)) as a token of gratitude. 例文帳に追加

伝承によれば、805年(延暦24年)、日本天台宗の開祖である最澄が唐での留学を終え、当地に上陸し、独鈷寺(新宮町立花口)を開基した際、協力した横大路家の先祖にお礼として法火(法理の火)と毘沙門天像を授けたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Emperor Anko tried to marry his younger brother, Emperor Yuryaku, with Kusaka no Hatabi no Himemiko who was the younger maternal half-sister of Imperial Prince Okusaka, Imperial Prince Okusaka consented, but Kebutsu (the Artificial Buddha) and Oshiki no Tamakatsura Crown which were presented as a token of his consent were stolen by his envoy, Nenoomi; in order to hide this, Nenoomi gave a false report that Imperial Prince Okusada had not consented, and as a result, Imperial Prince Okusada was killed. 例文帳に追加

安康天皇が彼の同母妹の草香幡梭皇女と弟の雄略天皇を結婚させようとした際、彼は承諾したものの、その印として献上された宝冠、押木珠縵を使者根使主が盗み、それを隠すために断ったと虚偽の報告をしてしまい、その結果殺されてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In later years the Kuki family in Ominato (Ise City) in Ise built an Atake-bune virtually equivalent to a tekkosen and named ""Oniyado", and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, who liked the magnificence of the ship, adopted it as a flag ship in the Bunroku-keicho War, put a madder streamer and an Uma-jirushi (commander's flag) of a golden fan on it as a token of a flag ship, and renamed it "Nippon Maru". 例文帳に追加

後年、九鬼家は伊勢の大湊(伊勢市)において、鉄甲船とほぼ同水準とみられる安宅船を建造し「鬼宿(おにやど)」と名付けたが、この船の威容をいたく気に入った豊臣秀吉は、文禄・慶長の役の際の旗船としてこれを採用し、旗船の証である茜の吹流しと金団扇の馬印を授け、船名も「日本丸(にっぽんまる)」と改称させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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