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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > つなぎ市場に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 9



If market derivatives business operators (business operators which engage in the activities specified under Article 28(2)(iii) of the FIEA; the same shall apply hereinafter) are to gain the trust of investors, thereby building trust in the derivatives trading market, it is important that they strive to manage their business operations in an appropriate manner while strictly complying with laws, regulations and various business rules, and fully recognizing their roles as derivatives market players.  - 金融庁


However, taking as an example the need to maintain fairness during buyouts, or the need for shareholders to exercise their voting rights appropriately as discussed in this report, it would be feasible to consider cases where going forward, the stock exchanges will directly enforce discipline of investors as market participants.Further wide-ranging discussion will need to take place in determining the appropriate manner in which the stock exchanges conduct market discipline on participants.  - 金融庁

(2) 首脳・閣僚レベル以外でも、世界的な市場の混乱を受けて様々な国際会議や国際機関において、金融安定化等の観点から、活発な議論や検討が進められており、各国当局と連携しつつ、こうした国際的な議論に積極的に参加。例文帳に追加

(2) In response to the global financial market turmoil, active debates and deliberations are underway on how to stabilize the financial system not only at summits and ministerial meetings but also at a variety of international conferences and by international organizations. The FSA actively participated in these international debates and deliberations while maintaining cooperation with the authorities of various countries.  - 金融庁


As for the allegation that an employee of Nomura Securities passed on insider information, it is important that securities companies, which play a public role as a financial intermediary, establish an adequate internal control system and manage business operations properly.  - 金融庁



On the same day, the FSA issued, in the name of the Director-General of the Planning and Coordination Bureau, a directive asking exchanges other than the TSE, settlement organizations, and securities transfer agencies to conduct comprehensive inspection regarding their response to system glitches.  The FSA will make efforts to ensure that these financial infrastructure organizations conduct operations in a smooth and appropriate manner.  - 金融庁



For this reason, in cases where a securities company provides large-scale and complex services as an entire group, there is a risk of the market intermediary function of the securities company becoming dysfunctional which could cause the adverse effects on a wide range of investors, and finally, could result in concerns about adverse effects on financial systems, as a consequence that the securities company suddenly fails due to financial or operational problems caused by its parent company or by its subsidiary or its sister company within the group.  - 金融庁

本研究会は4回にわたり開催され、活発な議論が行われた。 国債発行当局の問題意識も踏まえつつ、金利推定モデルの目指すべき姿について様々な議論が行われる一方で、現在の市場環境に即した現実的な金利推定モデルを限られた時間の中で構築するとの観点から、木島教授、田中准教授より、原案モデルに本研究会メンバーの意見を反映させた金利推定モデルが「当面のモデル」として報告された。例文帳に追加

The committee meeting was held four times with active discussions. While the ideal model reflecting the awareness of the JGB issuing authority has been actively discussed, the practical model aligned with the current market conditions was established within the limited time flame. Kijima and Tanaka report a model reflecting the various opinions of the committee members as the “Tentative model”.  - 財務省


At the committee meetings, active discussions were seen along with various views expressed. Among those views there were opinions that should be analyzed and studied on a consistent basis by taking more time due to data constraints, etc., even though it was deemed theoretically desirable to reflect such opinions on the model. Also, there were some conceptions that are not necessarily disseminated among the general investors at this time in the market, as revealed in the questionnaire to the JGB Market Special Participants and the investors comprising the Meeting of JGB Investors.  - 財務省



All committee members agreed with the government’s intention to issue high credit ultra-long-term bonds of which global demand has been rising. In addition, they agreed that the 3government should take into consideration the accountability to taxpayers. Lively discussions were held on how to establish the model to honor suchconsiderations. Furthermore, some members indicated that it is a landmark event for an academic discipline that a gigantic government bond issuer such as Japan explicitly utilizes the methodology of financial engineering in actual practice to issue ultra-long-term bonds.  - 財務省


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