意味 | 例文 (12件) |

英訳・英語 ready-to-use
該当件数 : 12件
(3) 特許保護は,優先日において存在する製造,使用又は準備の程度に関しては,先使用者に対して如何なる効力も有さない。先使用権は,資格のある経済組織(民法第685条(c))又は当該製造,使用若しくは準備が行われた経済組織の部分と共にする場合にのみ移転することができる。例文帳に追加
(3) Patent protection shall have no effect against a prior user in relation to the extent of making, using or preparation existing at the priority date. The right of prior use may only be transferred together with an entitled economic organization [Civil Code, Article 685(c)] or with that part of the economic organization in which such making, using or preparation has taken place. - 特許庁
A washing nozzle and a vacuum port are integrated with spray nozzles 3 and 4, and used for removing a used printing residue from the printing surface and for preparing the following print jobs. - 特許庁
Foreign exchange reserves refer to “capital to be used by monetary authorities for exchange intervention as well as reserve assets to be used when the repayment of foreign currency-denominated debt to other countries is difficult due to currency crises, etc., (Bank of Japan website).” - 経済産業省
The method includes predicting the time needed for the lithographic exposure apparatus to become ready to receive a substrate that has been prepared by the track unit for exposure, and adjusting the speed with which the track unit prepares the substrate so that the substrate becomes ready for the lithographic exposure apparatus to receive in time. - 特許庁
Concerning the provision of financial resources required for decommissioning of a nuclear installation, and management of spent fuel and radioactive wastes, appropriate mechanism is respectively prepared. - 経済産業省
(1) 優先日前に,ハンガリー領域内かつ自己経済活動の枠内で,善意で,発明の主題の製造若しくは使用を開始し又はその目的で真摯な準備を行った者はすべて,先使用権を有する。例文帳に追加
(1) A right of prior use shall belong to any person who, in good faith, before the date of priority, in the territory of the country and within the framework of his economic activities, had begun to make or use the subject matter of the invention or had made serious preparations for that purpose. - 特許庁
(4) 特許保護の消滅の宣言とその回復の宣言との間の期間に,ハンガリー領域内かつ自己の経済活動の枠内で,発明の主題の製造若しくは使用を開始し又はその目的で真摯な準備を行った者はすべて,継続使用の権利を有する。(3)の規定は,継続使用の権利に準用する。例文帳に追加
(4) A right of continued use shall belong to any person who, in the period between a declaration of lapse of patent protection and restoration thereof, in the territory of the country and within the framework of his economic activities, has started to make or use the subject matter of the invention or has made serious preparations for that purpose. The provisions of paragraph (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the right of continued use. - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
該当件数 : 12件
(6) 欧州特許により与えられる保護は,(1)に定める公式情報の日に存在する使用又は準備の範囲で,当該日前にハンガリー領域内において善意でかつ自己の経済活動の枠組内で,最初の翻訳文に基づけば特許の侵害とはならない発明の使用を開始した又は発明の使用の準備を行った者に対しては効力を有さない。当該権利は,資格のある経済組織(民法第685条(c))又はその組織のうち当該使用若しくは準備を行っている部分と共にする場合にのみ,移転することができる。例文帳に追加
(6) The protection conferred by the European patent shall have ? to the extent of the use or the preparations existing at the date of the official information laid down in paragraph (1) ? no effect against any person who, prior to the said date, in the territory of the country, in good faith and within the framework of his economic activities, has begun using or has made serious preparations for using an invention the use of which would not constitute infringement of the patent according to the original translation. Such right may only be transferred together with the entitled economic organisation [Civil Code, Article 685(c)] or with that part of it by which such use or preparations are pursued - 特許庁
To provide an economical and highly precise cutting tool, the cutting tip of which can easily be replaced in the correct direction and without deflection in mounting dimensions and method for preparing and using the cutting tool. - 特許庁
To provide a toner supply method and a toner supply device capable of securing a period of new preparation of spare replacement toner without interrupting the recording of a toner image on a recording material, and optionally adjusting a display time in accordance with an economical operating environment of equipment. - 特許庁
A method for regenerating the catalyst for dissolving FRP comprises the steps of: preparing the used catalyst for dissolving FRP; dissolving the prepared used catalyst in water to obtain an aqueous solution; adding metal hydroxide of the amount enough to restore the reacted catalyst to its original state; and separating the regenerated catalyst as solid content. - 特許庁
Thus in Japan, when a nuclear installation is installed, it is confirmed that sufficient financial basis are available for the licensee to operate the nuclear installation safely and appropriately throughout its operating life, and the system for depositing the fund for decommissioning and for spent fuel and radioactive waste management during service life of the installation is legislated. Therefore, the provision of financial resources required by this article is satisfied. - 経済産業省
意味 | 例文 (12件) |
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