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該当件数 : 128件
主制御部1は、輝度変更前の画像の階調数iから、輝度変更後の画像の階調数としてiの階調数より小さいjの階調数の範囲で画像を表示するために、[(i−j)/2]+n (但し、nは0〜j−1の階調値)の条件を満足するように階調値を変更する。例文帳に追加
In order to display an image, after the luminance change within a range of j gradations whose number is smaller than i being the number of gradations of the image before the luminance change, a main control part 1 changes the gradation values so as to satisfy the condition: [(i-j)/2]+n (n is a gradation value of 0 to j-1). - 特許庁
今回の成長戦略を始めとする三本の矢を実施することなどを通じて、中長期的に、2%以上の労働生産性の向上を実現する活力ある経済を実現し、今後10 年間の平均で名目GDP 成長率3%程度、実質GDP 成長率2%程度の成長を実現することを目指す。2010 年代後半には、より高い成長の実現を目指す。例文帳に追加
Through the implementation of the three “arrows,” including this Growth Strategy, among other measures, Japan aims to achieve a vibrant economy that will register over 2% labor productivity improvement in the medium- to long-term, and around 3% nominal gross domestic product (GDP) growth and around 2% real GDP growth, on average, over the next ten years. By the late 2010s, the goal will be to achieve even higher growth.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
第1 章、第2 章でみてきたとおり、世界経済が構造的に変化する中で、世界経済成長の中心がアジアはじめ新興国に移行しつつある。例文帳に追加
As seen in Chapter1 and 2, the centre of the world economic growth is shifting to Asia and emerging countries through changes in world economic structure. - 経済産業省
A gradation converting mean of a CPU 2 performs gradation conversion of an image picked up by an image sensor 1, stores the image in an internal memory 20, and transfers the image from the internal memory 20 to a memory 3. - 特許庁
The display device is equipped with a gradation control circuit 2 for controlling the display time percentage of a pixel of a display means 1 based on the output of a display time percentage table 6 which outputs a gradation control signal for reducing the display time percentage of the pixel when the average gradation to determine a video signal of one frame in a single frame average gradation calculation section 5 exceeds a specified value. - 特許庁
The image division section 2 and the gradation conversion curve derivation section 10 create a gradation conversion curve Cm of an image area Pm by using a brightness histogram Hm of a wide range image area Em. - 特許庁
The image division part 2 and the gray-scale conversion curve derivation part 10 create a gray-scale conversion curve Cm of an image area Pm by using a brightness histogram Hm of a wide range image area Em. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 128件
(a)ドイツユーロ圏GDPの約3 割を占めるドイツの実質GDP成長率は、大規模な経済対策や外需の回復に支えられ、2009 年第2 四半期からプラス成長へと転じた。例文帳に追加
(a) Germany Real GDP growth in Germany, which accounts for 30% of Eurozone GDP, rebounded in the second quarter in 2009, supported by large-scale economic stimulus measures and a recovery in overseas demand. - 経済産業省
In August and September of 1597, there was an attack by the Korean army led by Won Gyun; the Japanese army responded it by devastating the Korean army in the naval Battle of Chilcheollyang, and beginning to attack mainly the area between Jeolla-do and Chungchong-do from September.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Then, as a transmission mechanism for turning a feed amount conversion body 8, a base adjusting plate 26 and an eccentric roller 27 for individually vertically moving and adjusting a second cam member 18 engaged with a feed adjusting pin 2 are provided. - 特許庁
A semiconductor processor 1 comprises: a memory property liquid crystal panel 2 capable of multi-gradation display; and an LCD drive circuit 11 for varying, in multiple steps, write voltage for driving the memory property liquid crystal panel 2. - 特許庁
Since the resistance value per base line lengthwise direction unit length is smaller than that of the semiconductor conduction layer 2 in the auxiliary semiconductor area 11, contribution to resistance division for position detection is small and the deterioration of position resolution can be suppressed. - 特許庁
In addition, a liquid crystal material with a small (for example, change per 10°C is 10% or less) temperature change of the threshold voltage is used for the chiral smectic liquid crystal 2, the display gradation change, etc., accompanying the temperature change can be prevented. - 特許庁
An ink interface detecting part 2 has at least a transmitting receiving part 4 which transmits ultrasonic waves to an ink liquid 13 in the ink container 12 and receives reflected waves of the ultrasonic waves that arrive after reflected at an interface of the ink liquid 13. - 特許庁
Bokuretsu who came out of prison as a committed anticommunist did not join Zai Nihon Chosenjin Renmei (present-day, Chongryon or General Association of Korean Residents in Japan) but formed Zai Nihon Chosen Kyoryumindan (present-day, Mindan or Korean Residents Union in Japan) in October 1946 and presided as the first organization head until February 1949.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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