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First rank: Dai (high) sojo (the highest-ranking Buddhist priest position, further divided into three ranks, "dai" (high), "chu" (middle) and "sho" (low), each of which is further separated into 'senior' and 'junior' ("gon")) 例文帳に追加

1級大僧正 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Seventh rank: Dai (high) sozu (the second-highest ranking Buddhist priest position, further divided into three ranks, "dai" (high), "chu" (middle) and "sho" (low), each of which is further separated into "senior" and "junior" ("gon")) 例文帳に追加

7級大僧都 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On May 5, 1870, Senkyoshi of Dai, Chu, and Sho with Sho and Gon, respectively, were renamed Hakushi of Dai, Chu, and Sho with Sho and Gon. 例文帳に追加

明治3年4月5日、正・権の大・中・少宣教使が、正・権の大・中・少博士と改称された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This mai is danced more lightly than the Chu no mai accompanied on dai-sho hand drums. 例文帳に追加

太鼓中之舞よりやや軽快。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Each shrine was ranked by Major (dai) and Minor (sho). 例文帳に追加

それぞれに大・小の格が定められている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Two variations are dai-kunai (big kunai) (ranging about from 13 to 15 cm in length) and sho-kunai (small kunai) (ranging about from 8 to 10 cm in length). 例文帳に追加

サイズは大苦無(13~15cm程)と小苦無(8~10cm程)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Dai-Nippon-koku Kenpo Tairyaku Mikomi-sho (Prospective Summary of the Constitution of the country of Great Japan) (Chikuzen Kyoai kai [literally means "the society of the Chikuzen area to share love"]) 例文帳に追加

大日本国憲法大略見込書(筑前共愛会) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are mai accompanied on drums such as "Hagoromo" (Celestial Feather Robe), and dai-sho mono such as "Eguchi" (literally, Mouth-of-Sound) and "Izutsu" (The Well Head). 例文帳に追加

「羽衣」のような太鼓入りと「江口」「井筒(能)」のような大小物とがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While his father, Masashige, was given a honorific title of 'Dai-Nanko', he was called 'Sho-nanko.' 例文帳に追加

「大楠公」と尊称された父の正成に対して小楠公(しょうなんこう)と呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Dai/Sho Shuyaku: Management of the keys, the same position existed in the Finance Ministry and this was not a functional position 例文帳に追加

大・少主鑰 鍵の管理・大蔵省に同じ官があり機能しなかった - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is a description of his 'renouncing the world' among the entries of the fourth year of Tentoku in the "Kyureki sho" ("Kyureki," in Dai-Nihon Kokiroku (Old Diaries of Japan), page 29). 例文帳に追加

『九暦抄』の天徳4年条に「御出家」(大日本古記録本『九暦』29ページ)という記載がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A typeset block-printed version is collected in "Dai-Nihon Kokiroku" (Old Diaries of Japan) and "Zoku Zoku Gunsho Ruiju" (Classified collections of Japanese classics: Second supplement)(only Kyureki sho). 例文帳に追加

刊本は、活字化されたものが『大日本古記録』、『続々群書類従』(『九暦抄』のみ)に収められている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Particularly, it is said that among the Jo no mai accompanied on dai-sho (big and small) hand drums, those the main role of which is an elderly woman should be danced quietly at the slowest tempo. 例文帳に追加

大小序之舞で特に老女物はあらゆる舞事のなかでももっとも位取りを重く、静かに舞うものとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Oshiki Haya-mai, haya mai is played in the Oshiki-cho (scale in gagaku similar to Dorian mode on A), accompanied on dai-sho hand drums, and the mai is played so that ogres and ghosts look stronger than those in haya mai. 例文帳に追加

これを黄鐘調かつ大小物で奏するのが黄鐘早舞で、通常の早舞よりも鬼や幽霊のつよさが勝ったさまを表現する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Otoko-mai is the mai-goto that samurai with no masks dance quickly and vigorously in Genzai-mono (noh plays of a miscellaneous or contemporary character), including "Ataka" or "Morihisa", and always accompanied on dai-sho hand drums. 例文帳に追加

男舞は「安宅」「盛久」など現在物の直面の武士が速く颯爽と舞う舞事で、必ず大小物に限る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Raku, the shite, an actor representing a person of Tang China, for example in "Tsuru-kame" (The Crane and the Tortoise) and "Kantan" (The Pillow of Kantan, Noh play), dances imitating bugaku (traditional Japanese court music accompanied by dancing), accompanied by dai-sho (big and small) hand drums or drums. 例文帳に追加

楽は「鶴亀」「邯鄲」など唐人のシテが舞楽を模して舞うもので、大小物と太鼓物がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kakko is the mai-goto in which the shite, an entertainer visiting various places, as in "Kagetsu" and "Jinen koji," dances while hitting Kakko (a double-headed barrel drum played with two sticks), always accompanied by dai-sho (big and small) hand drums, and comprises three sections. 例文帳に追加

鞨鼓は「花月」「自然居士(能)」など遊芸者のシテが鞨鼓を打ちながら舞う舞事で、大小物に限り、三段から構成される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kenmotsu had been divided into three ranks Dai, Chu, and Sho, but Kenmotsusakan replaced Chukenmotsu and assisted the operations. 例文帳に追加

大・中・少の三員あったが中監物は廃止され替わりに監物主典(けんもつさかん)が設置されて事務を補助した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But "Nobunaga Sengoku Omi" introduces the castle by describing 'it must have been a splendid castle with dai-tenshu and sho-tenshu standing side by side.' 例文帳に追加

だが、『信長戦国近江』によると「姫路城のような大天守と小天守が並び建つ壮麗な城だったのであろうか」と紹介している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The restored Tenshu (donjon or keep) is of Boro type (with the top tower keep placed on the main structure) of the era of Nobunaga with a Dai-tenshu (large keep of three roofs and four stories), Tsuzuki-yagura (linking turrets), and connected Sho-tenshu (small keep). 例文帳に追加

復元天守は、大天守(3層4階)、続櫓、小天守が連結された形で、近世初期の望楼型である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Sessei school which descended from Ko Enbu was mainstream, and there was the Go school of Kei To based in Soshu-shi (Suzhou) and the Kan school influenced by Tai Shin (Dai Zhen) from Anki-sho (Anhui Province). 例文帳に追加

顧炎武の流れをくむ浙西学派がその主流であり、恵棟を始めとする蘇州市を中心とする呉派、安徽省出身の戴震らの影響を受けた皖派(かんぱ)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mai-goto in Noh are largely classified into dai-sho mono (a type that uses big and small hand drums), which is accompanied on fue (Japanese flutes), Kotsuzumi (small hand drums) and otsuzumi (big hand drums); and taiko mono (a drum-using type), in which drums are included among the instruments for playing the music. 例文帳に追加

能においては、囃子に用いる楽器の構成から、笛・小鼓・大鼓から成る大小物と、太鼓の加わる太鼓物に大別することができる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With a moderate tempo and without any particular characteristics, the mai is classified depending on the configuration of hayashi (Chu no mai accompanied on dai-sho (big and small) hand drums or Chu no mai accompanied on drums), on the characteristics of the music or on the performers' character in the Noh play. 例文帳に追加

中庸の位で、特に固有の性格というものも持たず、囃子の構成(大小中之舞・太鼓中之舞)や曲趣、役柄によってそれぞれに仕分ける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The main enshrined deities of the shrine is Masashige KUSUNOKI (Dai-Nanko), while the divine spirits of his son Masatsura KUSUNOKI (Sho-Nanko), sixteen clan members and Takeyoshi KIKUCHI who fell in the Battle of Minatogawa are enshrined as associated deity. 例文帳に追加

楠木正成(大楠公)の神霊を主祭神とし、子息の楠木正行(小楠公)および湊川の戦いで斃れた一族十六柱と菊池武吉の神霊を配祀。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shoshiin Seal was used in ministries and departments, such as Sho, Dai, Ryo, and Shi, and all the officials kept their own seal and those seals were used for the documents given to Daijokan and to other offices. 例文帳に追加

諸司印は、各省・台・寮・司などが用いるもので、百官有司みなそれぞれに印章を有し、太政官に差し出す文書や他の役所に送付する文書に用いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This architectural style is different from that of the Shinden-zukuri style, where a shinden and Tainoya (the building where family members of the residence lived) were connected with a corridor, and the Shoin-zukuri style where an entrance, a dai-shoin (a large drawing room) and a sho-shoin (a small drawing room) were connected in a row. 例文帳に追加

この形式は、渡り廊下で寝殿と対屋をつなぐ寝殿造や、玄関・大書院・小書院などを連ねる書院造とも異なっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This internal conflict developed into the battle between the Ikko sects in which the Chosho-ji Temple and Hongan-ji Temple side which confined to orders from Hongan-ji hoshu was called 'Dai-Ikki' (Big League) and the Gashu Sanka-ji Temples side which was purged as traitors despite they were authorized as governors of the Kaga Domain was called 'Sho-Ikki' (Little League), which is why this battle is also called 'Daisho Ikki.' 例文帳に追加

この内紛は一向一揆同士の戦いに発展した事から、本願寺法主の命令を奉じた超勝寺・本覚寺側を「大一揆」、加賀の国主権限を認められながら反逆者として粛清された賀州三ヶ寺側を「小一揆」と呼ぶ事からこれを「大小一揆」とも呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Hososhiyo-sho", when the Myobo-ke (judicial officials) interpreted Yororitsuryo Sagi-ritsu (punitive clause regarding fabrication of official documents and government properties under the Yororitsuryo code) earlier, it was described that the fabrication of the Daijo Tenno Zen (a decree by the Retired Emperor) is a crime comparable to the fabrication of the Shosho (an imperial decree), which shows that the concept of inzen could have been in use early in the history. Nonetheless, the first record which mentions the term inzen is "Encho Shichi-nen Daijingu Kanchu", taken from "Dai Nihon Shiryo" (the Historical Materials of Japan) Vol.1, no.6, which was a document that, upon receipt of an imperial decree from Emperor Uda in 927, Ise-jingu Shrine issued as the Emperor Uda's instructions to Shingun (a district designated as a sanctuary which enjoyed certain privileges under an Imperial charter). 例文帳に追加

『法曹至要抄』によれば、養老律令詐偽律の解釈を巡る明法家の先例の学説として「太上天皇宣」の偽造は詔書と同一の罪に当たるとする説を挙げており早くから知られていた可能性があるが、院宣に関する記録の初見は延長(日本)7年(927年)の宇多天皇が伊勢神宮に宣旨を下されたことを受けて神宮側がその指示を神郡に向けて発した「延長七年大神宮勘注」(『大日本史料』一之六)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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