
英訳・英語 blastocoele; segmentation cavity
該当件数 : 36件
of or relating to a segmentation cavity発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
The lumen (22) can be divided into a plurality of airflow pipes (30, 32). - 特許庁
To provide a partitioning device for separating a patient's heart chamber into a productive portion and a non-productive portion. - 特許庁
When the inside of an oral cavity is exposed to a heated solution containing caffeine or the heated solution containing caffeine is passed through the inside of an oral cavity, the total number of bacteria inside the oral cavity is reduced, and simultaneously, the ratio of commensal bacterial species is increased while the ratio of harmful bacterial species is reduced. - 特許庁
A piston 62 is movably disposed in the accumulator bore to divide the accumulator bore into an accumulator chamber 66 possible of communicated with a hydraulic brake system and a spring chamber 70. - 特許庁
The vertical division surface Js is inclined at an inclination angle α of 10°-45° relative to a tire cavity side inner surface Si. - 特許庁
To reduce a ratio of abdominal fat by increasing breast meat yield of a fowl using a natural extracts without depending on any synthetic agents. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 36件
To provide a composition which promotes the production of immunoglobulin A (IgA) bearing important roles on the immunization of the mucous membranes of nasal cavities, oral cavities, intestinal tracts and the like and can expect to have an infection-controlling effect and an allergy-preventing effect. - 特許庁
The cross section image of the left ventricle of a heart is divided into six prescribed regions, each divided region is set to be a interest region, and the rate of a lumen cross-sectional area when 30% has passed after the start of expansion to that in maximum expansion is calculated in each set interest region. - 特許庁
To obtain a tablet dissolving in the oral cavity capable of raising effectiveness of vitamin C and vitamin E or a calcium ingredient effective in prophylaxis of periodontal diseases and solving the formation of cracking, breakage, etc., and providing an excellent feeling of use. - 特許庁
A tire cavity side rubber layer 11 including the inner liner 10 forming a tire cavity surface is formed by a plurality of vertical ply pieces 21 comprising a wide main vertical ply piece 21A in which a reference rubber ply 20 of width W0 is divided by a vertical division surface Js and one or more of sub-vertical ply piece 21B of narrow width. - 特許庁
The microscope specimen chamber comprises a case 11, a cavity chamber 12 arranged in the case 11, an isolation plate 14 to divide the inside of the case 11, a vapor chamber 16 formed at the outside of the cavity chamber 12, and a cushion chamber 18 formed at the outside of the vapor chamber16. - 特許庁
The oral hygienic article composition for suppressing oral odor is obtained by formulating one or more kinds of undecylenoic acid esters at a ratio of 0.001-5.0%. - 特許庁
Then, by comparing the calculated rate of the lumen cross- sectional area is compared with an evaluation reference value, the myocardiac function is evaluated and the result of evaluation is outputted onto a screen. - 特許庁
The solid-solution alloy comprises a combination of elements in specific ratios which improve its fatigue resistance while retaining the characteristics required for intraluminal scaffolds. - 特許庁
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