意味 | 例文 (27件) |
該当件数 : 27件
Category 2: Chemicals which have the potential to induce heritable mutations in human germ cells - 経済産業省
Category 1A: Chemicals known to induce heritable mutations in human germ cells - 経済産業省
Category 1B: Chemicals which should be regarded as inducing heritable mutations in human germ cells. - 経済産業省
Category 1: Chemicals known or considered to induce heritable mutations in human germ cells. - 経済産業省
There are provided: a mutant gliadin protein having at least one mutation in an epitope, wherein the mutation lowers capability of epitope to induce T cell response; and a polynucleotide having at least 15 amino acid length, and containing a coding sequence encoding a peptide including a mutant protein fragment containing a mutated PQPQLPY sequence. - 特許庁
- 哺乳類におけるin vivo 体細胞変異原性試験による陽性結果に加えて、当該物質が生殖細胞に突然変異を誘発する可能性についての何らかの証拠。例文帳に追加
- Positive result(s) from in vivo somatic cell mutagenicity tests in mammals in combination with some evidence that the substance has potential to induce mutations in germ cells. - 経済産業省
・Substances which have the potential to induce genetic mutations or chromosome aberrations in human germ cells based on other information are classified as Category 2. - 経済産業省
SCID in male children resulting from mutation of a gene that codes for a protein on the surface of T cells that allows them to develop a growth factor receptor - 日本語WordNet
mutations may be caused by mistakes during cell division, or they may be caused by exposure to dna-damaging agents in the environment. - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
By using the method, mobilization of the transposon can be advantageously induced at predetermined stages of development of an embryo and the mutated gene of a single cell may be replicated in subsequent cell divisions to provide groups of cells essentially homogeneous for the transposed gene. - 特許庁
Embodiments of the assays employ a microorganism, or a mammalian cell, that has been genetically modified so as to product light when the presence of a test agent results in a mutation, e.g. reversion or forward mutation, in the DNA of such microorganism or cell. - 特許庁
Therefore, a shoot having the same character is easily obtained by transducing the gene into the axillary bud cell, and the well gene-transduced plant body is easily obtained, while preventing the generation of chimera and mutation in comparison with callus cells. - 特許庁
・生殖細胞を用いたin vivo 変異原性試験など多くの試験法において陽性の結果が得られており、人の生殖細胞に遺伝子突然変異または染色体異常を誘発するとみなすべき物質を区分1B と分類する。例文帳に追加
・Substances with positive evidence from several tests, including in vivo mutagenicity tests using germ cells, and that should be regarded as inducing genetic mutations or chromosome aberrations in human germ cells, are classified as Category 1B. - 経済産業省
Also the method of extracting lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from a culture of deep rough mutant bacterial strain cells comprises: extracting the cells with a solution consisting essentially of an aliphatic alcohol and the balance water, thereby producing cells with reduced phospholipid content; and extracting the cells with reduced phospholipid content with a solution comprising chloroform and methanol, thereby yielding a solution of LPS. - 特許庁
This invention further relates to a method of extracting the LPS from a culture of deep rough mutant bacterial strain cells, comprising: extracting the cells with a solution consisting of an aliphatic alcohol and the balance water, thereby producing cells with reduced phospholipid content; extracting the cells with reduced phospholipid content with a solution comprising chloroform and methanol, thereby yielding a solution of LPS. - 特許庁
To provide the treatment of pathological conditions and diseases involving abnormal cellular proliferations by inhibiting the function of cyclin G1 protein, through the administration of mutant cyclin G1 proteins to such proliferating cells in an animal. - 特許庁
The new vaccine strain contains an attenuated mutant of ILTV and a pharmacologically permissible carrier or diluent and is not able to express the native UL0 protein in infected host cell. - 特許庁
これには、哺乳類を用いた生殖細胞のin vivo 遺伝性変異原性試験(げっ歯類優性致死突然変異試験、マウス遺伝性転座検定、マウス特定座位試験など)で陽性の場合、または、哺乳類を用いた体細胞のin vivo 変異原性試験(哺乳類骨髄細胞染色体異常試験、哺乳類赤血球小核試験、マウススポット試験など)の陽性に加えて、当該物質が生殖細胞に突然変異を誘発する可能性についての何らかの証拠(例えば、哺乳類精原細胞染色体異常試験、精子細胞小核試験、精原細胞を用いた姉妹染色分体交換分析、精巣細胞を用いた不定期DNA 合成試験(UDS)などでの陽性結果や、活性を示す当該物質あるいは代謝物質の生殖細胞への曝露の証拠など)がある場合、または、次世代への遺伝の証拠はないがヒト生殖細胞に変異原性を示す陽性結果がある場合(例えば、暴露されたヒトの精子細胞中の異数性発生頻度の増加など)が該当する。例文帳に追加
These include substances showing positive result(s) in in vivo heritable mutagenicity tests in mammalian germ cells (rodent dominant lethal mutation test, mouse heritable translocation assay, mouse specific locus test, etc.), or positive result(s) in in vivo mutagenicity tests in mammalian somatic cells (mammalian bone marrow chromosome aberration test, mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test, mouse spot test, etc.) in combination with some evidence that the substance has potential to induce mutations in germ cells (for example, positive results in mammalian spermatogonial chromosome aberration test, spermatid micronucleus assay, sister chromatid exchange analysis in spermatogonia, unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) test in testicular cells, or evidence of exposure of germ cells to the active substance or its metabolite(s)), or positive results showing mutagenicity in human germ cells without evidence of transmission to progeny (for example, an increase in the frequency of aneuploidy in sperm cells of exposed human subjects). - 経済産業省
This invention also provides related nucleic acids, vectors, host cells, pharmaceutical compositions, articles and the like by using the isolated mutant atpE protein of polypeptide including at least one point mutation in a specific amino acid sequence. - 特許庁
A strain having a high conversion rate into erythritol, such as a strain obtained by screening a Moniliella strain from the natural world and then subjecting the obtained parent strain to a random mutagenesis, or a transformant to which a nucleic acid sequence capable of changing the physiology of a cell, for example, antisense, ribosome or one of other nucleic acid sequences is added, is selected. - 特許庁
New substitution mutant receptors, their use in a group H nuclear receptor-based inducible gene expression system, applications such as gene therapy, large scale production of proteins and antibodies, cell-based high throughput screening assays, functional genomics and regulation of traits in transgenic organisms are disclosed. - 特許庁
A method for detecting point mutation or deletion of the CDK4I gene, a method for detecting a CDK4I protein in a biological cell sample and a biologically active fragment (collectively, "CDK4I"), and a method for screening susceptibility to particular cancers based on detection of polymorphism associated with the occurrence of cancers. - 特許庁
5-2)なお、例外的に、in vivo のデータがないものの、複数の指標の in vitro 変異原性試験(例えば、ほ乳類培養細胞を用いる染色体異常試験と細菌を用いる復帰突然変異試験)で強い陽性を示す物質については、区分2に分類するのが妥当な場合があるため、専門家の判断を仰ぐ。例文帳に追加
5-2) Exceptionally, substances showing strong positivity in the mutagenicity test of plural indicators (for example, a chromosome aberration test using mammalian cultivated cells, and a reverse mutation test using bacteria) are sometimes properly classified as Category 2, and therefore, the decision of an expert should be sought. - 経済産業省
A new vector plasmid to which a promoter of cytoplasmic actin of silkworm is linked is built on the upstream zone of kynurenine oxidase cDNA prepared from a wild silkworm in a vector derived from transposon piggyBac, and the vector plasmid is introduced into the egg of a white egg line silkworm obtained by making a silkworm of a first white egg mutation line (w-1) cross with a silkworm of a colored nondormant line (pnd). - 特許庁
(a) 微生物であって,自然環境から分離されたもの,又は突然変異を誘導する方法によって取得されたもの,又は遺伝子型レベルにおいて遺伝子的に改造されたものであり,分類群統合並びに形態学的及び生化学的特質によって特徴付けられているもの。「微生物」という用語は,バクテリア及びそれ以外の一般的に単細胞の有機体であって,微視的寸法を有し,実験所において処理すること及び増殖させることが可能なもの,ウィルス,プラスミド,イーストを含む単細胞の真菌,藻類,原生動物,並びにヒト,動物及び植物の細胞を含む。例文帳に追加
a) microorganisms isolated from their natural environment or obtained by processes which induce mutations, or genetically modified at the genotype level, characterized by the tax on integration as well as by, morphological and biochemical features, the term of "microorganism" comprising bacteria and other generally unicellular organisms, having microscopic dimensions, which can be handled and multiplied in the laboratory, viruses and plasmids, unicellular fungi, including yeasts, algae, protozoa, as well as human, animal and vegetal cells; - 特許庁
A stevia plant growing indoors or outdoors or a culturing stevia cell tissue is irradiated with radiation, especially γ-rays at various radiation doses to induce the mutation of the genetic character of stevia relating to rebaudioside A to efficiently obtain a genetically stable stevia having high content of rebaudioside A relative to stevioside and/or rebaudioside C. - 特許庁
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