





該当件数 : 20



All destinations have been experiencing considerable growth rates in recent years as is evident in the overseas transshipment rates by destination146 (see Figure 2-4-62). - 経済産業省


Viewing these trends by region, while the market entry of Japanese companies in the North American and European regions remains constant, their overseas business activities are expanding mainly in the East Asian region (Fig. 2.2.1). - 経済産業省


Next, looking at the industrial composition of the overseas subsidiaries by area, Column Fig. 2-2-2(2) shows that when the direct investment is in Asia a high percentage of the overseas subsidiaries of SMEs are in the manufacturing industry.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


If, on the other hand, such separation between the four options for overseas location and the one for domestic location is unnecessary, analysis that applies the 1-stage model where oneregion is chosen among a total of five regions for domestic and overseas location (Japan, East Asia,North America, EU or others) is deemed effective. - 経済産業省


In addition, investments in listed stocks by nonresidential investors of the Tokyo Stock Exchange show that the trading volume of the European region has increased in terms of both buying and selling. If large-scale capital inflow from the U.K. is taken into account, it is believed that trading by British investors accounts for a significant share (see Column Figure 3-2). - 経済産業省


Discovering an enterprise's unique strength and working to achieve differentiation is one way for SMEs that are located some distance from major consumption areas and are comparatively small in scale to survive and grow amidst competition from large enterprises and cheap products from overseas. - 経済産業省

我が国企業の海外現地法人の売上高、経常利益の地域割合の推移を見ると、2004 年時点で既に東アジアは我が国企業にとって北米に次ぐ重要な市場となっている(第2-1-6 図)。例文帳に追加

The percentages by region of sales and ordinary profit of the overseas local corporations owned by Japanese companies show that as of 2004, East Asia had already become the most important market next to North America for Japanese companies (Figure 2-1-6). - 経済産業省


Many Japanese companies that are considering an overseas expansion wish to strengthen their sales functions, more so than their production functions, in all of the countries of East Asia (Figure 2-2-33). - 経済産業省

我が国企業の海外現地法人の地域収支状況を見ると、アジア経済の好調等を背景として2004 年度時点にアジアでは2 兆 2,040 億円と最大の利益を生んでおり、売上高純利益率も4.3%と最も高く、アジア現地法人が我が国企業の海外活動における主要な収益源であることが分かる(第4-1-15図)。例文帳に追加

Looking at the balance of payments of overseas subsidiaries of Japanese companies by region, in FY2004 Asia generated the largest profits (¥2,204 billion), with the highest net income/net sales (4.3%) due to factors like the economic boom in Asia. It is clear that Asian subsidiaries are the main source of earnings in overseas activities of Japanese companies (Figure 4-1-15). - 経済産業省


On the other hand, taking a look by region at the number of Japanese students studying abroad at foreign universities (approximately 80,000 people in 2002), shows that although Europe and North America still account for almost 70% of the Japanese students' destinations, the number of students heading to China and Korea in the East Asian region is increasing as well. - 経済産業省

また、「海外事業活動基本調査」(2009)によると、我が国の在外現地法人(全産業)の地域の売上高営業利益率の推移を見ると、米国やEU に比べ、中国やBRICs がこれを超過する傾向にあり(但し、09 年は除く)、特にBRICs の同利益率については一貫して8%以上の高い水準で推移している。例文帳に追加

In addition, according to the “Survey on Overseas Business Activities” (2009), the operating profit on sales of Japanese overseas corporations (all industries) was higher in China and BRICs (except in 2009) than in the U.S and the EU, and especially in BRICs it has been constantly high at more than 8%. - 経済産業省


While a pause can be seen in the overseas production ratio in Europe and North America, the overseas production ratio in the machinery-related manufacturing industry, in particular, has increased steadily, due to the advancement of transfer of production functions to Asia, which is showing sustained high economic growth. - 経済産業省

3つ目に、国・地域海外現地法人数をみると、製造業、非製造業共に中国、北米、欧州で全体の約 6割を占めるが、2004 年度から2010年度にかけて、中国のシェアが、製造業では 28.6%から 36.6%に、非製造業では 18.5%から 24.4%にそれぞれ拡大しており、欧米のシェアは漸減している。例文帳に追加

Third, in terms of the number of overseas subsidiaries by country/region, that of both manufacturers and non-manufacturers account for around 60% of the total in China, North America, and Europe. China's share increased from 28.6% to 36.6% for manufacturers and 18.5% to 24.4% for non-manufacturers during FY2004 and FY2010, with the share of Europe and the U.S. decreased gradually - 経済産業省


The number of overseas affiliated companies established by Japanese-owned companies in North America and Europe has remained almost unchanged, but the number of overseas affiliated companies in Asia has increased from approximately 6,000 in 1997 to approximately 10,000 in 2006, which is an increase of more than 1.5 times in the ten years (Figure 2-1-3-2). - 経済産業省


Taking the total assets, sales and revenues of US overseas subsidiaries by region, despite still lagging behind other regions in absolute amounts, a tendency for activation of corporate activities in China and for rapid growth in total assets, sales and revenues has been witnessed in recent years (if 1994 is taken as100, in 2000 total assets, sales and revenues sharply rose to 552, 805 and 733, respectively) (Fig.2.2.12). - 経済産業省


Through an examination of the numbers of large enterprises' and SMEs' locally incorporated companies by region in 1995 and 2005, it is clear that the relative weight in the overseas expansion of both large enterprises and SMEs shifted from North America and Europe to Asia, especially China. However, compared to large enterprises, SMEs have developed less business in North America and Europe and relatively more in China and other parts of Asia - 経済産業省


no money to move the factory to areas free from flood risk. Companies that chose to move out of Thailand said that they would do so with an aim for risk diversification since they have other production base(s) in Thailand. This survey did not identify any corporation that made a decision to take a risk of abandoning the conventional supply chain by completely withdrawing from Thailand after the floods [the survey of the earlier-mentioned Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok (2012) also shows a similar result]. - 経済産業省


2 普通保険の保険関係であって、地域産業集積関連保証に係るものについての中小企業信用保険法第三条第二項及び第五条の規定の適用については、同法第三条第二項中「百分の七十」とあり、及び同法第五条中「百分の七十(無担保保険、特小口保険、流動資産担保保険、公害防止保険、エネルギー対策保険、海外投資関係保険、新事業開拓保険、事業再生保険及び特定社債保険にあつては、百分の八十)」とあるのは、「百分の八十」とする。例文帳に追加

(2) With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (2) and Article 5 of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Credit Insurance Act to insurance relationships of general insurance that pertain to a guarantee related to regional industrial clusters, the term "70 percent" in Article 3, paragraph (2) of the same Act and the term "70 percent (80 percent in the case of unsecured insurance, special petty insurance, current assets insurance, pollution prevention insurance, energy conservation insurance, overseas investment-related insurance, new business development insurance, business reconstruction insurance, and specific corporate bond insurance)" in Article 5 of the same Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "80 percent."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム






Overseas local distinction








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