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And Companyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 12993


Frontier Orbitals and Reaction Paths (1997, World Scientific Publishing Company) 例文帳に追加

FrontierOrbitalsandReactionPaths(1997年、WorldScientificPublishingCompany) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ken and company例文帳に追加

ケンとその仲間 - Eゲイト英和辞典

(ii) A trust company; and 例文帳に追加

二 信託会社 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) Splitting Stock Company in Absorption-type Company Split: the Absorption-type Company Split agreement; and 例文帳に追加

二 吸収分割株式会社 吸収分割契約 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(ii) Splitting Stock Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split: the Incorporation-type Company Split plan; and 例文帳に追加

二 新設分割株式会社 新設分割計画 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


a hook-and-ladder company 例文帳に追加

はしご消防車隊 - 日本語WordNet

directors and company auditors 例文帳に追加

取締役及び監査役 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Missionary Institute and Newspaper Company 例文帳に追加

布教機関・新聞社 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(b) In the case of an incorporation-type split: the splitting company in an incorporation-type company split and the Stock Company, general Partnership company, limited Partnership company or limited liability company to be incorporated by the Split. 例文帳に追加

ロ 新設分割 新設分割会社及び新設分割により設立する株式会社、合名会社、合資会社又は合同会社 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(xviii) if the Stock Company is a Company with a Board of Company Auditors, a statement to that effect and the fact that those among the company auditors who are Outside Company Auditors are Outside Company Auditors; 例文帳に追加

十八 監査役会設置会社であるときは、その旨及び監査役のうち社外監査役であるものについて社外監査役である旨 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(vi) Where the company is a company with auditors, a statement to that effect and the names of the company auditors; 例文帳に追加

六 監査役設置会社であるときは、その旨及び監査役の氏名 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In this approval system, an A company an a B company (and a C company) are connected via a network.例文帳に追加

A社、B社(及びC社)とがネットワークで接続される。 - 特許庁

At runtime you will be able to see a clear distinction between the Sky Company News page and the Sky Company Home page. 例文帳に追加

実行時に、「Sky Company ニュース」ページと「Sky Company ホーム」ページの間には明確な違いがあるのを確認できます。 - NetBeans

To provide services of our company and the other company or the service of the other company only with the cash card of our company.例文帳に追加

当社のキャッシュカードのみで、当社および他社または他社のサービスを提供する。 - 特許庁

That company is our affiliated company and is related to us through personnel affairs.例文帳に追加

あの会社はわが社の人的関係会社だ。 - Weblio英語基本例文集

a joint venture between a foreign company and a United States company 例文帳に追加

外国の会社と米国の会社の合弁事業 - 日本語WordNet

Division 6 Company Auditors and Board of Company Auditors 例文帳に追加

第六目 監査役及び監査役会 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) The articles of incorporation of the notifying company and the other company 例文帳に追加

一 届出会社及び相手会社の定款 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

1882: He established Kobe Funabashi Company and Exporting Tea Processing Improvement Company. 例文帳に追加

1882年神戸船橋会社、輸出製茶改良会社設立。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


企業情報システム及び企業情報管理方法 - 特許庁

(ii) matters concerning the assets, obligations, employment agreements, and any other rights and obligations that the Succeeding Stock Company in Absorption-type Company Split succeeds to by transfer from the Splitting Company in Absorption-type Company Split through the Absorption-type Company Split (excluding obligations pertaining to shares of the Splitting Company in Absorption-type Company Split that is a Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Splitting Stock Company in Absorption-type Company Split" in this Part) and of the Succeeding Stock Company in Absorption-type Company Split and to Share Options of the Splitting Stock Company in Absorption-type Company Split); 例文帳に追加

二 吸収分割承継株式会社が吸収分割により吸収分割会社から承継する資産、債務、雇用契約その他の権利義務(株式会社である吸収分割会社(以下この編において「吸収分割株式会社」という。)及び吸収分割承継株式会社の株式並びに吸収分割株式会社の新株予約権に係る義務を除く。)に関する事項 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The provisions of Article 810 (excluding paragraph (1)(iii) and paragraph (2)(iii)) shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Membership Company(ies) Consolidated through Consolidation-type Merger or a Splitting Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split, which is a Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Splitting Limited Liability Company in Incorporation-type Company Split" in this Section). In such cases, the phrase "Creditors of the Splitting Stock Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split who are unable to request the Splitting Stock Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split to perform the obligations (including performance of the guarantee obligations that the Splitting Stock Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split jointly and severally assumes with the Company Incorporated through Incorporation-type Company Split as a guarantor) (or, in the case where there are provisions on the matter set forth in Article 763(xii) or Article 765(1)(viii), creditors of the Splitting Stock Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split)" in paragraph (1)(ii) of Article 810 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Creditors of the Splitting Stock Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split who are unable to request the Splitting Stock Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split to perform the obligations (including performance of the guarantee obligations that the Splitting Stock Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split jointly and severally assumes with the Company Incorporated through Incorporation-type Company Split as a guarantor)" and the term "Consolidated Stock Company, etc." in paragraph (3) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Membership Company(ies) Consolidated through Consolidation-type Merger (limited to a Limited Liability Company in the case where the Company Incorporated through Consolidation-type Merger is a Stock Company or a Limited Liability Company) or the Splitting Limited Liability Company in Incorporation-type Company Split." 例文帳に追加

2 第八百十条(第一項第三号及び第二項第三号を除く。)の規定は、新設合併消滅持分会社又は合同会社である新設分割会社(以下この節において「新設分割合同会社」という。)について準用する。この場合において、同条第一項第二号中「債権者(第七百六十三条第十二号又は第七百六十五条第一項第八号に掲げる事項についての定めがある場合にあっては、新設分割株式会社の債権者)」とあるのは「債権者」と、同条第三項中「消滅株式会社等」とあるのは「新設合併消滅持分会社(新設合併設立会社が株式会社又は合同会社である場合にあっては、合同会社に限る。)又は新設分割合同会社」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(vii) Where the company is a company with a board of company auditors, a statement to that effect, and a statement identifying the outside company auditors among its company auditors; 例文帳に追加

七 監査役会設置会社であるときは、その旨及び監査役のうち社外監査役であるものについて社外監査役である旨 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(x) an action seeking invalidation of an Incorporation-type Company Split: the Company(ies) effecting the Incorporation-type Company Split and the Company incorporated through the Incorporation-type Company Split; 例文帳に追加

十 会社の新設分割の無効の訴え 新設分割をする会社及び新設分割により設立する会社 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) For the purpose of applying the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs to a company with a board of company auditors, the term "company auditor" in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "board of company auditors"; the term "company auditors, where the company has two or more company auditors" in paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "company auditors"; and the term "company auditor (or, where the company has two or more company auditors, a company auditor appointed from among themselves)" in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "company auditor appointed by the board of company auditors." 例文帳に追加

4 監査役会設置会社における前三項の規定の適用については、第一項中「監査役」とあるのは「監査役会」と、第二項中「監査役が二人以上ある場合には、監査役」とあるのは「監査役」と、前項中「監査役(監査役が二人以上ある場合にあっては、監査役の互選によって定めた監査役)」とあるのは「監査役会が選定した監査役」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) With regard to a registration of change due to an absorption-type company split or an incorporation-type company split to be made by a splitting company in absorption-type company split or a splitting company in incorporation-type company split, the fact that the company split has taken place as well as the trade name and head office of a succeeding company in absorption-type company split or of a company incorporated through an incorporation-type company split (hereinafter referred to as a "company incorporated through incorporation-type company split") shall also be registered. 例文帳に追加

2 吸収分割会社又は新設分割会社がする吸収分割又は新設分割による変更の登記においては、分割をした旨並びに吸収分割承継会社又は新設分割により設立する会社(以下「新設分割設立会社」という。)の商号及び本店をも登記しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) the trade names and domiciles of the Splitting Company in Absorption-type Company Split and the Succeeding Company in Absorption-type Company Split that is a Membership Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Succeeding Membership Company in Absorption-type Company Split" in this Part); 例文帳に追加

一 吸収分割会社及び持分会社である吸収分割承継会社(以下この節において「吸収分割承継持分会社」という。)の商号及び住所 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(iv) an action seeking invalidation of an Absorption-type Company Split of a Company: registration of a change with regard to the Company effecting the Absorption-type Company Split and the Company succeeding to all or part of the rights and obligations held by such Company in connection with its business by transfer from such Company; 例文帳に追加

四 会社の吸収分割の無効の訴え 吸収分割をする会社及び当該会社がその事業に関して有する権利義務の全部又は一部を当該会社から承継する会社についての変更の登記 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(v) A company, other than the companies listed in the preceding items (excluding an Insurance Company, etc., and Foreign Insurance Company, etc.), that has an Insurance Company, etc., or Foreign Insurance Company, etc., as a Subsidiary Company or is attempting to make into a Subsidiary Company. 例文帳に追加

五 前各号に掲げる会社以外の会社(保険会社等及び外国保険会社等を除く。)で保険会社等又は外国保険会社等を子会社とするもの又は子会社としようとするもの - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) For the purpose of the application of the preceding two paragraphs to a Company with Board of Company Auditors, "company auditor (or, in cases where there are two or more company auditors, the majority of the company auditors)" in paragraph (1) and "company auditor" in the preceding paragraph shall be read as "board of company auditors." 例文帳に追加

3 監査役会設置会社における前二項の規定の適用については、第一項中「監査役(監査役が二人以上ある場合にあっては、その過半数)」とあり、及び前項中「監査役」とあるのは、「監査役会」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) the trade names and domiciles of the Company effecting the Absorption-type Company Split (hereinafter referred to as the "Splitting Company in Absorption-type Company Split" in this Part) and the Succeeding Company in Absorption-type Company Split that is a Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Succeeding Stock Company in Absorption-type Company Split" in this Part); 例文帳に追加

一 吸収分割をする会社(以下この編において「吸収分割会社」という。)及び株式会社である吸収分割承継会社(以下この編において「吸収分割承継株式会社」という。)の商号及び住所 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Our company received heavy losses due to the joint unlawful acts of Company A and Company B.例文帳に追加

A社とB社の共同不法行為により、我が社は多大なる損害を受けた。 - Weblio英語基本例文集

Sanyo Electric Company and Tmsuk Company, a venture company in Kitakyusyu, are releasing Banryu this coming spring. 例文帳に追加

三洋電機と北九州のベンチャー企業のテムザックが来春,番竜を発売する。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


企業紹介用媒体作成方法、企業紹介用媒体作成プログラム及び企業紹介用媒体 - 特許庁

When the collection and delivery office side 1 approves the company B, the company B is determined as a company in charge.例文帳に追加

集配所1側がB運送を承諾すれば、宅配担当会社がB運送に決定する。 - 特許庁

(v) matters concerning the assets, obligations, employment agreements, and any other rights and obligations that the Stock Company Incorporated through Incorporation-type Company Split succeeds to by transfer from the Company(ies) effecting the Incorporation-type Company Split (hereinafter referred to as the "Splitting Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split" in this Part) through the Incorporation-type Company Split (excluding obligations pertaining to shares and Share Options of the Splitting Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split that is a Stock Company(ies) (hereinafter referred to as the "Splitting Stock Company(ies) in Incorporation-type Company Split" in this Part)); 例文帳に追加

五 新設分割設立株式会社が新設分割により新設分割をする会社(以下この編において「新設分割会社」という。)から承継する資産、債務、雇用契約その他の権利義務(株式会社である新設分割会社(以下この編において「新設分割株式会社」という。)の株式及び新株予約権に係る義務を除く。)に関する事項 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

I went to visit and observe the company. 例文帳に追加

私は会社見学に行きました。 - Weblio Email例文集

I left the company and went independent.例文帳に追加

会社を辞めて独立します。 - Weblio Email例文集

the seniors and juniors of a company 例文帳に追加

会社の先輩と後輩 - Weblio Email例文集

the superiors and subordinates of a company 例文帳に追加

会社の先輩と後輩 - Weblio Email例文集

And, we get each other's company to boot.例文帳に追加

それに、みんなに仲間もできるしね。 - Tatoeba例文

The company was in the red and went under.例文帳に追加

会社は赤字経営で倒産した。 - Tatoeba例文

a company that makes and sells electronic instruments 例文帳に追加

電子器具を製造して、売る会社 - 日本語WordNet

a company that processes and sells food 例文帳に追加

食品を加工し、販売する会社 - 日本語WordNet

a company that owns and manages mines 例文帳に追加

鉱山を所有し、経営する会社 - 日本語WordNet

a company that makes and sells steel 例文帳に追加

鉄鋼を製造し、販売する会社 - 日本語WordNet

a law called the Stock Company Reorganization and Rehabilitation Act 例文帳に追加

会社更生法という法律 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a bond called telephone and telegram company bond 例文帳に追加

電信電話債券という債券 - EDR日英対訳辞書

Beauty and folly go often in company.例文帳に追加

美貌と愚行はしばしば相伴う - 英語ことわざ教訓辞典


The colour and make of your company president's car are? 例文帳に追加

社長さんの車種と色は? - Tanaka Corpus


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