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英訳・英語 dual price; double price
該当件数 : 24件
Businesses will be encouraged to post dual prices. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
That way Japanese companies could maintain a dual price system. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
To provide an inexpensive load sensor having excellent processability, detecting components of force in orthogonal biaxial directions. - 特許庁
d) to advance pricing arrangements. They may also consult together for the elimination of double taxation in cases not provided for in the Convention. - 財務省
To provide a disk fault recovering method, a disk driver and a disk which are applicable to even an inexpensive stand-alone type computer device by dividing the disk into areas and automatically duplexing data. - 特許庁
To provide a regeneration structure of tank, which allows an existing tank with one air-tight layer to be regenerated at low cost into a tank with high-safety two air-tight layers, having, furthermore, a structure that enables early discovery of leakage of a flammable liquid stored in the tank. - 特許庁
With reference to Article 9 of the Convention, it is understood that double taxation can be avoided only if tax authorities share a common understanding of the principles to be applied in resolving transfer pricing cases.発音を聞く - 財務省
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Weblio例文辞書での「二重価格」に類似した例文 |
the agreed price
the retail price
the exchange value
the appraised value―the appraisal
the trade price
the assessed value
the declared value
該当件数 : 24件
第二条 水産物は、健全な食生活その他健康で充実した生活の基礎として重要なものであることにかんがみ、将来にわたって、良質な水産物が合理的な価格で安定的に供給されなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 2 (1) Stable supply of quality marine products at reasonable prices shall, in view of an importance of marine products for the sound dietary pattern and as a basis for the healthy and fulfilling life, be secured for the future.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第二条 食料は、人間の生命の維持に欠くことができないものであり、かつ、健康で充実した生活の基礎として重要なものであることにかんがみ、将来にわたって、良質な食料が合理的な価格で安定的に供給されなければならない。例文帳に追加
Article 2 (1) In consideration of the fact that food is indispensable in maintaining human life and important as a basis for healthy and fulfilling life, the stable supply of high quality food at reasonable price shall be secured into the future.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To improve the hardware operation efficiency and to reduce the hardware scale by blending pixel values of reference frame data and difference frame data written in a 1st and a 2nd memory at a specific mixing ratio. - 特許庁
3 第一項第二号の期間内に異議を述べた受益者の当該信託の受益権の個数が当該信託の受益権の総個数の二分の一を超えるとき(各受益権の内容が均等でない場合にあっては、当該信託の受益権の価格の額が同項の規定による公告又は催告の時における当該信託の受益権の価格の総額の二分の一を超えるときその他内閣府令で定めるとき)は、同項の重要な信託の変更等をしてはならない。例文帳に追加
(3) No Material Modification, etc. to the Trust prescribed in paragraph (1) shall be effected in cases where the number of beneficial interests in the trust held by beneficiaries who raised objections within the period prescribed in paragraph (1)(ii) exceeds half of the total number of beneficial interests in said trust (or, if the conditions of each beneficial interest are not the same, cases where the price of beneficial interest in the trust held by such beneficiaries exceeded half of the total price of the beneficial interests in the trust as of the time of the public notice or notice pursuant to the provision of that paragraph, or any other cases specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance).発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To provide a structure for lump electrode and a lump electrode forming method by which the manufacturing cost of a lump electrode can be reduced by reducing the number of steps in the manufacturing process of the lump electrode, by eliminating the duplex formation of an insulating film and, at the same time, not using an expensive solder resist-applied tape. - 特許庁
なお、2007 年度税制改正においては、二重課税に伴う企業の負担を軽減するための納税猶予制度の創設12とともに、企業の予測可能性の向上等のための事前確認手続の円滑化、執行体制の整備及び移転価格課税上の運用の明確化が図られることとされている。例文帳に追加
There were efforts in the fiscal 2007 tax system reform to improve the execution system and to clarify application of transfer pricing taxes. - 経済産業省
三 前二号に掲げるもののほか、国民経済上重要な原料又は材料であつて、その価格の変動が著しいために先物取引に類似する取引の対象とされる蓋然性が高いもの(先物取引又は先物取引に類似する取引の対象とされているものを含む。)として政令で定める物品例文帳に追加
iii) In addition to what is listed in the preceding two items, ingredients or materials important for the national economy which are specified by a Cabinet Order as goods that are highly likely to be made subject to transactions similar to Futures Transactions as a result of the extreme fluctuation of their prices (including those that are already made subject to Futures Transactions or transactions similar thereto発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To provide an optical semiconductor device having high optical coupling efficiency and optical transmission quality to an optical fiber and also having high reliability of a environmental resistance or the like, wherein a compact optical semiconductor element such as an LED or a PD can be used, and full duplex optical communication can be employed which achieves compatibility between a compact structure and a low cost with a simple arrangement. - 特許庁
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